4.2. Lesson: Criando um Layout de Impressão Dinâmico
Now that you have learned to create a basic map layout we go a step further and create a map layout that adapts dynamically to our map extent and to the page properties, e.g. when you change the size of the page. Also, the date of creation will adapt dynamically.
Follow Along: Criando a tela do mapa dinâmico
Carregue os conjuntos de dados no formato ESRI Shapefile
na tela do mapa e adapte suas propriedades para o que for mais conveniente.After everything is rendered and symbolized to your liking, click the
New Print Layout icon in the toolbar or choose . You will be prompted to choose a title for the new print layout.
Queremos criar um layout de mapa que consiste em um cabeçalho e um mapa da região perto de Swellendam, África do Sul. O layout deve ter uma margem de 7,5 mm e o cabeçalho deve ter 36 mm de altura.
Create a map item called
main map
on the canvas and go to the Layout panel. Scroll down to the Variables section and find the Layout part. Here we set some variables you can use all over the dynamic print layout. Go to the Layout panel and scroll down to the Variables section. The first variable will define the margin. Press thebutton and type in the name
. Set the value to7.5
. Press thebutton again and type in the name
. Set the value to36
.Now you are ready to create the position and the size of the map canvas automatically by means of the variables. Make sure that your map item is selected, go to the Item Properties panel, scroll down to and open the Position and Size section. Click the
Data defined override for X and from the Variables entry, choose
.Click the
Data defined override for Y, choose Edit… and type in the formula:
to_real(@sw_layout_margin) + to_real(@sw_layout_height_header)
You can create the size of the map item by using the variables for Width and Height. Click the
Data defined override for Width and choose Edit … again. Fill in the formula:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin * 2
Click the
Data defined override for Height and choose Edit …. Here fill in the formula:
@layout_pageheight - @sw_layout_height_header - @sw_layout_margin * 2
We will also create a grid containing the coordinates of the main canvas map extent. Go to Item Properties again and choose the Grids section. Insert a grid by clicking the
button. Click on Modify grid … and set the Interval for X, Y and Offset according to the map scale you chose in the QGIS main canvas. The Grid type Cross is very well suited for our purposes.
Follow Along: Criando o cabeçalho dinâmico
Insira um retângulo que conterá o cabeçalho com o botão
Adicionar Forma. No painel Items, digite o nome
.Again, go to the Item Properties and open the Position and Size section. Using
Data defined override, choose the
variable for X as well as for Y. Width shall be defined by the expression:@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin * 2
and Height by the
variable.We will insert a horizontal line and two vertical lines to divide the header into different sections using the
Add Node Item. Create a horizontal line and two vertical lines and name them
Horizontal line
,Vertical line 1
Vertical line 2
.Para a linha horizontal:
Set X to the variable
Set the expression for Y to:
@sw_layout_margin + 8
Set the expression for Width to:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin * 3 - 53.5
Para a primeira linha vertical:
Set the expression for X to:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin * 2 - 53.5
Set Y to the variable
The height must be the same as the header we created, so set Height to the variable
A segunda linha vertical é colocada à esquerda da primeira.
Set the expression for X to:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin * 2 - 83.5
Set Y to the variable
The height shall be the same as the other vertical line, so set Height to the variable
The figure below shows the structure of our dynamic layout. We will fill the areas created by the lines with some elements.

Follow Along: Criando rótulos para o cabeçalho dinâmico
The title of your QGIS project can be included automatically. The title is set in the Project Properties. Insert a label with the
Add Label button and enter the name
project title (variable)
. In the Main Properties of the Items Properties Panel enter the expression:[%@project_title%]
Defina a posição do rótulo.
For X, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 3
For Y, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 0.25
For Width, use the expression:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin *2 - 90
for Height
Under Appearance set the Font size to 16 pt.
The second label will include a description of the map you created. Again, insert a label and name it
map description
. In the Main Properties enter the textmap description
. In the Main Properties we will also include:printed on: [%format_date(now(),'dd.MM.yyyy')%]
Here we used two
Date and Time
functions (now
).Defina a posição do rótulo.
For X, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 3
For Y, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 11.5
The third label will include information about your organisation. First we will create some variables in the Variables menu of the Item Properties. Go to the Layout menu, click the
button each time and enter the names
. In the second row enter the information about your organisation. We will use these variables in the Main Properties section.In Main Properties enter:
[% @o_name %] [% @o_department %] [% @o_adress %] [% @o_postcode %]
Defina a posição do rótulo.
For X, use the expression:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin - 49.5
For Y, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 15.5
For Width, use
For Height, use the expression:
@sw_layout_height_header - 15.5

Follow Along: Adicionando imagens ao cabeçalho dinâmico
Use the
Add Picture button to place a picture above your label
organisation information
. After entering the nameorganisation logo
define the position and size of the logo:For X, use the expression:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin - 49.5
For Y, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 3.5
For Width, use
For Height, use
To include a logo of your organisation you have to save your logo under your home directory and enter the path under
.Our layout still needs a north arrow. This will also be inserted by using
Add North Arrow. We will use the default north arrow. Define the position:
For X, use the expression:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin * 2 - 78
For Y, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 9
For Width, use
For Height, use
Follow Along: Criando a barra de escala do cabeçalho dinâmico
To insert a scalebar in the header click on
Add Scale Bar and place it in the rectangle above the north arrow. In Map under the Main Properties choose your
main map(Map 1)
. This means that the scale changes automatically according to the extent you choose in the QGIS main canvas. Choose the Style Numeric. This means that we insert a simple scale without a scalebar. The scale still needs a position and size.For X, use the expression:
@layout_pagewidth - @sw_layout_margin * 2 - 78
For Y, use the expression:
@sw_layout_margin + 1
For Width, use
For Height, use
Coloque o
ponto de referência
no centro.
Congratulations! You have created your first dynamic map layout.
Take a look at the layout and check if everything looks the way you
want it!
The dynamic map layout reacts automatically when you change the
page properties.
For example, if you change the page size from DIN A4 to DIN A3, click
the Refresh view button and the page design is

4.2.6. What’s Next?
Na próxima página, você receberá uma tarefa para concluir. Isso permitirá que você pratique as técnicas que aprendeu até agora.