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16.4. Releasing your plugin
Once your plugin is ready and you think the plugin could be helpful for some people, do not hesitate to upload it to Official Python plugin repository. On that page you can also find packaging guidelines about how to prepare the plugin to work well with the plugin installer. Or in case you would like to set up your own plugin repository, create a simple XML file that will list the plugins and their metadata.
Please take special care to the following suggestions:
16.4.1. Metadata and names
avoid using a name too similar to existing plugins
if your plugin has a similar functionality to an existing plugin, please explain the differences in the About field, so the user will know which one to use without the need to install and test it
avoid repeating «plugin» in the name of the plugin itself
use the description field in metadata for a 1 line description, the About field for more detailed instructions
include a code repository, a bug tracker, and a home page; this will greatly enhance the possibility of collaboration, and can be done very easily with one of the available web infrastructures (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.)
choose tags with care: avoid the uninformative ones (e.g. vector) and prefer the ones already used by others (see the plugin website)
add a proper icon, do not leave the default one; see QGIS interface for a suggestion of the style to be used
16.4.2. Code and help
do not include generated file (ui_*.py,, generated help files…) and useless stuff (e.g. .gitignore) in repository
add the plugin to the appropriate menu (Vector, Raster, Web, Database)
when appropriate (plugins performing analyses), consider adding the plugin as a subplugin of Processing framework: this will allow users to run it in batch, to integrate it in more complex workflows, and will free you from the burden of designing an interface
include at least minimal documentation and, if useful for testing and understanding, sample data.
16.4.3. Official Python plugin repository
You can find the official Python plugin repository at
In order to use the official repository you must obtain an OSGEO ID from the OSGEO web portal.
Once you have uploaded your plugin it will be approved by a staff member and you will be notified.
Insert a link to the governance document Permissions
These rules have been implemented in the official plugin repository:
every registered user can add a new plugin
staff users can approve or disapprove all plugin versions
users which have the special permission plugins.can_approve get the versions they upload automatically approved
users which have the special permission plugins.can_approve can approve versions uploaded by others as long as they are in the list of the plugin owners
a particular plugin can be deleted and edited only by staff users and plugin owners
if a user without plugins.can_approve permission uploads a new version, the plugin version is automatically unapproved. Trust management
Staff members can grant trust to selected plugin creators setting plugins.can_approve permission through the front-end application.
The plugin details view offers direct links to grant trust to the plugin creator or the plugin owners. Validation
Plugin’s metadata are automatically imported and validated from the compressed package when the plugin is uploaded.
Here are some validation rules that you should aware of when you want to upload a plugin on the official repository:
the name of the main folder containing your plugin must contain only ASCII characters (A-Z and a-z), digits and the characters underscore (_) and minus (-), also it cannot start with a digit
is requiredall required metadata listed in metadata table must be present
the version metadata field must be unique
a license file must be included, saved as
with no extension (i.e. notLICENSE.txt
for example) Plugin structure
Following the validation rules the compressed (.zip) package of your plugin
must have a specific structure to validate as a functional plugin. As the
plugin will be unzipped inside the users plugins folder it must have it’s own
directory inside the .zip file to not interfere with other plugins. Mandatory
files are: metadata.txt
But it would be nice to have a README
and of course an icon to represent
the plugin. Following is an example of how a
could look like.
|-- i18n
| |-- translation_file_de.ts
|-- img
| |-- icon.png
| |-- iconsource.svg
|-- Makefile
|-- metadata.txt
|-- ui_Qt_user_interface_file.ui