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This algorithm clips a vector layer using the polygons of an additional polygon layer. Only the parts of the features in the input layer that falls within the polygons of the clipping layer will be added to the resulting layer.

The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the clipping operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.

This algorithm uses spatial indexes on the providers, prepared geometries and apply an intersection operation if the geometry isn’t wholly contained by the mask geometry.


Eingabelayer [vector: any]

Der Layer, der die Features enthält, die zugeschnitten werden sollen.

Zuschneidungslayer [vector: any]
The layer containing the features that are used to clip the features in the input layer.
Open output file after running algorithm
Choose whether to load the clipped layer to the map canvas once the clip operation has been completed.


Clipped [vector]
Where to save the clipped layer. Can be saved to file, a temporary file or a memory layer.

Verwendung der Konsole

processing.runalg('qgis:clip', input, overlay, output)

Siehe auch



This algorithm extracts features from the Input layer that don’t fall within the boundaries of the Difference layer. Input Layer Features that are partially within Difference layer feature(s) are split along the boundary of the clip layer feature(s). If any features are selected in the Input and Difference Layers, then only those features are used in the operation. If no features are selected, then the operation is performed using all features.


Eingabelayer [vector: any]
The layer containing the features that will be reduced.
Unterscheidungslayer [vector: any]
The layer containing the features used to reduce the Input Layer.


Difference [vector]
Where to save the difference layer. Can be saved to file, a temporary file or a memory layer.

Verwendung der Konsole

processing.runalg('qgis:difference', input, overlay, output)

Siehe auch



This algorithm combines features from the Input layer and the Intersect Layer, resulting in features that cover both layers’ features. Input Feature(s) that only partially lie within the other layer’s feature(s) are split along the boundary of the other layer’s feature(s). If any features are selected in the Input and Intersect Layers, then only those features are used in the operation. If no features are selected then the operation is performed using all features.


Eingabelayer [vector: any]
One layer containing feature(s) to be combined.
Verschneidungslayer [vector: any]
Second layer containing the feature(s) to be combined.


Verschneidung [vector]
Where to save the intersection layer. Can be saved to file, a temporary file or a memory layer.

Verwendung der Konsole

processing.runalg('qgis:intersection', input, input2, output)

Siehe auch



<fügen Sie hier die Übersetzung des Algorithmus ein>


Eingabelayer [vector: line]

<geben Sie hier die Parameterbeschreibung ein>

Verschneidungslayer [vector: line]

<geben Sie hier die Parameterbeschreibung ein>

Eingabe eindeutiges ID Feld [tablefield: any]

<geben Sie hier die Parameterbeschreibung ein>

Intersect unique ID field [tablefield: any]

<geben Sie hier die Parameterbeschreibung ein>


Ausgabelayer [vector]
Where to save the line intersection layer. Can be saved to file, a temporary file or a memory layer.

Verwendung der Konsole

processing.runalg('qgis:lineintersections', input_a, input_b, field_a, field_b, output)

Siehe auch

Split lines with lines


This algorithm splits the lines in a line layer using the lines in another line layer to define the breaking points. Intersection between geometries in both layers are considered as split points.


Eingabelayer [vector: line]
Line layer containing the lines to be split.
Split layer [vector: line]
Line layer whose lines are used to define the breaking points.


Splitted [vector]
Output layer with split lines from input layer.

Verwendung der Konsole

processing.runalg('qgis:splitlineswithlines', input_layer, split_layer, splitted)

Siehe auch

Symetrische Differenz


This algorithm creates a layer that includes all feature(s) that are in only one of the two input layers. Feature(s) that only partially lie within the other layer’s feature(s) are split along the boundary of the other layer’s feature(s). If any features are selected in the Input and Difference Layers, then only those features are used in the operation. If no features are selected then the operation is performed using all features.


Eingabelayer [vector: any]
One layer containing feature(s) to be compared.
Unterscheidungslayer [vector: any]
Second layer containing feature(s) to be compared.


Symetrische Differenz [vector]
Where to save the symmetrical difference layer. Can be saved to file, a temporary file or a memory layer.

Verwendung der Konsole

processing.runalg('qgis:symetricaldifference', input, overlay, output)

Siehe auch



This algorithm combines the feature(s) of both layers. Features that lie partially within the other layer’s features will be split. Areas that lie within both layers will be added as new features. If any features are selected in either of the layers, then only those features are used in the operation. If no features are selected then the operation is performed using all features.


Eingabelayer [vector: any]
One layer containing feature(s) to be unioned.
Eingabelayer 2 [vector: any]
Second layer containing feature(s) to be unioned.


Vereinigung [vector]
Where to save the union layer. Can be saved to file, a temporary file or a memory layer.

Verwendung der Konsole

processing.runalg('qgis:union', input, input2, output)

Siehe auch