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27. Literature and Web References
GDAL-SOFTWARE-SUITE. Geospatial data abstraction library. https://gdal.org/en/latest, 2013.
GRASS-PROJECT. Geographic resource analysis support system. https://grass.osgeo.org, 2013.
NETELER, M., AND MITASOVA, H. Open source gis: A grass gis approach, 2008.
OGR-SOFTWARE-SUITE. Geospatial data abstraction library. https://gdal.org/en/latest, 2013.
OPEN-GEOSPATIAL-CONSORTIUM. Web map service (1.1.1) implementation specification. https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=1081&version=1&format=pdf, 2002.
OPEN-GEOSPATIAL-CONSORTIUM. Web map service (1.3.0) implementation specification. https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=14416&format=pdf, 2004.
POSTGIS-PROJECT. Spatial support for postgresql. http://www.refractions.net/products/postgis/, 2013.