9. Configuração QGIS

O QGIS é altamente configurável. Através do menu Configurações, fornece ferramentas diferentes para:

9.1. Opções

opções Some basic options for QGIS can be selected using the Options dialog. Select the menu option Settings ► opções Options. You can modify the options according to your needs. Some of the changes may require a restart of QGIS before they will be effective.

As abas onde você pode personalizar suas opções estão descritas abaixo.


Plugins can embed their settings within the Options dialog

While only Core settings are presented below, note that this list can be extended by installed plugins implementing their own options into the standard Options dialog. This avoids each plugin having their own config dialog with extra menu items just for them…

9.1.1. Configurações Gerais


Fig. 9.1 Configurações Gerais no QGIS

Override System Locale

By default, QGIS relies on your Operating System configuration to set language and manipulate numerical values. Enabling this group allows you to customize the behavior.

  • Select from User interface translation the language to apply to the GUI

  • Select in Locale (number, date and currency formats) the system on which date and numeric values should be input and rendered

  • caixa de seleção Mostrar separador de grupo (mil)

A summary of the selected settings and how they would be interpreted is displayed at the bottom of the frame.


  • Select the Style (QGIS restart required) ie, the widgets look and placement in dialogs. Possible values depend on your Operating System.

  • Define the UI theme (QGIS restart required) selecionarTexto. It can be ‘default’, ‘Night Mapping’, or ‘Blend of Gray’

  • Define the Icon size selecionarTexto

  • Define the Font and its Size. The font can be radioButtonOn Qt default or a user-defined one

  • Change the Timeout for timed messages or dialogs

  • desmarcado Hide splash screen at startup

  • caixa de seleção Show QGIS news feed on welcome page: displays a curated QGIS news feed on the welcome page, giving you a direct way to be aware of project news (user/developer meetings date and summary, community surveys, releases announcements, various tips…)

  • caixa de seleção Check QGIS version at startup to keep you informed if a newer version is released

  • desmarcado Use native color chooser dialogs (see Seletor de Cor)

  • desmarcado Modeless data source manager dialog to keep the data source manager dialog opened and allow interaction with QGIS interface while adding layers to project

Arquivos de projeto

  • Abrir Projeto ao iniciar

    • ‘Welcome Page’ (default): can display the “News” feed, the project template(s) and the most recent projects (with thumbnails) of the user profile. No project is opened by default.

    • ‘Novo’: abre um novo projeto, com base no modelo padrão

    • ‘Mais recente’: reabre o último projeto salvo

    • and ‘Specific’: opens a particular project. Use the button to define the project to use by default.

  • caixa de seleção Criar um novo projeto como projeto padrão. Tem a possibilidade de carregar em Usar projeto atual com padrão ou em Resetar padrão. Pode navegar através dos seus arquivos e definir um diretório onde encontra os modelos de projeto definidos pelo usuário. Isto será adicionado a Projeto ► Novo do modelo. Primeiro ative caixa de seleção Criar novo projeto como projeto padrão e a seguir salve o projeto dentro da pasta de modelos de projeto.

  • caixa de seleção Prompt to save project and data source changes when required to avoid losing changes you made.

  • caixa de seleção Solicitar confirmação quando uma camada for ser removida

  • caixa de seleção Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS. You can always open projects created with older version of QGIS but once the project is saved, trying to open with older release may fail because of features not available in that version.

  • Enable macros selecionarTexto. This option was created to handle macros that are written to perform an action on project events. You can choose between ‘Never’, ‘Ask’, ‘For this session only’ and ‘Always (not recommended)’.

  • Default paths: defines whether paths to files and layers used in new projects are stored as ‘Absolute’ or ‘Relative’ to the project file. This setting can be overwritten at the project level.

  • :guilabel:`Formato de arquivo de projeto padrão’.

    • radioButtonOn QGZ Archive file format, embeds auxiliary data (see auxiliary data)

    • radioButtonOff QGS Project saved in a clear text, does not embed auxiliary data: the auxiliary data is stored in a separate .qgd file along with the project file.

9.1.2. Configurações de sistema

SVG paths

Add or Remove Path(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbols. These SVG files are then available to symbolize or label the features or decorate your map composition.

Also read Seletor de arquivos remoto ou incorporado for different ways to refer to svg files in a QGIS path.

Diretórios dos complementos

Adicionar ou remover :guilabel:`Caminho(s) para procurar por bibliotecas de plugins C++ adicionais’.

Caminhos da documentação

Add or Remove Documentation Path(s) to use for QGIS help. By default, a link to the official online User Manual corresponding to the version being used is added. You can however add other links and prioritize them from top to bottom: each time you click on a Help button in a dialog, the topmost link is checked and if no corresponding page is found, the next one is tried, and so on.


Documentation is versioned and translated only for QGIS Long Term Releases (LTR), meaning that if you are running a regular release (eg, QGIS 3.0), the help button will by default open the next LTR manual page (ie. 3.4 LTR), which may contain description of features in newer releases (3.2 and 3.4). If no LTR documentation is available then the testing doc, with features from newer and development versions, is used.


It helps you Reset user interface to default settings (restart required) if you made any customization.



Fig. 9.2 System environment variables in QGIS

System environment variables can be viewed, and many configured, in the Environment group. This is useful for platforms, such as Mac, where a GUI application does not necessarily inherit the user’s shell environment. It’s also useful for setting and viewing environment variables for the external tool sets controlled by the Processing toolbox (e.g., SAGA, GRASS), and for turning on debugging output for specific sections of the source code.

caixa de seleção Use custom variables (restart required - include separators). You can Add and Remove variables. Already defined environment variables are displayed in Current environment variables, and it’s possible to filter them by activating caixa de seleção Show only QGIS-specific variables.

9.1.3. Configurações SRC


For more information on how QGIS handles layer projection, please read the dedicated section at Trabalhando com Projeções.


Fig. 9.3 Configurações do SRC no QGIS

CRS for projects

Existe uma opção para definir automaticamente o SRC do novo projeto:

  • radioButtonOnUse CRS from first layer added: the CRS of the project will be set to the CRS of the first layer loaded into it

  • radioButtonOffUse a default CRS: a preselected CRS is applied by default to any new project and is left unchanged when adding layers to the project.

The choice will be saved for use in subsequent QGIS sessions. The Coordinate Reference System of the project can still be overridden from the Project ► Properties… ► CRS tab.

SRC para camadas

Default CRS for layers: select a default CRS to use when you create a layer

You can also define the action to take when a new layer is created, or when a layer without a CRS is loaded.

  • radioButtonOn Leave as unknown CRS (take no action)

  • radioButtonOff Prompt for CRS

  • radioButtonOff Usar SRC do projeto

  • radioButtonOff Use a default CRS

Avisos de precisão

Only show warnings for CRS inaccuracies which exceed a given distance: occurs when you are explicitly creating or modifying a dataset and select a CRS based on a datum ensemble with lower accuracy. The default is to Always show the warning if any inaccuracy. Requires a QGIS version using at least PROJ 8.0.

desmarcado Show warning for CRS inaccuracies for layers in project legend: If checked, any layer with a CRS with accuracy issues (i.e. a dynamic crs with no coordinate epoch available, or a CRS based on a datum ensemble with inherent inaccuracy exceeding the user-set limit) will have the indicatorLowAccuracy warning icon in the Layers panel reflecting that it is a low-accuracy layer.

