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QGIS is highly configurable through the Settings menu. Choose between Options, Project Properties and Customization.
QGIS follows desktop guidelines for the location of options and project properties item. Consequently related to the OS you are using, location of some of items described below could be in the Project or the Settings menu.
Some basic options for QGIS can be selected using the
Options dialog. Select the menu option Settings ‣
You can modify the options according to your needs. Some of the changes may
require a restart of QGIS before they will be effective.
The tabs where you can customize your options are described below.
Fișierele proiectului
SVG paths
Add or Remove Path(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbols. These SVG files are then available to symbolize features or decorate your map composition.
Căile plugin-urilor
Add or Remove Path(s) to search for additional C++ plugin libraries
It helps you Reset user interface to default settings (restart required) if you made any customization.
Variabilele de mediu ale sistemului pot fi acum vizualizate, iar multe dintre ele pot fi configurate în grupul Environment (v. figure_environment_variables). Acest lucru este util pentru platforme, cum ar fi Mac, unde interfața unei aplicații nu moștenește în mod obligatoriu variabilele de mediu ale utilizatorului. De asemenea, este util și la stabilirea/vizualizarea variabilelor de mediu pentru seturile de instrumente externe, controlate de instrumentele Processing (ex.: SAGA, GRASS), și pentru a depana ieșirile provenite din anumite secțiuni ale codului sursă.
Variabilele de mediu ale sistemului din QGIS
Atributele şi tabela entității
Improve opening of big data attribute table
When working with layers with big amount of records, opening the attribute table may be slow as the dialog request all the rows in the layer. Setting the Attribute table behavior to Show features visible on map will make QGIS request only the features in the current map canvas when opening the table, allowing a quick data loading.
Note that data in this attribute table instance will be always tied to the canvas extent it was opened with, meaning that selecting Show All Features within such a table will not display new features. You can however update the set of displayed features by changing the canvas extent and selecting Show Features Visible On Map option in the attribute table.
Gestiunea surselor de date
Scanează elementele valide din navigator . Se poate alege ‘Verificare extensie’ sau ‘Verificare conținut fișier’.
Adăugare straturi PostGIS printr-un dublu clic și selectarea modului extins
Adăugare straturi Oracle printr-un dublu clic și selectarea modului extins
Calea Ascunsă față de Navigator
This widget lists all the folder you chose to hide from the Browser panel. Removing a folder from the list will make it available in the Browser panel.
Comportamentul randării
Se folosește memoria tampon, acolo unde este posibil, pentru a se accelera redesenarea
Straturile se randează în paralel, utilizând mai multe nuclee CPU
Intervalul de reactualizare a hărții (implicit 250 ms)
Activează simplificarea implicită a entităților, pentru straturile nou adăugate
Pragul de Simplificare
Scara maximă la care stratul ar trebui să fie simplificat
Besides the global setting, feature simplification can be set for any specific layer from its Layer properties ‣ Rendering menu.
Calitatea randării
Segmentare curbă
Segmentation tolerance: this setting controls the way circular arcs are rendered. The smaller maximum angle (between the two consecutive vertices and the curve center, in degrees) or maximum difference (distance between the segment of the two vertices and the curve line, in map units), the more straight line segments will be used during rendering.
Tolerance type: it can be ‘Maximum angle’ or ‘Maximum distance’
With RGB band selection, you can define the number for the Red, Green and Blue band.
Îmbunătăţirea contrastului
Limitele reducerii numărului cumulat de pixeli
Multiplicator pentru Abaterea Standard
This menu allows you to add some custom color that you can find in each color dialog window of the renderers. You will see a set of predefined colors in the tab: you can delete or edit all of them. Moreover you can add the color you want and perform some copy and paste operations. Finally you can export the color set as a gpl file or import them.
Default map appearance (overridden by project properties)
Layer legend
This tab offers some options regarding the behavior of the Identify tool.
