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This section describes the uniform styles that will be used throughout this manual.

Элементы интерфейса пользователя

The GUI convention styles are intended to mimic the appearance of the GUI. In general, a style will reflect the non-hover appearance, so a user can visually scan the GUI to find something that looks like the instruction in the manual.

  • Пункты меню: Слой ► Добавить растровый слой или Вид ► Панели инструментов ► Оцифровка

  • Tool: addRasterLayer Add a Raster Layer

  • Button : Save as Default

  • Заголовок диалогового окна: Свойства слоя

  • Вкладка: Общие

  • Флажок: checkbox Отрисовка

  • Radio Button: radioButtonOn Postgis SRID radioButtonOff EPSG ID

  • Select a number: selectNumber

  • Select a string: selectString

  • Browse for a file:

  • Select a color: selectColor

  • Ползунок: slider

  • Input Text: inputText

Затенение указывает на интерактивный компонент графического интерфейса.

Текстовые элементы или клавиатурные сокращения

This manual also includes styles related to text, keyboard commands and coding to indicate different entities, such as classes or methods. These styles do not correspond to the actual appearance of any text or coding within QGIS.

  • Hyperlinks: https://qgis.org

  • Keystroke Combinations: Press Ctrl+B, meaning press and hold the Ctrl key and then press the B key.

  • Название файла: lakes.shp

  • Название класса: NewLayer

  • Метод: classFactory

  • Имя сервера: myhost.de

  • Текст, вводимый пользователем: qgis --help

Lines of code are indicated by a fixed-width font:


Инструкции, специфичные для конкретных платформ

GUI sequences and small amounts of text may be formatted inline: Click nix win File osx QGIS ► Quit to close QGIS. This indicates that on Linux, Unix and Windows platforms, you should click the File menu first, then Quit, while on macOS platforms, you should click the QGIS menu first, then Quit.

Larger amounts of text may be formatted as a list:

  • nix Do this

  • win Do that

  • osx Or do that

or as paragraphs:

nix osx Do this and this and this. Then do this and this and this, and this and this and this, and this and this and this.

win Do that. Then do that and that and that, and that and that and that, and that and that and that, and that and that.

Screenshots that appear throughout the user guide have been created on different platforms.