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A Gentle Introduction to GIS
- 1. Preamble
- 2. Introducing GIS
- 3. Vector Data
- 3.1. Overview
- 3.2. Point features in detail
- 3.3. Polyline features in detail
- 3.4. Polygon features in detail
- 3.5. Vector data in layers
- 3.6. Editing vector data
- 3.7. Scale and vector data
- 3.8. Symbology
- 3.9. What can we do with vector data in a GIS?
- 3.10. Common problems with vector data
- 3.11. What have we learned?
- 3.12. Now you try!
- 3.13. Something to think about
- 3.14. Further reading
- 3.15. What's next?
- 4. Vector Attribute Data
- 5. Data Capture
- 5.1. Overview
- 5.2. How does GIS digital data get stored?
- 5.3. Planning before you begin
- 5.4. Creating an empty shapefile
- 5.5. Adding data to your shapefile
- 5.6. Heads-up digitising
- 5.7. Digitising using a digitising table
- 5.8. After your features are digitised...
- 5.9. Common problems / things to be aware of
- 5.10. What have we learned?
- 5.11. Now you try!
- 5.12. Something to think about
- 5.13. Further reading
- 5.14. What's next?
- 6. Raster Data
- 6.1. Overview
- 6.2. Raster data in detail
- 6.3. Georeferencing
- 6.4. Sources of raster data
- 6.5. Spatial Resolution
- 6.6. Spectral resolution
- 6.7. Raster to vector conversion
- 6.8. Vector to raster conversion
- 6.9. Raster analysis
- 6.10. Common problems / things to be aware of
- 6.11. What have we learned?
- 6.12. Now you try!
- 6.13. Something to think about
- 6.14. Further reading
- 6.15. What's next?
- 7. Topology
- 8. Coordinate Reference Systems
- 8.1. Overview
- 8.2. Map Projection in detail
- 8.3. The three families of map projections
- 8.4. Accuracy of map projections
- 8.5. Coordinate Reference System (CRS) in detail
- 8.6. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) CRS in detail
- 8.7. On-The-Fly Projection
- 8.8. Common problems / things to be aware of
- 8.9. What have we learned?
- 8.10. Now you try!
- 8.11. Something to think about
- 8.12. Further reading
- 8.13. What's next?
- 9. Map Production
- 9.1. Overview
- 9.2. Title in detail
- 9.3. Map Border in detail
- 9.4. Map Legend in detail
- 9.5. North arrow in detail
- 9.6. Scale in detail
- 9.7. Acknowledgment in detail
- 9.8. Graticule in detail
- 9.9. Name of the map projection in detail
- 9.10. Common problems / things to be aware of
- 9.11. What have we learned?
- 9.12. Now you try!
- 9.13. Something to think about
- 9.14. Further reading
- 9.15. What's next?
- 10. Vector Spatial Analysis (Buffers)
- 11. Spatial Analysis (Interpolation)
- 11.1. Overview
- 11.2. Spatial interpolation in detail
- 11.3. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)
- 11.4. Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)
- 11.5. Common problems / things to be aware of
- 11.6. Other interpolation methods
- 11.7. What have we learned?
- 11.8. Now you try!
- 11.9. Something to think about
- 11.10. Further reading
- 11.11. What's next?
- 12. About the authors & contributors
- 13. GNU Free Documentation License