This is designed for use in engineering, BIM, asset management, and other fields where inaccuracies of meter/submeter level are potentially very dangerous or expensive!

desmarcado Planimetric measurements: sets the default for the “planimetric measurements” property for newly created projects.

9.1.4. Configurações de transformações

The transformação Transformations tab helps you set coordinate transformations and operations to apply when loading a layer to a project or reprojecting a layer.


Fig. 9.4 Configurações de transformações

Transformação de datum padrão

Neste grupo, você pode controlar se a reprojeção de camadas para outro SRC deve ser:

  • processado automaticamente usando as configurações de transformações padrão do QGIS;

  • and/or more controlled by you with custom preferences such as:

    • caixa de seleção Ask for datum transformation if several are available

    • a predefined list of datum transformations to apply by default. See Transformações de Datum for more details.

9.1.5. Data Sources Settings


Fig. 9.5 Data Sources Settings in QGIS

Atributos dos elementos e tabela

  • caixa de seleção Open new attribute tables as docked windows

  • Copy features as ‘Plain text, no geometry’, ‘Plain text, WKT geometry’, or ‘GeoJSON’ when pasting features in other applications.

  • Attribute table behavior selecionarTexto: set filter on the attribute table at the opening. There are three possibilities: ‘Show all features’, ‘Show selected features’ and ‘Show features visible on map’.

  • Default view: define the view mode of the attribute table at every opening. It can be ‘Remember last view’, ‘Table view’ or ‘Form view’.

  • Attribute table row cache selecionarNúmero. This row cache makes it possible to save the last loaded N attribute rows so that working with the attribute table will be quicker. The cache will be deleted when closing the attribute table.

  • Representação para valores NULL. Aqui, pode definir um valor para os campos de dados que contêm valores NULL.


Improve opening of big data attribute table

When working with layers with big amount of records, opening the attribute table may be slow as the dialog request all the rows in the layer. Setting the Attribute table behavior to Show features visible on map will make QGIS request only the features in the current map canvas when opening the table, allowing a quick data loading.

Note that data in this attribute table instance will be always tied to the canvas extent it was opened with, meaning that selecting Show All Features within such a table will not display new features. You can however update the set of displayed features by changing the canvas extent and selecting Show Features Visible On Map option in the attribute table.

Manipulação das fontes de dados

  • Scan for valid items in the browser dock selecionarTexto. You can choose between ‘Check extension’ and ‘Check file contents’.

  • Scan for contents of compressed files (.zip) in browser dock selecionarTexto defines how detailed is the widget information at the bottom of the Browser panel when querying such files. ‘No’, ‘Basic scan’ and ‘Full scan’ are possible options.

  • Solicitar subcamadas raster ao abrir. Alguns rasters suportam subcamadas — elas são chamadas de subdatasets no GDAL. Um exemplo são os arquivos netCDF — se há muitas variáveis ​​netCDF, GDAL verá cada variável como um subdataset. A opção permite que você controle como lidar com subcamadas quando um arquivo é aberto com subcamadas. Você tem as seguintes opções:

    • ‘Sempre’: Perguntar sempre (se existem subcamadas)

    • ‘Se necessário’: Perguntar se a camada não tem bandas, mas tem subcamadas

    • ‘Nunca’: Nunca pede, não irá carregar nada

    • ‘Carregar tudo’: Nunca pede, mas carrega todas as subcamadas

  • caixa de seleção Automatically refresh directories in browser dock when their contents change: Allows you to manually opt-out of monitoring directories in the Browser panel by default (eg, to avoid potential slow down due to network latency).

Caminhos de dados localizados

It is possible to use localized paths for any kind of file based data source. They are a list of paths which are used to abstract the data source location. For instance, if C:\my_maps is listed in the localized paths, a layer having C:\my_maps\my_country\ortho.tif as data source will be saved in the project using localized:my_country\ortho.tif.

The paths are listed by order of preference, in other words QGIS will first look for the file in the first path, then in the second one, etc.

Hidden browser paths

This widget lists all the folders you chose to hide from the Browser panel. Removing a folder from the list will make it available in the Browser panel.

9.1.6. Rendering Settings


Fig. 9.6 Rendering tab of Project Properties dialog

Rendering behavior

  • caixa de seleção By default new layers added to the map should be displayed: unchecking this option can be handy when loading multiple layers to avoid each new layer being rendered in the canvas and slow down the process

  • caixa de seleção Use tornar cache sempre que possível para acelerar redesenhos

  • caixa de seleção Representação de camadas em paralelo utilizando muitos núcleos CPU

  • caixa de seleção Máximo de núcleos para utilizar

  • Intervalo de atualização do mapa (por padrão 250 ms)

  • caixa de seleção Enable feature simplification by default for newly added layers

  • Simplificação de limiar

  • Simplification algorithm: This option performs a local “on-the-fly” simplification on feature’s and speeds up geometry rendering. It doesn’t change the geometry fetched from the data providers. This is important when you have expressions that use the feature geometry (e.g. calculation of area) - it ensures that these calculations are done on the original geometry, not on the simplified one. For this purpose, QGIS provides three algorithms: ‘Distance’ (default), ‘SnapToGrid’ and ‘Visvalingam’.

  • desmarcado Simplify on provider side if possible: the geometries are simplified by the provider (PostGIS, Oracle…) and unlike the local-side simplification, geometry-based calculations may be affected

  • Escala máxima a que a camada deve simplificar

  • doubleSpinBox Magnification level (see the magnifier)


Besides the global setting, feature simplification can be set for any specific layer from its Layer properties ► Rendering menu.

Qualidade de renderização

  • caixa de seleção Faz com que as linhas apareçam menos irregulares, em detrimento de algum desempenho do desenho

Curve segmentation

  • Segmentation tolerance: this setting controls the way circular arcs are rendered. The smaller maximum angle (between the two consecutive vertices and the curve center, in degrees) or maximum difference (distance between the segment of the two vertices and the curve line, in map units), the more straight line segments will be used during rendering.

  • Tolerance type: it can be Maximum angle or Maximum difference between approximation and curve.


  • Com a Seleção de banda RGB pode definir o número para a banda Vermelha, Verde e Azul.

  • The Zoomed in resampling and the Zoomed out resampling methods can be defined. For Zoomed in resampling you can choose between three resampling methods: ‘Nearest Neighbour’, ‘Bilinear’ and ‘Cubic’. For Zoomed out resampling you can choose between ‘Nearest Neighbour’ and ‘Average’. You can also set the Oversampling value (between 0.0 and 99.99 - a large value means more work for QGIS - the default value is 2.0).

Melhora de contraste

As opções de melhoria de contraste podem ser aplicadas a Única faixa cinza, Banda Multicores (byte/banda) ou Banda Multicores (>byte/band). Para cada um, você pode definir:

  • the Algorithm to use, whose values can be ‘No stretch’, ‘Stretch to MinMax’, ‘Stretch and Clip to MinMax’ or ‘Clip to MinMax’

  • the Limits (minimum/maximum) to apply, with values such as ‘Cumulative pixel count cut’, ‘Minimum/Maximum’, ‘Mean +/- standard deviation’.

