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2. 序言


QGIS is an Open Source Geographic Information System. The project was born in May 2002 and was established as a project on SourceForge in June the same year. We have worked hard to make GIS software (which is traditionally expensive proprietary software) available to anyone with access to a personal computer.

QGIS currently runs on most Unix platforms, Windows, and macOS. QGIS is developed using the Qt toolkit (https://www.qt.io) and C++. This means that QGIS feels snappy and has a pleasing, easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI). There are also independently created applications that allow you to take QGIS into the field. These applications can run on Android and iOS.


QGIS是根据GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)发布的。根据此许可证开发QGIS意味着您可以检查和修改源代码,并保证您,我们的快乐用户,将始终能够访问一个免费和可以自由修改的GIS程序。您应该已经收到一份完整的许可证副本和您的QGIS副本,您也可以在附录 附录A:GNU通用公共许可证(GUN GPL)


