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Search and results of Services in Metasearch
メタサーチはQGIS 2.0以降にデフォルトで含まれています。すべての依存関係は、メタサーチの中に含まれています。
Install MetaSearch from the QGIS plugin manager, or manually from http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/MetaSearch.
CSW (Catalog Service for the Web) is an OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) specification, that defines common interfaces to discover, browse and query metadata about data, services, and other potential resources.
To start MetaSearch, click icon or select Web ‣
MetaSearch ‣ MetaSearch via the QGIS main menu. The MetaSearch dialog will
appear. The main GUI consists of three tabs: Services,
Search and Settings.
The Services tab allows the user to manage all available catalog services. MetaSearch provides a default list of Catalog Services, which can be added by pressing [Add default services] button.
To add a Catalog Service entry, click the [New] button, and enter a Name for the service, as well as the URL (endpoint). Note that only the base URL is required (not a full GetCapabilities URL). Clicking [OK] will add the service to the list of entries.
To edit an existing Catalog Service entry, select the entry you would like to edit and click the [Edit] button, and modify the Name or URL values, then click [OK].
To delete a Catalog Service entry, select the entry you would like to delete and click the [Delete] button. You will be asked to confirm deleting the entry.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<qgsCSWConnections version="1.0">
<csw name="Data.gov CSW" url="https://catalog.data.gov/csw-all"/>
<csw name="Geonorge - National CSW service for Norway" url="http://www.geonorge.no/geonetwork/srv/eng/csw"/>
<csw name="Geoportale Nazionale - Servizio di ricerca Italiano" url="http://www.pcn.minambiente.it/geoportal/csw"/>
<csw name="LINZ Data Service" url="http://data.linz.govt.nz/feeds/csw"/>
<csw name="Nationaal Georegister (Nederland)" url="http://www.nationaalgeoregister.nl/geonetwork/srv/eng/csw"/>
<csw name="RNDT - Repertorio Nazionale dei Dati Territoriali - Servizio di ricerca" url="http://www.rndt.gov.it/RNDT/CSW"/>
<csw name="UK Location Catalogue Publishing Service" url="http://csw.data.gov.uk/geonetwork/srv/en/csw"/>
<csw name="UNEP/GRID-Geneva Metadata Catalog" url="http://metadata.grid.unep.ch:8080/geonetwork/srv/eng/csw"/>
To load a list of entries, click the [Load] button. A new window will appear; click the [Browse] button and navigate to the XML file of entries you wish to load and click [Open]. The list of entries will be displayed. Select the entries you wish to add from the list and click [Load].
Click the [Service info] button to displays information about the selected Catalog Service such as service identification, service provider and contact information. If you would like to view the raw XML response, click the [GetCapabilities response] button. A separate window will open displaying Capabilities XML.
サーチ タブでは、ユーザーがデータやサービス、設定された各種検索パラメーターと表示結果のカタログサービスを照会できます。
キーワード :フリーテキスト検索キーワード;
From :クエリを実行する対象のカタログ・サービス
Clicking the [Search] button will search the selected Metadata Catalog. Search results are displayed in a list and are sortable by clicking on the column title. You can navigate through search results with the directional buttons below the search results. Clicking the [View search results as XML] button opens a window with the service response in raw XML format.
Clicking a result will provides the following options:
Metasearch setting
以下の settings 設定 でメタサーチを細かくチューニングできます:
Results paging 結果のページ設定 :メタデータカタログを検索するときに、ページごとに表示する結果の数。デフォルト値は10です
Timeout 時間切れ:メタデータカタログの検索時に、接続の試みを阻止するための秒数。デフォルト値は10です