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Welcome to the documentation of the geographical information system (GIS) software QGIS. QGIS is subject to the GNU General Public License version 2, or any later version. More information is available on the QGIS website.
The contents of this document have been written and verified to the best of the knowledge of the authors and editors. Nevertheless, mistakes are possible.
Therefore, the authors, editors and publishers do not take any responsibility or liability for errors in this document and their possible consequences. We encourage you to report possible mistakes.
This document has been typeset with reStructuredText. It is available as reST source code on github, and online as HTML and PDF via https://www.qgis.org/resources/hub/#documentation. Translated versions of this document can be browsed and downloaded via the documentation area of the QGIS project as well.
For more information about contributing to this document and about translation, please read Руководство по созданию документации.
Ссылки в этом документе
This document contains internal and external links. Clicking on an internal link moves within the document, while clicking on an external link opens an internet address.
Documentation Authors and Editors
The list of the persons who have contributed with writing, reviewing and translating the following documentation is available at Contributors.
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2025 QGIS Development Team
Internet: https://www.qgis.org
Лицензия этого документа
Разрешается копировать, распространять и/или изменять этот документ в соответствии с условиями GNU Free Documentation License, версии 1.3 или более поздней, опубликованной Free Software Foundation; без каких-либо неизменяемых разделов, текста, помещаемого на первой странице обложки, и без текста, помещаемого на последней странице обложки. Копия текста лицензии представлена в Разделе Appendix B: GNU Free Documentation License.
What is new in QGIS 3.40
This release of QGIS includes hundreds of bug fixes and many new features and enhancements, compared to QGIS 3.34. For a list of new features, visit the visual changelogs.
We recommend that you use this version over previous releases.