Instrumentul de măsură
Definește Culoarea benzii elastice a instrumentelor de măsurare
Definire Număr de zecimale
Deplasare și transfocare
Scări predefinite
Here, you find a list of predefined scales. With the
buttons you can add or remove your personal scales.
You can also import or export scales from/to a .XML file. Note that you still have
the possibility to remove your changes and reset to the predefined list.
Valori implicite pentru compoziție
You can define the Default font used within the print composer.
Aspectul grilei
Grilă și de ghidaje implicite
Composer Paths
This tab helps you configure general settings when editing vector layer (attributes and geometry).
Creare entitate
Bandă elastică
Definește Toleranța de acroșare implicită, în unități de hartă sau în pixeli
Definește Raza de căutare pentru editarea vertecșilor, în unități de hartă sau în pixeli
Simbolurile vertexului
Definește Dimensiunea simbolului pentru vertex
Instrument pentru curba de decalare
The next 3 options refer to the Offset Curve tool in
Digitizare avansată. Through the various settings, it is possible to
influence the shape of the line offset. These options are possible starting
from GEOS 3.3.
Segmentele cvadrantului
GDAL is a data exchange library for raster files. In this tab, you can Edit create options and Edit Pyramids Options of the raster formats. You can define which GDAL driver is to be used for a raster format, as in some cases more than one GDAL driver is available.
Default CRS for new projects
CRS-ul pentru noile straturi
This area allows you to define the action to take when a new layer is created, or when a layer without a CRS is loaded.
Se cere CRS-ul
Utilizează CRS-ul proiectului
Transformări de datum implicite
With the ‘on-the-fly’ CRS transformation enabled and the above option checked,
adding layers of different CRS opens the Select datum transformations
dialog. This offers you to select the most appropriate transformation settings.
Validating this dialog with the ‘Remember selection’ option checked populates
the table under CRS ‣ Default datum transformations with
information about ‘Source CRS’ and ‘Destination CRS’ as well as ‘Source datum
transform’ and ‘Destination datum transform’. From now, QGIS automatically
uses the selected datum transformation for further transformation between
these two CRSs until you remove it from the list.
You can use the button to add a datum transformation if you know
its parameters (source and destination ellipsoids and the numbers from the
transformation table). You then need to manually enter each setting.
For more information on how QGIS handles layers projection, please read the dedicated section at Lucrul cu Proiecții.
In the Authentication tab you can set authentication configurations and manage PKI certificates. See Sistem de Autentificare for more details.
Definiți Adresa de căutare WMS ca fiind, în mod implicit, http://geopole.org/wms/search?search=\%1\&type=rss
Definire Timpul de așteptare pentru cererile de rețea (ms) - implicit este 60000
Definire Perioada de expirare prestabilită pentru plăcuțele WMS-C/WMTS (ore) - implicit este 24
Definire User-Agent
Setările proxy din QGIS
Setările memoriei tampon
Define the Directory and a Size for the cache.
Excluding some URLs can be added to the text box below the proxy settings (see Figure_Network_Tab).
If you need more detailed information about the different proxy settings, please refer to the manual of the underlying QT library documentation at http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qnetworkproxy.html#ProxyType-enum
Folosirea Proxi-urilor
Using proxies can sometimes be tricky. It is useful to proceed by ‘trial and error’ with the above proxy types, to check if they succeed in your case.
The Variables tab lists all the variables available at the global-level.
It also allows the user to manage global-level variables. Click the
button to add a new custom global-level variable. Likewise, select a custom
global-level variable from the list and click the
button to remove
More information about variables in the Variables section.
Depending on your OS, all the settings related to QGIS (UI, tools, data providers, default values, plugins options...) are saved:
The Advanced tab offers you in a single place, regardless your OS, means to manage these settings through the Advanced Settings Editor. After you promise to be careful, the widget is populated with a tree of all QGIS settings, which you can directly edit.