Para renderização de rasters, você também pode definir as seguintes opções:

  • Limites de contagem cumulativa de pixeis de corte

  • Multiplicador do desvio-padrão

Corrigindo Erros

  • caixa de seleção Map canvas refresh to debug rendering duration in the Log Messages panel.

9.1.7. Canvas and Legend Settings


Fig. 9.7 Canvas and Legend Settings

Essas propriedades permitem que você defina:

  • the Default map appearance (overridden by project properties): the Selection color and Background color.

  • Layer legend interaction:

    • Double click action in legend selecionarTexto. You can either ‘Open layer properties’, ‘Open attribute table’ or ‘Open layer styling dock’ with the double click.

    • caixa de seleção Display classification attribute names in the Layers panel, e.g. when applying a categorized or rule-based renderer (see Propriedades da simbologia for more information).

    • the WMS getLegendGraphic Resolution

    • Minimum and Maximum legend symbol size to control symbol size display in the Layers panel

  • the Delay in milliseconds of layers map tips display

  • Whether QGIS should caixa de seleção Respect screen DPI: If enabled, QGIS will attempt to display the canvas with physically accurate scale on screen, depending on the monitor’s physical DPI. Symbology with specified display size will also be rendered accurately, e.g. a 10mm symbol will show as 10mm on screen. However, label font sizes on canvas may differ from those in QGIS’ UI or other applications. If this setting is turned off, QGIS will use the operating system’s logical DPI, which will be consistent with other applications on the system. However, canvas scale and symbology size may be physically inaccurate on screen. In particular, on high-dpi screens, symbology is likely to appear too small.

    For best experience, it is recommended to enable caixa de seleção Respect screen DPI, especially when using multiple or different monitors and preparing visually high-quality maps. Disabling caixa de seleção Respect screen DPI will generate output that may be more suitable for mapping intended for on-screen use only, especially where font sizes should match other applications.


Rendering in layouts is not affected by the Respect screen DPI setting; it always respects the specified DPI for the target output device. Also note that this setting uses the physical screen DPI as reported by the operating system, which may not be accurate for all displays.

9.1.8. Map tools Settings


Fig. 9.8 Map tools Settings in QGIS

This tab offers some options regarding the behavior of the Identify tool.

  • Search radius for identifying features and displaying map tips is a tolerance distance within which the identify tool will depict results as long as you click within this tolerance.

  • Highlight color allows you to choose with which color features being identified should be highlighted.

  • Buffer determines a buffer distance to be rendered from the outline of the identify highlight.

  • Minimum width determines how thick should the outline of a highlighted object be.

Ferramenta de medida

  • Define Cor do elástico para as ferramentas de medida

  • Define Casas decimais

  • caixa de seleção Keep base unit to not automatically convert large numbers (e.g., meters to kilometers)

  • Preferred distance units: options are ‘Meters’, ‘Kilometers’, ‘Feet’, ‘Yards’, ‘Miles’, ‘Nautical Miles’, ‘Centimeters’, ‘Millimeters’, ‘Degrees’ or ‘Map Units’

  • Preferred area units: options are ‘Square meters’, ‘Square kilometers’, ‘Square feet’, ‘Square yards’, ‘Square miles’, ‘Hectares’, ‘Acres’, ‘Square nautical miles’, ‘Square centimeters’, ‘Square millimeters’, ‘Square degrees’ or ‘Map Units’

  • Preferred angle units: options are ‘Degrees’, ‘Radians’, ‘Gon/gradians’, ‘Minutes of arc’, ‘Seconds of arc’, ‘Turns/revolutions’, milliradians (SI definition) or mil (NATO/military definition)

Coordinate and Bearing Display

  • Define Default bearing format for new projects: used to display the mouse coordinate in the status bar when panning the map canvas. It can be overridden in the project properties dialog.

Movendo e ampliando

  • Define a Zoom factor for zoom tools or wheel mouse

Escalas pré-definidas

Here, you find a list of predefined scales to display in the status bar Scale drop-down widget, for quick zoom. With the adicionarSimbologia and removerSimbologia buttons you can add or remove your personal scales. You can also import or export scales from/to a .XML file. Note that you still have the possibility to remove your changes and reset to the predefined list.

9.1.9. Configurações 3D


Fig. 9.9 Configurações 3D

The 3d 3D menu helps you configure some default settings to use for any 3D Map view. These can refer to Default Camera Settings:

  • Projection type: allowing to view the 3D scene in a:

    • Perspective projection (default): Parallel lines appear to meet in the distance. Objects appear to shrink the farther they are from the camera.

    • or an Orthogonal projection: Parallel lines appear parallel. Objects appear the same size regardless of distance.

  • Camera’s Field of view: only relevant in perspective projection, specifies the current vertical field of view in degrees and determines how much of the scene is visible to the camera. Default value is 45°.

  • Navigation mode: provides different means to interact with the 3D scene. Available modes are:

    • Terrain based: the camera follows around a fixed position on the surface of the terrain as the scene is navigated.

    • Walk mode (first person)

    Depending on the selected mode, navigation commands differ.

  • Movement speed

  • Invert vertical axis: Controls whether vertical axis movements should be inverted from their normal behaviour. Only affects movement in the Walk mode. It can be set to:

    • Never

    • Only when dragging: causes the vertical motion to inverted only when performing a click-and-drag camera rotation

    • and Always: causes the motions to be inverted when both click-and-dragging and when the camera movement is locked to the cursor (via a ~ key press)

9.1.10. Configurações de Cores


Fig. 9.10 Configurações de Cores

This menu allows you to create or update palettes of colors used throughout the application in the color selector widget. You can choose from:

  • Recent colors showing recently used colors

  • Standard colors, the default palette of colors

  • Project colors, a set of colors specific to the current project (see Propriedades de Estilos Padrão for more details)

  • New layer colors, a set of colors to use by default when new layers are added to QGIS

  • or custom palette(s) you can create or import using the button next to the palette combobox.

By default, Recent colors, Standard colors and Project colors palettes can not be removed and are set to appear in the color button drop-down. Custom palettes can also be added to this widget thanks to the Show in Color Buttons option.

For any of the palettes, you can manage the list of colors using the set of tools next to the frame, ie:

  • adicionarSimbologia Add or removerSimbologia Remove color

  • editarCopiar Copy or editarColar Paste color

  • abrirArquivo Import or salvarArquivo Export the set of colors from/to .gpl file.

Double-click a color in the list to tweak or replace it in the Color Selector dialog. You can also rename it by double-clicking in the Label column.

9.1.11. Digitizing Settings


Fig. 9.11 Digitizing Settings in QGIS

This tab helps you configure general settings when editing vector layer (attributes and geometry).

Criação de elementos

  • caixa de seleção Suppress attribute form pop-up after feature creation: this choice can be overridden in each layer properties dialog.

  • caixa de seleção Reuse last entered attribute values: remember the last used value of every attribute and use it as default for the next feature being digitized. Works per layer. This behavior can also be controled on a per-field basis (see Configure o comportamento do campo).

