26.1. Complementos QGIS

O QGIS foi projetado com uma arquitetura de plugins. Isso permite que muitos novos recursos e funções sejam facilmente adicionados ao aplicativo. Alguns dos recursos do QGIS são realmente implementados como plugins.

26.1.1. Core and External plugins

Os plug-ins do QGIS são implementados como Plugins principais ou Plugins externos.

Core Plugins are maintained by the QGIS Development Team and are automatically part of every QGIS distribution. They are written in one of two languages: C++ or Python.

A maioria dos Plugins Externos atualmente são escritos em Python. Eles são armazenados no Repositório ‘Oficial’ do QGIS em https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ ou em repositórios externos e são mantidos pelos autores individuais. Documentação detalhada sobre o uso, versão mínima do QGIS, página inicial, autores e outras informações importantes são fornecidas para os plugins no repositório oficial. Para outros repositórios externos, a documentação pode estar disponível com os próprios plugins externos. A documentação de plugins externos não está incluída neste manual.

To install or activate a plugin, go to Plugins menu and select showPluginManager Manage and install plugins…. Installed external python plugins are placed under the python/plugins folder of the active user profile path.

Paths to Custom C++ plugins libraries can also be added under Settings ► Options ► System.


According to the plugin manager settings, QGIS main interface can display an icon on the right of the status bar to inform you that there are updates for your installed plugins or new plugins available.

26.1.2. Diálogo de Complementos

The tabs in the Plugins dialog allow the user to install, uninstall and upgrade plugins in different ways. Each plugin has some metadata displayed in the right panel:

  • informações sobre se o plugin é experimental

  • descrição

  • rating vote(s) (you can vote for your preferred plugin!)

  • etiquetas

  • alguns links úteis para a página inicial, rastreador e repositório de código

  • autor(es)

  • versão disponível

At the top of the dialog, a Search function helps you find any plugin using metadata information (author, name, description…). It is available in nearly every tab (except transformSettings Settings). A aba Configurações

The transformSettings Settings tab is the main place you can configure which plugins can be displayed in your application. You can use the following options:

  • caixa de seleção Check for updates on startup. Whenever a new plugin or a plugin update is available, QGIS will inform you ‘every time QGIS starts’, ‘once a day’, ‘every 3 days’, ‘every week’, ‘every 2 weeks’ or ‘every month’.

  • caixa de seleção Show also experimental plugins. QGIS will show you plugins in early stages of development, which are generally unsuitable for production use.

  • caixa de seleção Show also deprecated plugins. Because they use functions that are no longer available in QGIS, these plugins are set deprecated and generally unsuitable for production use. They appear among invalid plugins list.

By default, QGIS provides you with its official plugin repository with the URL https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml?qgis=3.0 (in case of QGIS 3.0) in the Plugin repositories section. To add external author repositories, click Add… and fill in the Repository Details form with a name and the URL. The URL can be of http:// or file:// protocol type.

The default QGIS repository is an open repository and you don’t need any authentication to access it. You can however deploy your own plugin repository and require an authentication (basic authentication, PKI). You can get more information on QGIS authentication support in Autenticação chapter.

If you do not want one or more of the added repositories, they can be disabled from the Settings tab via the Edit… button, or completely removed with the Delete button.


Fig. 26.1 The transformSettings Settings tab The All tab

In the showPluginManager All tab, all the available plugins are listed, including both core and external plugins. Use Upgrade All to look for new versions of the plugins. Furthermore, you can use Install Plugin if a plugin is listed but not installed, Uninstall Plugin as well as Reinstall Plugin if a plugin is installed. An installed plugin can be temporarily de/activated using the checkbox.


Fig. 26.2 The showPluginManager All tab The Installed tab

In the pluginInstalado Installed tab, you’ll find listed the Core plugins, that you can not uninstall. You can extend this list with external plugins that can be uninstalled and reinstalled any time, using the Uninstall Plugin and Reinstall Plugin buttons. You can Upgrade All the plugins here as well.


Fig. 26.3 The pluginInstalado Installed tab The Not installed tab

The complementos Not installed tab lists all plugins available that are not installed. You can use the Install Plugin button to implement a plugin into QGIS.


Fig. 26.4 The complementos Not installed tab The Upgradeable and New tabs

The atualizar-plugin Upgradeable and novo-plugin New tabs are enabled when new plugins are added to the repository or a new version of an installed plugin is released. If you activated caixa de seleção Show also experimental plugins in the transformSettings Settings menu, those also appear in the list giving you opportunity to early test upcoming tools.

Installation can be done with the Install Plugin, Upgrade Plugin or Upgrade All buttons.


Fig. 26.5 The atualizar-plugin Upgradeable tab The Invalid tab

The pluginIncompatível Invalid tab lists all installed plugins that are currently broken for any reason (missing dependency, errors while loading, incompatible functions with QGIS version…). You can try the Reinstall Plugin button to fix an invalidated plugin but most of the times the fix will be elsewhere (install some libraries, look for another compatible plugin or help to upgrade the broken one).


Fig. 26.6 The pluginIncompatível Invalid tab The Install from ZIP tab

The instalarPluginZip Install from ZIP tab provides a file selector widget to import plugins in a zipped format, e.g. plugins downloaded directly from their repository.


Fig. 26.7 The instalarPluginZip Install from zip tab