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4. Module: Laying out the Maps
In this module, you'll learn how to use the QGIS print layout to produce quality maps with all the requisite map components.
- 4.1. Lesson: Using Print Layout
- 4.2. Lesson: Creating a Dynamic Print Layout
- 4.2.1. ★★☆ Follow Along: Creating the dynamic map canvas
- 4.2.2. ★★☆ Follow Along: Creating the dynamic header
- 4.2.3. ★★☆ Follow Along: Creating labels for the dynamic header
- 4.2.4. ★★☆ Follow Along: Adding pictures to the dynamic header
- 4.2.5. ★★☆ Follow Along: Creating the scalebar of the dynamic header
- 4.2.6. What's Next?
- 4.3. Assignment 1