  • Validate geometries. Editing complex lines and polygons with many nodes can result in very slow rendering. This is because the default validation procedures in QGIS can take a lot of time. To speed up rendering, it is possible to select GEOS geometry validation (starting from GEOS 3.3) or to switch it off. GEOS geometry validation is much faster, but the disadvantage is that only the first geometry problem will be reported.

    Note that depending on the selection, reports of geometry errors may differ (see Tipos de mensagens de erro e seus significados)

  • Default Z value to use when creating new 3D features.


  • Define Rubberband Line width, Line color and Fill color.

  • Don’t update rubberband during vertex editing.


  • caixa de seleção Enable snapping by default activates snapping when a project is opened

  • Define Default snap mode selecionarTexto (‘Vertex’, ‘Segment’, ‘Centroid’, ‘Middle of segments’, Line endpoints’, ‘Area’)

  • Define Tolerância de atração pré-definida em unidades de mapa ou pixeis

  • Define o Raio de pesquisa para editar vértices em unidades de mapa ou pixeis

  • Display main dialog as (restart required): set whether the Advanced Snapping dialog should be shown as ‘Dialog’ or ‘Dock’.

  • Snapping marker color

  • caixa de seleção Show snapping tooltips such as name of the layer whose feature you are about to snap. Helpful when multiple features overlap.

  • caixa de seleção Enable snapping on invisible features (not shown on the map canvas)

Marcadores de Vértices

  • caixa de seleção Mostrar marcadores apenas para elementos selecionados

  • Define vertex Marker style selecionarTexto (‘Cross’ (default), ‘Semi transparent circle’ or ‘None’)

  • Define vertex Marker size (in millimeter)

Ferramenta de curva de afastamento

The next 3 options refer to the offsetCurve Offset Curve tool in Digitalização Avançada. Through the various settings, it is possible to influence the shape of the line offset. These options are possible starting from GEOS 3.3.

  • Join style: ‘Round’, ‘Mitre’ or ‘Bevel’

  • Quadrante do Segmento

  • Limite quadrante


By activating the caixa de seleção Convert tracing to curve you can create curve segments while digitizing. Keep in mind that your data provider must support this feature.

9.1.12. Configurações de Layout


Fig. 9.12 Configurações de Layouts no QGIS

Composição padrão

You can define the Default font used within the print layout.

Aparência do Gride

  • Define the Grid style selecionarTexto (‘Solid’, ‘Dots’, ‘Crosses’)

  • Define a Cor da grade

Configurações de guia e grade

  • Define the Grid spacing selecionarNúmero

  • Define the Grid offset selecionarNúmero for X and Y

  • Define the Snap tolerance selecionarNúmero

Layout Paths

  • Define Path(s) to search for extra print templates: a list of folders with custom layout templates to use while creating new one.

9.1.13. GDAL Settings

GDAL is a data exchange library for geospatial data that supports a large number of vector and raster formats. It provides drivers to read and (often) write data in these formats. The GDAL tab exposes the drivers for raster and vector formats with their capabilities. GDAL raster and vector drivers

The Raster Drivers and Vector Drivers tabs allow you to define which GDAL driver is enabled to read and/or write files, as in some cases more than one GDAL driver is available.


Fig. 9.13 GDAL Settings in QGIS - Raster drivers


Double-click a raster driver that allows read and write access (rw+(v)) opens the Edit Create options dialog for customization. Raster driver options

This frame provides ways to customize the behavior of raster drivers that support read and write access:

  • Edit create options: allows you to edit or add different profiles of file transformation, i.e. a set of predefined combinations of parameters (type and level of compression, blocks size, overview, colorimetry, alpha…) to use when outputting raster files. The parameters depend on the driver.


    Fig. 9.14 Sample of create options profile (for GeoTiff)

    The upper part of the dialog lists the current profile(s) and allows you to add new ones or remove any of them. You can also reset the profile to its default parameters if you have changed them. Some drivers (eg, GeoTiff) have some sample of profiles you can work with.

    At the bottom of the dialog:

    • The adicionarSimbologia button lets you add rows to fill with the parameter name and value

    • The removerSimbologia button deletes the selected parameter

    • Click the Validate button to check that the creation options entered for the given format are valid

    • Use the Help button to find the parameters to use, or refer to the GDAL raster drivers documentation.

  • Edit Pyramids Options


    Fig. 9.15 Sample of Pyramids profile

9.1.14. Configurações de Variáveis

The Variables tab lists all the variables available at the global-level.

It also allows the user to manage global-level variables. Click the adicionarSimbologia button to add a new custom global-level variable. Likewise, select a custom global-level variable from the list and click the removerSimbologia button to remove it.

More information about variables in the Armazenando valores em Variáveis section.


Fig. 9.16 Configurações de Variáveis no QGIS

9.1.15. Configurações de Autenticação

In the Authentication tab you can set authentication configurations and manage PKI certificates. See Sistema de Autenticação for more details.


Fig. 9.17 Configurações de Autenticação no QGIS

9.1.16. Network Settings


  • Define Tempo esgotado para pedidos de rede (ms) - o padrão é 60000

  • Define Default expiration period for WMS Capabilities (hours) - default is 24

  • Define Default expiration period for WMS-C/WMTS tiles (hours) - default is 24

  • Define Max retry in case of tile or feature request errors

  • Define Usuário-Agente


Fig. 9.18 Proxy-settings in QGIS

Configurações de cache

Defines the Directory and a Size for the cache. Also offers tools to automatically clear the connection authentication cache on SSL errors (recommended).

Proxy para acesso à internet

  • caixa de seleção Use proxy for web access

  • Set the Proxy type selecionarTexto according to your needs and define ‘Host’ and ‘Port’. Available proxy types are:

    • Default Proxy: Proxy is determined based on system’s proxy

    • Socks5Proxy: Proxy genérico para qualquer tipo de ligação. Suporta TCP, UDP, unindo a uma porta (ligações de entrada) e autenticação.

    • HttpProxy: Implementado usando o comando “LIGAR” , apenas suporta ligações TCP de saída; suporta autenticação.

    • HttpCachingProxy: Implementado usando comandos HTTP normais, é útil apenas em pedidos no contexto do HTTP.

    • FtpCachingProxy: Implementado usando um proxy FTP, é útil no contexto de pedidos FTP.

Credentials of proxy are set using the authentication widget.

Excluding some URLs can be added to the text box below the proxy settings (see Fig. 9.18). No proxy will be used if the target url starts with one of the string listed in this text box.

If you need more detailed information about the different proxy settings, please refer to the manual of the underlying QT library documentation at https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-5.9/qnetworkproxy.html#ProxyType-enum


Usando Proxies

Using proxies can sometimes be tricky. It is useful to proceed by ‘trial and error’ with the above proxy types, to check if they succeed in your case.

9.1.17. Configurações de localização

pesquisar The Locator tab lets you configure the Locator bar, a quick search widget available on the status bar to help you perform searches in the application. It provides some default filters (with prefix) to use:


Fig. 9.19 Configurações do Localizador no QGIS

  • Project layers (l): finds and selects a layer in the Layers panel.

  • Project layouts (pl): finds and opens a print layout.

  • Ações (.): encontra e executa uma ação QGIS; ações podem ser qualquer ferramenta ou menu no QGIS, abrindo um painel…

  • Active layer features (f): searches for matching attributes in any field from the current active layer and zooms to the selected feature. Press configurações to configure the maximum number of results.

