Translation is a community effort you can join. This page is currently translated at 41.03%.
30. Pomoc a podpora
30.1. Mailing list
QGIS je v aktivním vývoji a jako takový nebude vždy fungovat tak, jak jste očekávali. Preferovaný způsob, jak získat pomoc, je připojení se k mailing listu uživatelů qgis. Vaše dotazy se dostanou k širšímu publiku a odpovědi budou prospěšné ostatním.
30.1.1. Uživatelé QGIS
This mailing list is used for discussion about QGIS in general, as well as specific questions regarding its installation and use. You can subscribe to the qgis-users mailing list by visiting the following URL: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
30.1.2. Vývojáři QGIS
If you are a developer facing problems of a more technical nature, you may want to join the qgis-developer mailing list. This list is also a place where people can chime in and collect and discuss QGIS related UX (User Experience) / usability issues. It’s here: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
30.1.3. Komunitní tým QGIS
This list deals with topics like documentation, context help, user guide, web sites, blog, mailing lists, forums, and translation efforts. If you would like to work on the user guide as well, this list is a good starting point to ask your questions. You can subscribe to this list at: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-community-team
30.1.4. Překlady QGIS
This list deals with the translation efforts. If you like to work on the translation of the website, manuals or the graphical user interface (GUI), this list is a good starting point to ask your questions. You can subscribe to this list at: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-tr
30.1.5. Řídící výbor projektu QGIS (PSC)
This list is used to discuss Steering Committee issues related to overall management and direction of QGIS. You can subscribe to this list at: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc
30.1.6. Uživatelské skupiny QGIS
In order to locally promote QGIS and contribute to its development, some QGIS communities are organized into QGIS User Groups. These groups are places to discuss local topics, organize regional or national user meetings, organize sponsoring of features… The list of current user groups is available at https://qgis.org/community/groups/
Jste vítáni k zapsání se k jakémukoliv z těchto seznamů. Prosíme nezapomeňte přispět do seznamů zodpovězením otázek a sdílením Vašich zkušeností.
30.2. Matrix / IRC
Matrix (https://matrix.org) is a project for decentralised chat. QGIS has a room accessible by the #qgis:osgeo.org alias (among others) which bridges to the libera.chat #qgis IRC channel.
To use Matrix:
Create an account (at matrix.org is easiest, but if you have an OSGeo account you can also use your OSGeo id as matrix id)
Install a client (Elements is easiest, but see Matrix clients for more), OR point your browser to https://matrix.to/#/#qgis:osgeo.org
To use IRC:
Install an IRC client
Connect to irc://irc.libera.chat/#qgis or point your browser to https://web.libera.chat/?channels=#qgis
30.3. Komerční podpora
Commercial support for QGIS is also available. Check the website https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html for more information.
30.4. BugTracker
While the qgis-users mailing list is useful for general ‚How do I do XYZ in QGIS?‘-type questions, you may wish to notify us about bugs in QGIS. You can submit bug reports using the QGIS bug tracker.
Mějte na paměti, že vaše chyba nemusí mít vždy přednost, ve kterou můžete doufat (v závislosti na její závažnosti). Některé chyby mohou vyžadovat větší úsilí vývojářů k nápravě a pracovní síla nemusí být vždy k dispozici.
Feature requests can be submitted as well using the same ticket
system as for bugs.
Please make sure to select the type Feature request
If you have found a bug and fixed it yourself, you can submit a Pull Request on the Github QGIS Project.
Read Bugs, Features and Issues and Submitting Pull Requests for more details.
30.5. Blog
The QGIS community also runs a weblog at https://planet.qgis.org/, which has some interesting articles for users and developers. Many other QGIS blogs exist, and you are invited to contribute with your own QGIS blog!
30.6. Zásuvné moduly
The website https://plugins.qgis.org is the official QGIS plugins web portal. Here, you find a list of all stable and experimental QGIS plugins available via the ‚Official QGIS Plugin Repository‘.
30.7. Wiki
Lastly, we maintain a WIKI web site at https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/wiki where you can find a variety of useful information relating to QGIS development, release plans, links to download sites, message-translation hints and more. Check it out, there are some goodies inside!