12.1. Lesson: Configuración de GRASS
Using GRASS in QGIS requires you to think of the interface in a slightly different way. Remember that you’re not working in QGIS directly, but working in GRASS via QGIS. Hence, make sure you have installed QGIS Desktop with Grass support.
Para abrir uma sessão de QGIS com GRASS disponível no Windows você tem que clicar no ícone
QGIS Desktop com GRASS
El objetivo de esta lección: Comenzar un proyecto GRASS en QGIS.
Follow Along: Começando uma Nova Sessão GRASS
Para lançar GRASS de dentro do QGIS, você precisa ativá-lo como em qualquer outro plugin:
Primeiro, abra um novo projeto QGIS.
En el Adiministrador de Complementos, activa GRASS en la lista:
The GRASS toolbar and the GRASS panel will appear:
Fig. 12.10 Barra de ferramentas GRASS
Fig. 12.11 Painel GRASS
O painel GRASS não está ativo porque, antes que você possa usar o GRASS, é necessário criar um Mapset
. O GRASS sempre funciona em um ambiente de banco de dados, o que significa que você precisa importar todos os dados que deseja usar em um banco de dados GRASS.
The GRASS database has a straightforward structure, even if at a first look it
seems very complicated. The most important thing you should know is that the
upper level of the database is the Location
. Each Location
can contain
different Mapset
: in every Mapset
you will find the PERMANENT
Mapset because it is created by default by GRASS. Each Mapset
contains the
data (raster, vector, etc) in a particular structure, but don’t worry, GRASS will
take care of this for you.
Just remember: Location
contains Mapset
that contains the data. For more
information visit the GRASS website.

Fig. 12.12 GRASS database structure (from GRASS docs)
Follow Along: Comienza un Nuevo Proyecto GRASS
Clique no menu Complementos –> GRASS –> Novo Mapset:
Você será solicitado a escolher a localização do banco de dados GRASS.
Definelo como el directorio que será usado por GRASS para crear su base de datos:
Haz clic en Siguiente.
GRASS needs to create a Location
, which describes the maximum extent of the
geographic area you’ll be working in, also known as Grass Region
the Region is extremely important for GRASS because it describes the area in which all layers will be taken into account for GRASS. Everything that is outside will not be considered. Don’t worry, you can always change the extent of the GRASS Region after the Location has been created
Chame o novo local
:Haz clic en Siguiente.
Estaremos trabalhando com
WGS 84
, então procure e selecione este SRC:Haz clic en Siguiente.
Ahora, selecciona la región South Africa del menú desplegable y haz clic en Establecer:
Haz clic en Siguiente.
Crea un directorio de mapa, que el archivo de mapa con el que estarás trabajando.
Uma vez terminado, você verá uma caixa de diálogo com um resumo de todas as informações inseridas.
Clic Terminar.
Haz clic en Aceptar en el diálogo de éxito.
You will see that the GRASS Panel will become active and you can start to use all GRASS tools.
Follow Along: Cargando datos vector en GRASS
Agora você tem um mapa em branco e, antes de começar a usar todas as ferramentas GRASS, precisa carregar dados no banco de dados GRASS, especificamente no Mapset
. Você não pode usar ferramentas GRASS com camadas que não são carregadas em um Mapset
There are many different ways to load data in the GRASS database. Let’s start with the first one.
Follow Along: Carregar dados usando o Navegador do QGIS
In section O Painel do Navegador we saw that the easiest and quickest way to load the data in QGIS is the Browser Panel.
GRASS data are recognized from the QGIS Browser as real GRASS data and you can
notice it because you will see the GRASS icon next to the GRASS Mapset. Moreover
you will see the icon next to the Mapset that is opened.

You will see a replication of the GRASS Location as normal folder:
GRASS Mapset
data are those within the folder
You can easily drag and drop layers from a folder to the GRASS Mapset.
Let’s try to import the roads
layer into the grass_mapset
of the SouthAfrica
Vá para o Navegador e simplesmente arraste a camada roads
do arquivo GeoPackage training_data.gpkg
para o Mapset grass_mapset