  • Features in all layers (af): searches for matching attributes in the display name of each searchable layers and zooms to the selected feature. Press configurações to configure the maximum number of results and the maximum number of results per layer.

  • Calculadora (=`): permite a avaliação de qualquer expressão QGIS e, se válida, dá uma opção para copiar o resultado para a área de transferência.

  • Spatial bookmarks (b): finds and zooms to the bookmark extent.

  • Settings (set): browses and opens project and application-wide properties dialogs.

  • Go to coordinate (go): pans the map canvas to a location defined by a comma or space separated pair of x and y coordinates or a formatted URL (e.g., OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, OpenLayer, Google Maps, …). The coordinate is expected in WGS 84 (epsg:4326) and/or map canvas CRS.

  • Nominatim geocoder (>): geocodes using the Nominatim geocoding service of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

  • Processing algorithms (a): searches and opens a Processing algorithm dialog.

  • Edit selected features (ef): gives quick access and runs a compatible modify-in-place Processing algorithm on the active layer.

Na caixa de diálogo, você pode:

  • customize the filter Prefix, i.e. the keyword to use to trigger the filter

  • set whether the filter is Enabled: the filter can be used in the searches and a shortcut is available in the locator bar menu

  • set whether the filter is Default: a search not using a filter returns results from only the default filters categories.

  • Alguns filtros fornecem uma maneira de configurar o número de resultados em uma pesquisa.

The set of default locator filters can be extended by plugins, eg for OSM nominatim searches, direct database searching, layer catalog searches, …

9.1.18. Configurações de Aceleração

OpenCL acceleration settings.


Fig. 9.20 Acceleration tab

Depending on your hardware and software, you may have to install additional libraries to enable OpenCL acceleration.

9.1.19. Configurações de Processamento

The processingAlgorithm Processing tab provides you with general settings of tools and data providers that are used in the QGIS Processing framework. More information at QGIS estrutura de processamento.


Fig. 9.21 Processing Settings tab in QGIS

9.1.20. Configurações do Console Python

The runConsole Python Console settings help you manage and control the behavior of the Python editors (interactive console, code editor, project macros, custom expressions, …). It can also be accessed using the opções Options… button from:

  • the Python console toolbar

  • the contextual menu of the Python console widget

  • and the contextual menu of the code editor.


Fig. 9.22 Python Console Settings tab

Você pode especificar:

  • desmarcado Autocompletion: Enables code completion. You can get autocompletion from the current document, the installed API files or both.

    • Autocompletion threshold: Sets the threshold for displaying the autocompletion list (in characters)

  • under Typing

    • desmarcado Automatic parentheses insertion: Enables autoclosing for parentheses

    • caixa de seleção Automatic insertion of the ‘import’ string on ‘from xxx’: Enables insertion of ‘import’ when specifying imports

  • under Run and Debug

    • desmarcado Enable Object Inspector (switching between tabs may be slow): Enable the object inspector.

    • desmarcado Auto-save script before running: Saves the script automatically when executed. This action will store a temporary file (in the temporary system directory) that will be deleted automatically after running.

For APIs you can specify:

  • caixa de seleção Using preloaded APIs file: You can choose if you would like to use the preloaded API files. If this is not checked you can add API files and you can also choose if you would like to use prepared API files (see next option).

  • desmarcado Using prepared APIs file: If checked, the chosen *.pap file will be used for code completion. To generate a prepared API file you have to load at least one *.api file and then compile it by clicking the Compile APIs… button.

Under GitHub access token, you can generate a personal token allowing you to share code snippets from within the Python code editor. More details on GitHub authentication

9.1.21. Configurações do Editor de Código

In the codeEditor Code Editor tab, you can control the appearance and behaviour of code editor widgets (Python interactive console and editor, expression widget and function editor, …).


Fig. 9.23 Code Editor Settings tab

At the top of the dialog, a widget provides a live preview of the current settings, in various coding languages (Python, QGIS expression, HTML, SQL, JavaScript). A convenient way to adjust settings.

  • Check desmarcado Override code editor font to modify the default Font family and Size.

  • Under the Colors group, you can:

    • select a Color scheme: predefined settings are Default, Solarized Dark and Solarized Light. A Custom scheme is triggered as soon as you modify a color and can be reset with selecting a predefined scheme.

    • change the color of each element in code writing, such as the colors to use for comments, quotes, functions, background, …

9.1.22. Configurações Avançadas


Fig. 9.24 Advanced Settings tab in QGIS

All the settings related to QGIS (UI, tools, data providers, Processing configurations, default values and paths, plugins options, expressions, geometry checks…) are saved in a QGIS/QGIS3.ini file under the active user profile directory. Configurations can be shared by copying this file to other installations.

From within QGIS, the Advanced tab offers a way to manage these settings through the Advanced Settings Editor. After you promise to be careful, the widget is populated with a tree of all the existing settings, and you can edit their value. Right-click over a setting or a group and you can delete it (to add a setting or group, you have to edit the QGIS3.ini file). Changes are automatically saved in the QGIS3.ini file.


Avoid using the Advanced tab settings blindly

Be careful while modifying items in this dialog given that changes are automatically applied. Doing changes without knowledge can break your QGIS installation in various ways.

9.2. Trabalhando com Perfis de Usuário

The Settings ► User Profiles menu provides functions to set and access user profiles. A user profile is a unified application configuration that allows to store in a single folder:

  • all the global settings, including locale, projections, authentication settings, color palettes, shortcuts…

  • GUI configurations and customization

  • grid files and other proj helper files installed for datum transformation

  • installed plugins and their configurations

  • project templates and history of saved project with their image preview

  • processing settings, logs, scripts, models.

By default, a QGIS installation contains a single user profile named default. But you can create as many user profiles as you want:

  1. Click the New profile… entry.

  2. You’ll be prompted to provide a profile name, creating a folder of the same name under ~/<UserProfiles>/ where:

    • ~ represents the HOME directory, which on win Windows is usually something like C:\Users\<username>.

    • and <UserProfiles> represents the main profiles folder, i.e.:

      • nix .local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/

      • win %AppData%\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\

      • osx Library/Application Support/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/

    The user profile folder can be opened from within QGIS using the Open Active Profile Folder.

  3. Uma nova instância do QGIS é iniciada, usando uma configuração limpa. Você pode então definir suas configurações personalizadas.

Se você tiver mais de um perfil em sua instalação do QGIS, o nome do perfil ativo é mostrado na barra de título do aplicativo entre colchetes.

As each user profile contains isolated settings, plugins and history they can be great for different workflows, demos, users of the same machine, or testing settings, etc. And you can switch from one to the other by selecting them in the Settings ► User Profiles menu. You can also run QGIS with a specific user profile from the command line.

Unless changed, the profile of the last closed QGIS session will be used in the following QGIS sessions.


Run QGIS under a new user profile to check for bug persistence

When you encounter weird behavior with some functions in QGIS, create a new user profile and run the commands again. Sometimes, bugs are related to some leftovers in the current user profile and creating a new one may fix them as it restarts QGIS with the new (clean) profile.

9.3. Propriedades do Projeto

In the properties window for the project under Project ► Project Properties, you can set project-specific options. The project-specific options overwrite their equivalent in the Options dialog described above.

