8.2. Lesson: 分析を組み合わせる


このレッスンの目標: 適当な小地所を選び出すためにベクター化された地形の結果を使用します。

8.2.1. moderate Try Yourself

  1. Save your current map (raster_analysis.qgs).

  2. Open the map which you created during the vector analysis earlier (you should have saved the file as analysis.qgs).

  3. In the Layers panel, enable these layers:

    • hillshade,

    • solution (または buildings_over_100)

  4. In addition to these layers, which should already be loaded in the map from when you worked on it before, also add the suitable_terrain.shp dataset.

  5. If you are missing some layers, you should find them in exercise_data/residential_development/

  6. Use the Intersection tool (Vector ► Geoprocessing Tools) to create a new vector layer called new_solution.shp which contains only those buildings which intersect the suitable_terrain layer.



8.2.2. moderate Try Yourself 結果の検査

new_solution レイヤーの各建物を見て下さい。 new_solution レイヤーのシンボロジをアウトラインだけに変更して、それらを suitable_terrain レイヤーと比較して下さい。建物のいくつかを見て何に気づきましたか? それらは suitable_terrain レイヤーと交差しているからといってすべて適当ですか? その理由は? どれが不適当だと考えますか?


8.2.3. moderate Try Yourself 分析結果の改良


We want to ensure that our analysis returns only those buildings which fall entirely within the suitable_terrain layer. How would you achieve this? Use one or more Vector Analysis tools and remember that our buildings are all over 100m squared in size.


8.2.4. In Conclusion


8.2.5. What's Next?