Avoid using the Advanced tab settings blindly
Be careful while modifying items in this dialog given that changes are automatically applied. Doing changes without knowledge can break your QGIS installation in various ways.
In the properties window for the project under Project ‣
Project Properties (or Settings ‣ Project Properties),
you can set project-specific options.
The project-specific options overwrite their equivalent in the options described above.
In the General tab, the general settings let you:
Calculating areas and distances is a common need in GIS. However, these values are really tied to the underlying projection settings. The Measurements frame lets you control these parameters. You can indeed choose:
Bara de actualizare a câmpului din tabela de atribute
Operațiunile din calculatorul de câmpuri
Unitatea implicită se afișează în dialogul de măsurare
The Coordinate display allows you to choose and customize the format of units to use to display the mouse coordinate in the status bar and the derived coordinates shown via the identify tool.
Finally, you can define a project scale list, which overrides the global predefined scales.
Fila Generalităților din fereastra cu Proprietățile Proiectului
The CRS tab enables you to choose the Coordinate Reference System for this project, and to enable on-the-fly re-projection of raster and vector layers when displaying layers from a different CRS. For more information on projection’s handling in QGIS, please read Lucrul cu Proiecții section.
With the Identify layers tab, you set (or disable) which layers will respond to the identify tool. By default, layers are set queryable.
You can also set whether a layer should appear as read-only, meaning that it can not be edited by the user, regardless of the data provider’s capabilities. Although this is a weak protection, it remains a quick and handy configuration to avoid end-users modifying data when working with file-based layers.
The Default Styles tab lets you control how new layers will be drawn when they do not have an existing .qml style defined. You can also set the default transparency level for new layers and whether symbols should have random colors assigned to them. There is also an additional section where you can define specific colors for the running project. You can find the added colors in the drop down menu of the color dialog window present in each renderer.
The tab OWS Server allows you to configure your project in order to publish it online. Here you can define information about the QGIS Server WMS and WFS capabilities, extent and CRS restrictions. More information available in section Prepare a project to serve and subsequent.
The Macros tab is used to edit Python macros for projects. Currently, only three macros are available: openProject(), saveProject() and closeProject().
Setările macro din QGIS
The customization dialog lets you (de)activate almost every element in the QGIS user interface. This can be very useful if you want to provide your end-users with a ‘light’ version of QGIS, containing only the icons, menus or panels they need.
Pentru aplicarea modificărilor, trebuie să reporniți QGIS.
Dialogul de Personalizare
Ticking the Enable customization checkbox is the first step
on the way to QGIS customization. This enables the toolbar and the widget
panel from which you can uncheck and thus disable some GUI items.
Elementul configurabil poate fi:
un întreg Panou (see Panouri și Bare de Instrumente)
With Switch to catching widgets in main application, you
can click on an item in QGIS interface that you want to be hidden and
QGIS automatically unchecks the corresponding entry in the Customization dialog.
Once you setup your configuration, click [Apply] or [Ok] to validate your changes. This configuration becomes the one used by default by QGIS at the next startup.
The modifications can also be saved in a .ini file using
Save To File button. This is a handy way to share a common QGIS
interface among multiple users. Just click on
Load from File
from the destination computer in order to import the .ini file.
You can also run command line tools and save various
setups for different use cases as well.
Restaurează cu ușurință setările QGIS predefinite
The initial QGIS GUI configuration can be restored by one of the methods below:
In most cases, you need to restart QGIS in order to have the change applied.
QGIS provides default keyboard shortcuts for many features. You can find them in section Bara de Meniuri. Additionally, the menu option Settings ‣ Configure Shortcuts... allows you to change the default keyboard shortcuts and add new keyboard shortcuts to QGIS features.
Define shortcut options
Configuration is very simple. Just select a feature from the list and click on :
Proceed as above for any other tools you wish to customize. Once you have finished your configuration, simply [Close] the dialog to have your changes applied. You can also [Save] the changes as an .XML file and [Load] them into another QGIS installation.