9.3.1. Propriedades Gerais

Na aba geral Geral, a aba Configurações Gerais permite a você:

  • veja a localização do arquivo do projeto

  • set the folder for the project home (available in the Project home item of the Browser panel). The path can be relative to the folder of the project file (type it in) or absolute. The project home can be used for storing data and other content that is useful for the project. Convenient when dataset and project files are not stored at the same place. If not filled, the Project home defaults to the project file folder.

  • give a title to the project beside the project file path

  • escolha a cor a ser usada para as feições quando elas são selecionadas

  • choose the background color: the color to use for the map canvas

  • set whether the path to layers in the project should be saved as absolute (full) or as relative to the project file location. You may prefer relative path when both layers and project files can be moved or shared or if the project is accessed from computers on different platforms.

  • choose to avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles. Note that checking this option can lead to performance degradation.

Calculating areas and distances is a common need in GIS. However, these values are really tied to the underlying projection settings. The Measurements frame lets you control these parameters. You can indeed choose:

  • the Ellipsoid, on which distance and area calculations are entirely based; it can be:

    • Nenhum/Planimétrico: os valores retornados são neste caso medidas cartesianas.

    • a Custom one: you’ll need to set values of the semi-major and semi-minor axes.

    • or an existing one from a predefined list (Clarke 1866, Clarke 1880 IGN, New International 1967, WGS 84…).

  • the units for distance measurements for length and perimeter and the units for area measurements. These settings, which default to the units set in QGIS options but then overrides it for the current project, are used in:

    • Attribute table field update bar

    • Field calculator calculations

    • Identify tool derived length, perimeter and area values

    • Default unit shown in measure dialog

The Coordinate and Bearing display allows you to choose and customize the bearing format and the format of units to use to display the mouse coordinate in the status bar and the derived coordinates shown via the identify tool.


Fig. 9.25 General tab of the Project Properties dialog

9.3.2. Propriedades dos Metadados

The editarMetadados Metadata tab allows detailed metadata to be defined, including (among the others): author, creation date, language, abstracts, categories, keywords, contact details, links, history. There is also a validation functionality that checks if specific fields were filled, anyway this is not enforced. See vector layer metadata properties for some details.

9.3.3. View Settings


Fig. 9.26 View Settings tab of the Project Properties dialog

The sobreposição View Settings tab provides means to control the project map canvas. You can:

  • set Project predefined scales: the list of scales to display in the status bar Scale drop-down widget. This overrides the global predefined scales.

  • Set Project full Extent: this extent will be used instead of the extent of all layers when zooming to full map extent (zoomFullExtent). It’s useful when a project contains web layers/national layers/global layers yet the actual area of interest for the project is a smaller geographic area. The project full extent coordinates can be set with the extent selector widget.

9.3.4. CRS Properties


For more information on how QGIS handles project projection, please read the dedicated section at Trabalhando com Projeções.

The src CRS tab helps you set the coordinate reference system to use in this project. It can be:

  • caixa de seleção No CRS (or unknown/non-Earth projection): layers are drawn based on their raw coordinates

  • or an existing coordinate reference system that can be geographic, projected or user-defined. Layers added to the project are translated on-the-fly to this CRS in order to overlay them regardless their original CRS.

9.3.5. Transformations Properties

The transformação Transformations tab helps you control the layers reprojection settings by configuring the datum transformation preferences to apply in the current project. As usual, these override any corresponding global settings. See Transformações de Datum for more details.

9.3.6. Propriedades de Estilos Padrão

A aba simbologia Estilos padrão permite controlar como novas camadas serão desenhadas no projeto quando elas não tiverem um .qml estilo definido. Você pode:

  • Set default symbols (Marker, Line, Fill) to apply depending on the layer geometry type as well as a default Color Ramp

  • Apply a default Opacity to new layers

  • caixa de seleção Assign random colors to symbols, modifying the symbols fill colors, hence avoiding same rendering for all layers.


Fig. 9.27 Default Styles tab

Using the gerenciador de estilo Style Manager button, you can also quickly access the Style Manager dialog and configure symbols and color ramps.

There is also an additional section where you can define specific colors for the running project. Like the global colors, you can:

  • adicionarSimbologia Add or removerSimbologia Remove color

  • editarCopiar Copy or editarColar Paste color

  • abrirArquivo Import or salvarArquivo Export the set of colors from/to .gpl file.

Double-click a color in the list to tweak or replace it in the Color Selector dialog. You can also rename it by double-clicking in the Label column.

These colors are identified as Project colors and listed as part of color widgets.


Use project colors to quickly assign and update color widgets

Project colors can be refered to using their label and the color widgets they are used in are bound to them. This means that instead of repeatedly setting the same color for many properties and, to avoid a cumbersome update you can:

  1. Definir a cor como uma cor do projeto

  2. Click the data defined override widget next to the color property you want to set

  3. Hover over the Color menu and select the project color. The property is then assigned the expression project_color('color_label') and the color widget reflects that color.

  4. Repita os passos 2 e 3 o quanto for necessário

  5. Atualize a cor do projeto uma vez e a mudança será refletida EM TODOS OS LUGARES em que estiver em uso.

9.3.7. Data Sources Properties

Na tabela tabela aberta :guilabel:`Fonte de Dados’, você pode:

  • desmarcado Automatically create transaction groups where possible: When this mode is turned on, all layers from the same database are synchronised in their edit state, i.e. when one layer is put into edit state, all are, when one layer is committed or one layer is rolled back, so are the others. Also, instead of buffering edit changes locally, they are directly sent to a transaction in the database which gets committed when the user clicks save layer. Note that you can (de)activate this option only if no layer is being edited in the project.

  • desmarcado Evaluate default values on provider side: When adding new features in a PostgreSQL table, fields with default value constraint are evaluated and populated at the form opening, and not at the commit moment. This means that instead of an expression like nextval('serial'), the field in the Add Feature form will display expected value (e.g., 25).

  • desmarcado Trust project when data source has no metadata: To speed up project loading by skipping data checks. Useful in QGIS Server context or in projects with huge database views/materialized views. The extent of layers will be read from the QGIS project file (instead of data sources) and when using the PostgreSQL provider the primary key unicity will not be checked for views and materialized views.

  • Configure the Layers Capabilities, i.e.:

    • Set (or disable) which layers are identifiable, i.e. will respond to the identify tool. By default, layers are set queryable.

    • Set whether a layer should appear as read-only, meaning that it can not be edited by the user, regardless of the data provider’s capabilities. Although this is a weak protection, it remains a quick and handy configuration to avoid end-users modifying data when working with file-based layers.

    • Define which layers are searchable, i.e. could be queried using the locator widget. By default, layers are set searchable.

    • Define which layers are defined as required. Checked layers in this list are protected from inadvertent removal from the project.

    • Define which layers are private, i.e. hidden from the Layers panel. This is meant for accessory layers (basemap, join, lookups for value-relations, most probably aspatial layers, …) that you still need in a project but you don’t want them to pollute the legend tree and other layer selection tools. If set visible, they are still displayed in the map canvas and rendered in the print layout legend. Use the filterMap Filter legend ► Show private layers option in the Layers panel top toolbar to temporarily turned them on for any interaction.

