Translation is a community effort you can join. This page is currently translated at 13.64%.
Документация QGIS 3.40
Looking for documentation of versions newer than the 3.40 Long Term Release? Have a look at the testing docs.
QGIS documentation is available in various languages and versions. Expand the QGIS Documentation menu at the bottom of the sidebar to see the list.
This documentation is translated from the original English version by community members on Transifex.
Depending on the translation effort’s completion level, you may find paragraphs or whole pages which are still in English. You can help the community by providing new translations or reviewing existing ones on Transifex.
For the time being, localized translations are only available for the Long Term releases branch, but should be suitable to learn how to use QGIS nevertheless.
Welcome to the official documentation of QGIS, the free and open source community-driven GIS software! If you are new to this documentation, the table of contents below and in the sidebar should let you easily access the documentation for your topic of interest. You can also use the search function in the top left corner.
Besides the online documentation, the QGIS project also provides materials that you can download for offline reading. They are accessible from the QGIS Documentation menu at the bottom of the sidebar, as:
HTML zipped files that you can extract and use as paths from within the software
PDF files
QGIS is an open source project developed by a community of contributors. The documentation team can always use your feedback and help to improve the tutorials and features description. If you don’t understand something, or cannot find what you are looking for in the docs, help us make the documentation better by letting us know:
Submit an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository,
Help us translate the documentation into your language
Or talk to us on either the qgis-community-team mailing-list, the #qgis channel on IRC or the #qgis:matrix.org room!
Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с нижеприведёнными документами.
About QGIS
For Users
- QGIS Desktop User Guide/Manual (QGIS 3.40)
- 1. Первые шаги
- 2. Working with Project Files
- 4. The Browser panel
- 5. QGIS Configuration
- 6. Работа с проекциями
- 7. Visualizing Maps
- 8. Основные инструменты
- 9. Level up with Expressions
- 10. The Style Library
- 11. Managing Data Source
- 12. Работа с векторными данными
- 13. Работа с растровыми данными
- 14. Working with Mesh Data
- 15. Working with Vector Tiles
- 16. Working with Point Clouds
- 17. Working with 3D Tiles
- 18. Laying out the maps
- 19. Working with OGC / ISO protocols
- 20. Работа с данными GPS
- 21. Authentication System
- 22. Интеграция с GRASS GIS
- 23. QGIS processing framework
- 24. Processing providers and algorithms
- 25. Модули
- 26. Приложения
- 27. Literature and Web References
- QGIS Server Guide/Manual (QGIS 3.40)
- Training Manual
- 1. Введение
- 2. Module: Creating and Exploring a Basic Map
- 3. Module: Classifying Vector Data
- 4. Module: Laying out the Maps
- 5. Module: Creating Vector Data
- 6. Module: Vector Analysis
- 7. Module: Rasters
- 8. Module: Completing the Analysis
- 9. Module: Plugins
- 10. Module: Online Resources
- 11. Module: QGIS Server
- 12. Module: GRASS
- 13. Module: Assessment
- 14. Module: Forestry Application
- 15. Module: Database Concepts with PostgreSQL
- 16. Module: Spatial Database Concepts with PostGIS
- 17. The QGIS processing guide
- 18. Module: Using Spatial Databases in QGIS
- 19. Appendix: Contributing To This Manual
- 20. Подготовка данных для занятий
- Краткое введение в ГИС
- 1. Преамбула
- 2. Введение в ГИС
- 3. Векторные данные
- 4. Атрибуты векторных данных
- 5. Создание данных
- 6. Растровые данные
- 7. Топология
- 8. Системы координат
- 9. Создание карты
- 10. Пространственный анализ векторных данных ( Буфер)
- 11. Пространственный анализ (интерполяция)
- 12. Об авторах и помощниках
- 13. GNU Free Documentation License
For Writers
For Developers
- PyQGIS Cookbook (QGIS 3.40)
- 1. Введение
- 2. Loading Projects
- 3. Загрузка слоёв
- 4. Accessing the Table Of Contents (TOC)
- 5. Работа с растровыми слоями
- 6. Работа с векторными слоями
- 7. Обработка геометрии
- 8. Поддержка проекций
- 9. Using the Map Canvas
- 10. Отрисовка карты и печать
- 11. Выражения, фильтрация и вычисление значений
- 12. Чтение и сохранение настроек
- 13. Communicating with the user
- 14. Authentication infrastructure
- 15. Tasks - doing heavy work in the background
- 16. Developing Python Plugins
- 17. Writing a Processing plugin
- 18. Using Plugin Layers
- 19. Библиотека сетевого анализа
- 20. QGIS Server and Python
- 21. Cheat sheet for PyQGIS
- Developers Guide