19.1. Visão Geral do Layout de Impressão

O layout de impressão fornece recursos de layout e impressão crescentes. Ele permite que você adicione elementos como a tela do mapa QGIS, rótulos de texto, imagens, legendas, barras de escala, formas básicas, setas, tabelas de atributos e quadros HTML. Você pode dimensionar, agrupar, alinhar, posicionar e girar cada elemento e ajustar suas propriedades para criar seu layout. O layout pode ser impresso ou exportado para formatos de imagem, PostScript, PDF ou SVG. Você pode salvar o layout como um modelo e carregá-lo novamente em outra sessão. Finalmente, a geração de vários mapas com base em um modelo pode ser feita por meio do gerador de atlas.

19.1.1. Sessão de Amostra para iniciantes

Before you start to work with the print layout, you need to load some raster or vector layers in the QGIS map canvas and adapt their properties to suit your own convenience. After everything is rendered and symbolized to your liking, click the novoLayout New Print Layout icon in the toolbar or choose File ► New Print Layout. You will be prompted to choose a title for the new layout.

Para demonstrar como criar um mapa, siga as próximas instruções.

  1. On the left side, select the adicionarMapa Add map toolbar button and draw a rectangle on the canvas holding down the left mouse button. Inside the drawn rectangle the QGIS map view to the canvas.

  2. Select the scaleBar Add scalebar toolbar button and click with the left mouse button on the print layout canvas. A scalebar will be added to the canvas.

  3. Select the adicionarLegenda Add legend toolbar button and draw a rectangle on the canvas holding down the left mouse button. Inside the drawn rectangle the legend will be drawn.

  4. Select the selecionar Select/Move item icon to select the map on the canvas and move it a bit.

  5. Enquanto o item mapa ainda está selecionado, você também pode alterar o tamanho do item mapa. Clique enquanto mantém pressionado o botão esquerdo do mouse em um pequeno retângulo branco em um dos cantos do item mapa e arraste-o para um novo local para alterar seu tamanho.

  6. Click the Item Properties panel on the left down side and find the setting for the orientation. Change the value of the setting Map orientation to ‘15.00° ‘. You should see the orientation of the map item change.

  7. Now, you can print or export your print layout to image formats, PDF or to SVG with the export tools in Layout menu.

  8. Finally, you can save your print layout within the project file with the salvarArquivo Save Project button.

You can add multiple elements to the print layout. It is also possible to have more than one map view or legend or scale bar in the print layout canvas, on one or several pages. Each element has its own properties and, in the case of the map, its own extent. If you want to remove any elements from the layout canvas you can do that with the Delete or the Backspace key.

19.1.2. The Layout Manager

The Layout Manager is the main window to manage print layouts in the project. It gives you an overview of existing print layouts and reports in the project and offers tools to:

  • procurar por um layout;

  • add new print layout or new report from scratch, template or duplicating an existing one;

  • renomear ou excluir qualquer um deles;

  • abri-los no projeto.

To open the layout manager dialog:

  • from the main QGIS dialog, select Project ► Layout Manager… menu or click on the layoutManager Layout Manager button in the Project Toolbar;

  • from a print layout or report dialog, select Layout ► Layout Manager… menu or click on the layoutManager Layout Manager button in the Layout Toolbar.


Fig. 19.1 The Print Layout Manager

The layout manager lists in its upper part all the available print layouts or reports in the project with tools to:

  • show the selection: you can select multiple reports and/or print layout(s) and open them in one-click. Double-click a name also opens it;

  • duplicate the selected print layout or report (available only if one item is selected): it creates a new dialog using the selected one as template. You’ll be prompted to choose a new title for the new layout;

  • rename the report or layout (available only if one item is selected): you’ll be prompted to choose a new title for the layout;

  • remove the layout: the selected print layout(s) will be deleted from the project.

In the lower part, it’s possible to create new print layouts or reports from scratch or a template. By default, QGIS will look for templates in the user profile and the application template directories (accessible with the two buttons at the bottom of the frame) but also in any folder declared as Path(s) to search for extra print templates in Settings ► Options ► Layouts. Found templates are listed in the combobox. Select an item and press the Create button to generate a new report or print layout.

You can also use layout templates from a custom folder; in that case, select specific in the templates drop-down list, browse to the template and press Create.


Creating template-based print layouts from Browser panel

Drag-and-drop a print layout template .qpt file from any file browser onto the map canvas or double-click it in the Browser panel generates a new print layout from the template.