    The Layers Capabilities table provides some convenient tools to:

    • Select multiple cells and press Toggle Selection to have them change their checkbox state;

    • desmarcado Show spatial layers only, filtering out non-spatial layers from the layers list;

    • pesquisar Filter layers… and quickly find a particular layer to configure.


Fig. 9.28 Data Sources tab

9.3.8. Propriedades de Relações

The relações Relations tab is used to define 1:n relations and polymorphic relations. The relations are defined in the project properties dialog. Once relations exist for a layer, a new user interface element in the form view (e.g. when identifying a feature and opening its form) will list the related entities. This provides a powerful way to express e.g. the inspection history on a length of pipeline or road segment. You can find out more about 1:n relations support in Section Criando uma ou muitas para muitas relações.


Fig. 9.29 Aba de relações

9.3.9. Propriedades das Variáveis

The expressão Variables tab lists all the variables available at the project’s level (which includes all global variables). Besides, it also allows the user to manage project-level variables. Click the adicionarSimbologia button to add a new custom project-level variable. Likewise, select a custom project-level variable from the list and click the removerSimbologia button to remove it. More information on variables usage in the General Tools Armazenando valores em Variáveis section.

9.3.10. Propriedades das Macros

A aba ação Macros é utilizada para editar macros Python para projetos. Atualmente, apenas três macros estão disponíveis: openProject(), saveProject() and closeProject().


Fig. 9.30 Macro configurações no QGIS

9.3.11. Propriedades do Servidor QGIS

The sobreposição QGIS Server tab allows you to configure your project in order to publish it online. Here you can define information about the QGIS Server WMS and WFS capabilities, extent and CRS restrictions. More information available in section Configurar seu projeto and subsequent.


Fig. 9.31 QGIS Server settings tab

9.3.12. Propriedades Temporais

The temporal Temporal tab is used to set the temporal range of your project, either by using manual Start date and End date inputs or by calculating it from the current project temporal layers. The project time range can then be used in the Temporal controller panel to manage the map canvas temporal navigation.


Fig. 9.32 Project Temporal tab

9.4. Personalização

The Customization dialog lets you (de)activate almost every element in the QGIS user interface. This can be very useful if you want to provide your end-users with a ‘light’ version of QGIS, containing only the icons, menus or panels they need.


Antes que suas mudanças sejam aplicadas, você precisa reiniciar o QGIS.


Fig. 9.33 The Customization dialog

Ticking the caixa de seleção Enable customization checkbox is the first step on the way to QGIS customization. This enables the toolbar and the widget panel from which you can uncheck and thus disable some GUI items.

O item configurável pode ser:

With selecionar Switch to catching widgets in main application, you can click on an item in QGIS interface that you want to be hidden and QGIS automatically unchecks the corresponding entry in the Customization dialog. You can also use the Search box to find items by their name or label.

Once you setup your configuration, click Apply or OK to validate your changes. This configuration becomes the one used by default by QGIS at the next startup.

The modifications can also be saved in a .ini file using salvarArquivo Save To File button. This is a handy way to share a common QGIS interface among multiple users. Just click on abrirArquivo Load from File from the destination computer in order to import the .ini file. You can also run command line tools and save various setups for different use cases as well.


Restaure facilmente o QGIS predefinido

A configuração inicial do GUI QGIS pode ser restaurada por um dos métodos abaixo:

  • unchecking caixa de seleção Enable customization option in the Customization dialog or click the selectAllTree Check All button

  • pressing the Reset button in the Settings frame under Settings ► Options menu, System tab

  • launching QGIS at a command prompt with the following command line qgis --nocustomization

  • setting to false the value of UI ► Customization ► Enabled variable under Settings ► Options menu, Advanced tab (see the warning).

Na maioria dos casos, você precisa reiniciar o QGIS para que a alteração seja aplicada.

9.5. Atalhos do Teclado

QGIS provides default keyboard shortcuts for many features. You can find them in section Barra de Menu. Additionally, the menu option Settings ► keyboardShortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts… allows you to change the default keyboard shortcuts and add new ones to QGIS features.


Fig. 9.34 Definir opções de atalho

A configuração é muito simples. Use a caixa de busca no topo para encontrar uma determinada ação, selecione-a da lista e clique em :

  • Change and press the new combination you want to assign as new shortcut

  • Set None to clear any assigned shortcut

  • or Set Default to backup the shortcut to its original and default value.

Proceed as above for any other tools you wish to customize. Once you have finished your configuration, simply Close the dialog to have your changes applied. You can also Save the changes either as an .XML file with only the User Shortcuts or with all Shortcuts or as an .PDF file with all Shortcuts and Load them into another QGIS installation.

9.6. Executando o QGIS com configurações avançadas

9.6.1. Command line and environment variables

We’ve seen that launching QGIS is done as for any application on your OS. QGIS provides command line options for more advanced use cases (in some cases you can use an environment variable instead of the command line option). To get a list of the options, enter qgis --help on the command line, which returns:

QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System.
Usage: /usr/bin/qgis.bin [OPTION] [FILE]
        [--version]     display version information and exit
        [--snapshot filename]   emit snapshot of loaded datasets to given file
        [--width width] width of snapshot to emit
        [--height height]       height of snapshot to emit
        [--lang language]       use language for interface text (changes existing override)
        [--project projectfile] load the given QGIS project
        [--extent xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]  set initial map extent
        [--nologo]      hide splash screen
        [--noversioncheck]      don't check for new version of QGIS at startup
        [--noplugins]   don't restore plugins on startup
        [--nocustomization]     don't apply GUI customization
        [--customizationfile path]      use the given ini file as GUI customization
        [--globalsettingsfile path]     use the given ini file as Global Settings (defaults)
        [--authdbdirectory path] use the given directory for authentication database
        [--code path]   run the given python file on load
        [--defaultui]   start by resetting user ui settings to default
        [--hide-browser]        hide the browser widget
        [--dxf-export filename.dxf]     emit dxf output of loaded datasets to given file
        [--dxf-extent xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]      set extent to export to dxf
        [--dxf-symbology-mode none|symbollayer|feature] symbology mode for dxf output
        [--dxf-scale-denom scale]       scale for dxf output
        [--dxf-encoding encoding]       encoding to use for dxf output
        [--dxf-map-theme maptheme]      map theme to use for dxf output
        [--take-screenshots output_path]        take screen shots for the user documentation
        [--screenshots-categories categories]   specify the categories of screenshot to be used (see QgsAppScreenShots::Categories).
        [--profile name]        load a named profile from the user's profiles folder.
        [--profiles-path path]  path to store user profile folders. Will create profiles inside a {path}\profiles folder
        [--version-migration]   force the settings migration from older version if found
        [--openclprogramfolder]         path to the folder containing the sources for OpenCL programs.
        [--help]                this text
        [--]            treat all following arguments as FILEs

    Files specified on the command line can include rasters,
    vectors, and QGIS project files (.qgs and .qgz):
     1. Rasters - supported formats include GeoTiff, DEM
        and others supported by GDAL
     2. Vectors - supported formats include ESRI Shapefiles
        and others supported by OGR and PostgreSQL layers using
        the PostGIS extension


Example Using command line arguments

You can start QGIS by specifying one or more data files on the command line. For example, assuming you are in the qgis_sample_data directory, you could start QGIS with a vector layer and a raster file set to load on startup using the following command: qgis ./raster/landcover.img ./gml/lakes.gml --versão

Esta opção retorna informações da versão do QGIS. --snapshot

This option allows you to create a snapshot in PNG format from the current view. This comes in handy when you have many projects and want to generate snapshots from your data, or when you need to create snapshots of the same project with updated data.