That’s it! If you expand the Mapset you will see the imported roads
layer. You can now load in QGIS the imported layer like all the other layers.
You can also load layers from the Layer Legend Panel to Mapset in the Browser Panel. This will speed up incredibly your workflow!
Follow Along: Load data using the GRASS Panel
We will use now the long method to load the rivers.shp
layer into the
same Mapset.
Load data into QGIS as usual. Use the
dataset (found in theexercise_data/shapefile/
folder)As soon as it is loaded, click on the Filter box of the
and find the vector import tool by entering the termv.in.ogr.qgis
There are 2 similar tools:
. We are looking for the first one.O
significa vetor,in
significa uma função para importar dados para o banco de dados GRASS,ogr
é a biblioteca de software usada para ler dados vetoriais eqgis
significa que a ferramenta procurará um vetor dentre os vetores já carregados no QGIS.Depois de encontrar essa ferramenta, clique nela para abrir a própria ferramenta. Escolha a camada rivers na caixa Camada Carregada e digite e nomeie-o
para evitar confusão:Nota
Nota las opciones de importación extra dentro de Advanced Options. Éstas incluyen la habilidad de añadir expresiones WHERE para una consulta SQL utilizada al importar los datos.
Haz clic en Ejecutar para comenzar la importación.
Cuando termine, haz clic en el botón Ver salida para ver la capa recien importada a GRASS en el mapa.
Fechar primeiro a ferramenta de importação (clique no botão Fechar imediatamente à direita de Ver saída), em seguida, feche a janela : guilabel: Ferramentas GRASS.
Remove the original rivers layer.
Ahora tienes solamente la capa importada de GRASS visible en tu mapa de QGIS.
Follow Along: Cargando Datos Ráster en GRASS
Você pode importar uma camada raster da mesma maneira que importamos as camadas vetoriais.
We are going to import in the GRASS Mapset the layer srtm_41_19_4326.tif
the raster layer is already in the correct CRS, WGS 84
. If you
have layers in different CRS you must reproject them in the same CRS of the
GRASS Mapset
Load the
layer in QGISAbre el diálogo Herramientas GRASS de nuevo.
Haz clic en la pestaña Lista de módulos.
Search for
and double click the tool to open the tool’s dialog.Set it up so that the input layer is
and the output isg_dem
.Haz clic en Ejecutar.
Cuando el proceso termine, haz clic en Ver salida.
Haz clic en Cerrar para cerrar la pestaña, y entonces haz clic en Cerrar para cerrar el cuadro de diálogo completo.
You may now remove the original
Try Yourself Adicionar Camadas ao Mapa
Try to import in the GRASS Mapset the vector layers water.shp
from the exercise_data/shapefile/
folder. As we did
for rivers
rename the imported layer as g_water
and g_places
to avoid confusion
You can add layers (both vector and raster) into a GRASS Mapset by drag and
drop them in the Browser (see Follow Along: Carregar dados usando o Navegador do QGIS) or by using the
for vector and r.in.gdal.qgis
for raster layers.
Abrir um Mapa GRASS existente
If you have an existing GRASS Mapset you can easily reopen it in another session of QGIS.
You have several method to open a GRASS Mapset, let’s explore some of them.
Let’s close the Mapset by clicking on the Close Mapset button of the GRASS Tools window.
Follow Along: Usando o complemento GRASS
Clique no menu Complements –> GRASS –> Abrir Mapset ao lado do menu Complementos –> GRASS –> Novo Mapset que vimos na seção anterior.
Browse to the GRASS database folder: be careful! You must choose the parent folder, not the GRASS Mapset one. Indeed GRASS will read all the
of the database and all theMapsets
of eachLocation
:Choose the
SouthAfrica and theMapset
grass_mapset that we have created before.
That’s it! The GRASS Panel will become active meaning that the Mapset has been correctly opened.
Follow Along: Usando o Navegador do QGIS
Even faster and easier is opening a Mapset
using the QGIS Browser:
Close the Mapset (if it is open) by clicking on the Close Mapset button of the GRASS Tools window.
In the QGIS Browser, browse to the folder of the GRASS database.
Right click on the Mapset (remember, the Mapset has the
GRASS icon next to it). You will see some options.
Clique em Abrir mapset:
The Mapset is now open and ready to use!
Right click on a GRASS Mapset offers you a lot of different settings. Try to explore them and see all the useful options.
12.1.7. In Conclusion
La cadena de trabajo en GRASS para procesar datos es diferente del método que QGIS utiliza porque GRASS carga sus datos en una estructura de base de datos espacial. Sin embargo, utilizando QGIS como interfaz, puedes hacer los ajustes de un directorio de mapas de GRASS más fácilmente utilizando capas existentes en QGIS como fuente de datos para GRASS.
12.1.8. What’s Next?
Ahora que los datos están importado a GRASS, podemos ver las operaciones de análisis avanzado que GRASS ofrece.