
from qgis.core import (

4. 目次(TOC)へのアクセス


4.1. QgsProject クラス

You can use QgsProject to retrieve information about the TOC and all the layers loaded.

QgsProject の「インスタンス」を作成し、そのメソッドを使用してロードされたレイヤーを取得する必要があります。

The main method is mapLayers(). It will return a dictionary of the loaded layers:

layers = QgsProject.instance().mapLayers()
{'countries_89ae1b0f_f41b_4f42_bca4_caf55ddbe4b6': <QgsVectorLayer: 'countries' (ogr)>}

The dictionary keys are the unique layer ids while the values are the related objects.

It is now straightforward to obtain any other information about the layers:

1# list of layer names using list comprehension
2l = [ for layer in QgsProject.instance().mapLayers().values()]
3# dictionary with key = layer name and value = layer object
4layers_list = {}
5for l in QgsProject.instance().mapLayers().values():
6  layers_list[] = l
{'countries': <QgsVectorLayer: 'countries' (ogr)>}

You can also query the TOC using the name of the layer:

country_layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("countries")[0]


一致するすべてのレイヤーを含むリストが返されるため、 [0] でインデックスを作成して、この名前の最初のレイヤーを取得します。

4.2. QgsLayerTreeGroup クラス

レイヤーツリーは、ノードで構築された古典的なツリー構造です。現在、ノードには2つのタイプがあります:グループノード( QgsLayerTreeGroup )とレイヤーノード( QgsLayerTreeLayer )。


詳細については、MartinDobiasのこれらのブログ投稿を読むことができます: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

The project layer tree can be accessed easily with the method layerTreeRoot() of the QgsProject class:

root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot()

root はグループノードであり、 を持っています:



We can retrieve one of the children:

child0 = root.children()[0]
<qgis._core.QgsLayerTreeLayer object at 0x7f1e1ea54168>

Layers can also be retrieved using their (unique) id:

ids = root.findLayerIds()
# access the first layer of the ids list


root.findGroup('Group Name')

QgsLayerTreeGroup has many other useful methods that can be used to obtain more information about the TOC:

# list of all the checked layers in the TOC
checked_layers = root.checkedLayers()
[<QgsVectorLayer: 'countries' (ogr)>]

Now let’s add some layers to the project’s layer tree. There are two ways of doing that:

  1. Explicit addition using the addLayer() or insertLayer() functions:

    1# create a temporary layer
    2layer1 = QgsVectorLayer("path_to_layer", "Layer 1", "memory")
    3# add the layer to the legend, last position
    5# add the layer at given position
    6root.insertLayer(5, layer1)
  2. Implicit addition: since the project's layer tree is connected to the layer registry it is enough to add a layer to the map layer registry:


You can switch between QgsVectorLayer and QgsLayerTreeLayer easily:

node_layer = root.findLayer(
print("Layer node:", node_layer)
print("Map layer:", node_layer.layer())
Layer node: <qgis._core.QgsLayerTreeLayer object at 0x7f24423175e0>
Map layer: <QgsVectorLayer: 'countries' (ogr)>

グループは addGroup() メソッドで追加できます。以下の例では、前者はTOCの最後にグループを追加し、後者の場合は既存のグループ内に別のグループを追加できます:

node_group1 = root.addGroup('Simple Group')
# add a sub-group to Simple Group
node_subgroup1 = node_group1.addGroup("I'm a sub group")



  1. cloning the existing node

  2. moving the cloned node to the desired position

  3. deleting the original node

1# clone the group
2cloned_group1 = node_group1.clone()
3# move the node (along with sub-groups and layers) to the top
4root.insertChildNode(0, cloned_group1)
5# remove the original node

It is a little bit more complicated to move a layer around in the legend:

 1# get a QgsVectorLayer
 2vl = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("countries")[0]
 3# create a QgsLayerTreeLayer object from vl by its id
 4myvl = root.findLayer(
 5# clone the myvl QgsLayerTreeLayer object
 6myvlclone = myvl.clone()
 7# get the parent. If None (layer is not in group) returns ''
 8parent = myvl.parent()
 9# move the cloned layer to the top (0)
10parent.insertChildNode(0, myvlclone)
11# remove the original myvl

or moving it to an existing group:

 1# get a QgsVectorLayer
 2vl = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("countries")[0]
 3# create a QgsLayerTreeLayer object from vl by its id
 4myvl = root.findLayer(
 5# clone the myvl QgsLayerTreeLayer object
 6myvlclone = myvl.clone()
 7# create a new group
 8group1 = root.addGroup("Group1")
 9# get the parent. If None (layer is not in group) returns ''
10parent = myvl.parent()
11# move the cloned layer to the top (0)
12group1.insertChildNode(0, myvlclone)
13# remove the QgsLayerTreeLayer from its parent

Some other methods that can be used to modify the groups and layers:

 1node_group1 = root.findGroup("Group1")
 2# change the name of the group
 3node_group1.setName("Group X")
 4node_layer2 = root.findLayer(
 5# change the name of the layer
 6node_layer2.setName("Layer X")
 7# change the visibility of a layer
10# expand/collapse the group view