Currently, it generates a PNG file with 800x600 pixels. The size can be adjusted using the --width and --height arguments. The filename can be added after --snapshot. For example:

qgis --snapshot my_image.png --width 1000 --height 600 --project my_project.qgs --largura

This option returns the width of the snapshot to be emitted (used with --snapshot). --altura

This option returns the height of the snapshot to be emitted (used with --snapshot). --lang

Based on your locale, QGIS selects the correct localization. If you would like to change your language, you can specify a language code. For example, qgis --lang it starts QGIS in Italian localization. --projeto

Starting QGIS with an existing project file is also possible. Just add the command line option --project followed by your project name and QGIS will open with all layers in the given file loaded. --extensão

To start with a specific map extent use this option. You need to add the bounding box of your extent in the following order separated by a comma:

--extent xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax

This option probably makes more sense when paired with the --project option to open a specific project at the desired extent. --noversioncheck

Skip searching for a new version of QGIS at startup. --noplugins

If you have trouble at start-up with plugins, you can avoid loading them at start-up with this option. They will still be available from the Plugins Manager afterwards. --nocustomization

Using this option, any existing GUI customization will not be applied at startup. This means that any hidden buttons, menu items, toolbars, and so on, will show up on QGIS start up. This is not a permanent change. The customization will be applied again if QGIS is launched without this option.

Esta opção é útil para permitir temporariamente o acesso a ferramentas que foram removidas por personalização. --customizationfile

Using this option, you can define a UI customization file, that will be used at startup. --globalsettingsfile

The equivalent environment variable is QGIS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE.

Using this option, you can specify the path for a Global Settings file (.ini), also known as the Default Settings. The settings in the specified file replace the original inline default ones, but the user profiles’ settings will be set on top of those.

QGIS looks for the default global settings file in the following order and only the first found file will be used:

  • path specified by the commandline parameter

  • path defined by the environment variable

  • the AppDataLocation folder, where persistent application data can be stored; it is managed by the user or system administrator and is not touched by installer and does not require any additional setup like passing commandline parameters or settings environment variable. Depending on the OS, it is:

    • nix $HOME/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/

    • win C:\Users\<username>\%AppData%\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\

    • osx $HOME/Library/Application Support/QGIS/QGIS3/

  • the installation directory, i.e. your_QGIS_package_path/resources/qgis_global_settings.ini.

Atualmente, não há como especificar um arquivo no qual gravar configurações; portanto, você pode criar uma cópia de um arquivo de configurações original, renomeá-lo e adaptá-lo.

Setting the qgis_global_setting.ini file path to a network shared folder, allows a system administrator to change global settings and defaults in several machines by only editing one file. --authdbdirectory

This option is similar to --globalsettingsfile, but defines the path to the directory where the authentication database will be stored and loaded. --código

Esta opção pode ser usada para executar um determinado arquivo python diretamente após o início do QGIS.

For example, when you have a python file named load_alaska.py with following content:

from qgis.utils import iface
raster_file = "/home/gisadmin/Documents/qgis_sample_data/raster/landcover.img"
layer_name = "Alaska"
iface.addRasterLayer(raster_file, layer_name)

Assuming you are in the directory where the file load_alaska.py is located, you can start QGIS, load the raster file landcover.img and give the layer the name ‘Alaska’ using the following command:

qgis --code load_alaska.py --defaultui

On load, permanently resets the user interface (UI) to the default settings. This option will restore the panels and toolbars visibility, position, and size. Unless it’s changed again, the default UI settings will be used in the following sessions.

Notice that this option doesn’t have any effect on GUI customization. Items hidden by GUI customization (e.g. the status bar) will remain hidden even using the --defaultui option. See also the --nocustomization option. --hide-browser

On load, hides the Browser panel from the user interface. The panel can be enabled by right-clicking a space in the toolbars or using the View ► Panels (Settings ► Panels in kde Linux KDE).

Unless it’s enabled again, the Browser panel will remain hidden in the following sessions. --dxf-*

Estas opções podem ser usadas para exportar um projeto QGIS para um arquivo DXF. Várias opções estão disponíveis:

  • –dxf-export: the DXF filename into which to export the layers;

  • –dxf-extent: the extent of the final DXF file;

  • –dxf-symbology-mode: several values can be used here: none (no symbology), symbollayer (Symbol layer symbology), feature (feature symbology);

  • –dxf-scale-denom: the scale denominator of the symbology;

  • –dxf-encoding: the file encoding;

  • –dxf-map-theme: choose a map theme from the layer tree configuration. --take-screenshots

Takes screenshots for the user documentation. Can be used together with --screenshots-categories to filter which categories/sections of the documentation screenshots should be created (see QgsAppScreenShots::Categories). --perfil

Loads QGIS using a specific profile from the user’s profile folder. Unless changed, the selected profile will be used in the following QGIS sessions. --profiles-path

With this option, you can choose a path to load and save the profiles (user settings). It creates profiles inside a {path}\profiles folder, which includes settings, installed plugins, processing models and scripts, and so on.

This option allows you to, for instance, carry all your plugins and settings in a flash drive, or, for example, share the settings between different computers using a file sharing service.

The equivalent environment variable is QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH. --version-migration

If settings from an older version are found (e.g., the .qgis2 folder from QGIS 2.18), this option will import them into the default QGIS profile. --openclprogramfolder

Using this option, you can specify an alternative path for your OpenCL programs. This is useful for developers while testing new versions of the programs without needing to replace the existing ones.

The equivalent environment variable is QGIS_OPENCL_PROGRAM_FOLDER.

9.6.2. Implantando o QGIS em uma organização

If you need to deploy QGIS within an organization with a custom configuration file, first you need to copy/paste the content of the default settings file located in your_QGIS_package_path/resources/qgis_global_settings.ini. This file already contains some default sections identified by a block starting with []. We recommend that you keep these defaults values and add your own sections at the bottom of the file. If a section is duplicated in the file, QGIS will take the last one from top to bottom.

You can change allowVersionCheck=false to disable the QGIS version check.

Se você não quiser exibir a janela de migração após uma nova instalação, precisará da seguinte seção:


Se você deseja adicionar uma variável personalizada no escopo global:

organisation="Your organization"

To discover the possibilities of the settings INI file, we suggest that you set the config you would like in QGIS Desktop and then search for it in your INI file located in your profile using a text editor. A lot of settings can be set using the INI file such as WMS/WMTS, PostGIS connections, proxy settings, maptips…

Finally, you need to set the environment variable QGIS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE to the path of your customized file.

In addition, you can also deploy files such as Python macros, color palettes, layout templates, project templates… either in the QGIS system directory or in the QGIS user profile.

  • Layout templates must be deployed in the composer_templates directory.

  • Project templates must be deployed in the project_templates directory.

  • Custom Python macros must be deployed in the python directory.