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27.10. Apdorojimo algoritmų įvesties ir išvesties parametrai
Here is the list of input and output types that are supported in Processing with their corresponding alg decorator constants, their name in the modeler designer if exposed.
27.10.1. Input types
Input name |
Class |
Alg constant |
Aprašymas |
Annotation layer |
An annotation layer |
Authentication Configuration |
Allows users to select from available authentication configurations or create new authentication configurations |
Raster band |
A band of a raster layer |
Boolean |
A boolean value |
Connection Name |
A selection from available registered connections for a particular data provider |
Color |
A color |
Coordinate Operation |
A coordinate operation (for CRS transformations) |
A Coordinate Reference System |
Database Schema |
A database schema |
Database Table |
A database table |
Datetime |
A datetime (or a pure date or time) |
Distance |
A double numeric parameter for distance values |
DXF Layers |
A list of vector layers to export as DXF file |
Enum |
An enumeration, allowing for selection from a set of predefined values |
Expression |
An expression |
Extent |
A spatial extent defined by xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax |
A field in the attribute table of a vector layer |
Field Aggregates |
A parameter for “aggregate” configurations, which consist of a definition of desired output fields, types, and aggregate used to populate them |
Fields Mapper |
A parameter for “field mapping” configurations, which consist of a definition of desired output fields, types, and expressions used to populate them |
File/Folder |
A filename of an existing file |
A filename for a newly created output file |
A folder (destination folder) |
Geometry |
A geometry |
An integer |
Spausdinimo išdėstymas |
A layout |
Print Layout Item |
A layout item |
Map Layer |
A map layer |
Map Theme |
A project map theme |
Matrix |
A matrix |
Mesh Dataset Groups |
Dataset groups of mesh layer |
Mesh Dataset Time |
Dataset index from a mesh layer by time setting |
Tinklelio sluoksnis |
A mesh layer |
Multiple Input |
A set of layers |
Number |
A numerical value |
Taškai |
A point |
Point Cloud Attribute |
An attribute from a point cloud layer |
A point cloud layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a point cloud layer created by the algorithm |
Taškų debesies sluoksnis |
A point cloud layer |
An available connection for a database provider |
Diapazonas |
A number range |
Rastro sluoksnis |
A raster layer |
A raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm |
Scale |
A map scale |
A feature sink |
TIN Creation Layers |
Selection of multiple layers to create a TIN with vertices and/or break lines |
Vector Features |
A feature source |
Tekstas |
A text string |
Vektorinis sluoksnis |
A vector layer |
A vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm |
Vector Tile Writer Layers |
A vector tile layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector tile layer created by the algorithm |
27.10.2. Output types
Class |
Alg constant |
Aprašymas |
A boolean value |
A double numeric parameter for distance values |
A filename of an existing file |
A folder |
A integer |
A layer definition |
A map layer |
A set of layers |
A numerical value |
A point cloud layer |
A raster layer |
A text string |
A vector layer |
A vector tile layer |