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18. Laying out the maps
With Print Layouts and Reports you can create maps and atlases, and print them or save them as image, PDF or SVG files.
- 18.1. Overview of the Print Layout
- 18.2. Layout Items
- 18.2.1. Layout Items Common Options
- 18.2.2. The Map Item
- 18.2.3. The 3D Map Item
- 18.2.4. The Label Item
- 18.2.5. The Legend Item
- 18.2.6. The Scale Bar Item
- 18.2.7. The Table Items
- 18.2.8. The Marker, Picture and North Arrow Items
- 18.2.9. The Elevation Profile Item
- 18.2.10. The HTML Frame Item
- 18.2.11. The Shape Items
- 18.3. Creating an Output
- 18.4. Creating a Report