20.2. Urmărirea live a GPS-ului

To activate live GPS tracking in QGIS, you need to select View ► Panels checkbox GPS Information Panel or press Ctrl+0. You will get a new docked window on the left side of the canvas.

Există patru ecrane posibile în această fereastră de urmărire GPS:

  • metadata GPS position coordinates and an interface for manually entering vertices and features

  • gpsTrackBarChart Puterea semnalului GPS al conexiunilor prin satelit

  • options GPS options screen (see Fig. 20.5)

With a plugged-in GPS receiver (has to be supported by your operating system), a simple click on Connect connects the GPS to QGIS. A second click (now on Disconnect) disconnects the GPS receiver from your computer. For GNU/Linux, gpsd support is integrated to support connection to most GPS receivers. Therefore, you first have to configure gpsd properly to connect QGIS to it.


If you want to record your position to the canvas, you have to create a new vector layer first and switch it to editable status to be able to record your track.

20.2.1. Poziția și atributele suplimentare

metadata If the GPS is receiving signals from satellites, you will see your position in latitude, longitude and altitude together with additional attributes.


Fig. 20.3 Urmărirea poziției GPS și atributele suplimentare

20.2.2. Puterea semnalului GPS

gpsTrackBarChart Aici se poate vedea puterea semnalului pe care îl primiți de la sateliți.


Fig. 20.4 Puterea de urmărire a semnalului GPS

20.2.3. Opțiunile GPS

options În cazul unor probleme de conectare, puteți comuta între:

  • radioButtonOn Autodetectare

  • radioButtonOff Intern

  • radioButtonOff Dispozitiv serial

  • radioButtonOff gpsd (se alege Gazda, Portul și Dispozitivul la care este conectat GPSul dvs.)

A click on Connect again initiates the connection to the GPS receiver.


Fig. 20.5 Fereastra opțiunilor de urmărire GPS

You can activate checkbox Automatically save added features when you are in editing mode. Or you can activate checkbox Automatically add points to the map canvas with a certain width and color.

Activating checkbox Cursor, you can use a slider slider to shrink and grow the position cursor on the canvas.

You can also set an Acquisition interval (seconds) and a Distance threshold (meters) parameters to keep the cursor still active when the receiver is in static conditions.

Activating radioButtonOn Map centering allows you to decide in which way the canvas will be updated. This includes «always», «when leaving», if your recorded coordinates start to move out of the canvas, or «never», to keep map extent.

Finally, you can activate checkbox Log file and define a path and a file where log messages about the GPS tracking are logged.

If you want to set a feature manually, you have to go back to metadata Position and click on Add Point or Add Track Point.

20.2.4. Conectaare la un GPS Bluetooth pentru urmărirea în direct a poziției

With QGIS you can connect a Bluetooth GPS for field data collection. To perform this task you need a GPS Bluetooth device and a Bluetooth receiver on your computer.

At first you must let your GPS device be recognized and paired to the computer. Turn on the GPS, go to the Bluetooth icon on your notification area and search for a New Device.

On the right side of the Device selection mask make sure that all devices are selected so your GPS unit will probably appear among those available. In the next step a serial connection service should be available, select it and click on Configure button.

Rețineți numărul portului COM atribuit conexiunii GPS, după cum rezultă din proprietățile Bluetooth.

După ce GPS-ul a fost recunoscut, creați asocierea pentru conexiune. De obicei, codul de autorizare este 0000.

Now open GPS information panel and switch to options GPS options screen. Select the COM port assigned to the GPS connection and click the Connect. After a while a cursor indicating your position should appear.

If QGIS can’t receive GPS data, then you should restart your GPS device, wait 5-10 seconds then try to connect again. Usually this solution work. If you receive again a connection error make sure you don’t have another Bluetooth receiver near you, paired with the same GPS unit.

20.2.5. Folosirea GPSMAP 60cs MS Windows

Easiest way to make it work is to use a middleware (freeware, not open) called GPSGate.

Launch the program, make it scan for GPS devices (works for both USB and BT ones) and then in QGIS just click Connect in the Live tracking panel using the radioButtonOn Autodetect mode. Ubuntu/Mint GNU/Linux

As for Windows the easiest way is to use a server in the middle, in this case GPSD, so

sudo apt install gpsd

Apoi, încărcați nucleul garmin_gps

sudo modprobe garmin_gps

And then connect the unit. Then check with dmesg the actual device being used bu the unit, for example /dev/ttyUSB0. Now you can launch gpsd

gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0

Și, la final, conectați-va la instrumentul de urmărire în direct din QGIS.

20.2.6. Folosirea datalogger-ului BTGP-38KM (doar Bluetooth)

Folosirea GPSD (în Linux) sau GPSGate (în Windows) se face fâră efort.

20.2.7. Folosirea datalogger-ului BlueMax GPS-4044 (atât BT cât și USB) MS Windows

The live tracking works for both USB and BT modes, by using GPSGate or even without it, just use the radioButtonOn Autodetect mode, or point the tool the right port. Ubuntu/Mint GNU/Linux

Pentru USB

The live tracking works both with GPSD

gpsd /dev/ttyACM3

or without it, by connecting the QGIS live tracking tool directly to the device (for example /dev/ttyACM3).

Pentru Bluetooth

The live tracking works both with GPSD

gpsd /dev/rfcomm0

or without it, by connecting the QGIS live tracking tool directly to the device (for example /dev/rfcomm0).