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17.31. Vector simplification and smoothing
Module contributed by Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
This chapter shows how simplify vectors, and smooth out sharp corners.
Sometimes we need a simplified version of a vector, to have a smaller file size and get rid of unnecessary details. Many tools do this in a very rough way, and miss the adjacency and sometimes the topological correctness of polygons. GRASS is the ideal tool for this: being a topological GIS, adjacency and correctness are preserved even at very high simplification levels. In our case, we have a vector resulting from a raster, thus showing a "saw" pattern at borders. Applying a simplification results in straight lines:
[Maximal tolerance value: 30 m]
We can also do the reverse, and make a layer more complex, smoothing out sharp corners:
[method: chaiken]
Try to apply this second command both to original vector and to the one from the first analysis, and see the difference. Note that adjacency is not lost.
This second option can be applied e.g. to contour lines resulting from a coarse raster, to GPS tracks with sparse vertices, etc.