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17.28. Pré- e pós-execução de encaixe da script


Esta lição mostra como usar ganchos de pré e pós-execução, que permitem realizar operações adicionais antes e depois do processamento real.

Ganchos de pré e pós-execução são scripts de processamento que são executados antes e depois que o processamento de dados real é executado. Isso pode ser usado para automatizar tarefas que devem ser executadas sempre que um algoritmo é executado.

The syntax of the hooks is identical to the syntax of Processing scripts, see the corresponding chapter in the QGIS User Guide for more details.

Além de todas as feições de scripts, nos ganchos você pode usar uma variável global especial chamada alg, que representa o algoritmo que acabou de ser (ou está prestes a ser) executado.

Here is an example post-execution script. By default, Processing stores analysis results in temporary files. This script will copy outputs to a specific directory, so they won’t be deleted after closing QGIS.

import os
import shutil
from processing.core.outputs import OutputVector, OutputRaster, OutputFile

MY_DIRECTORY = '/home/alex/outputs'

for output in alg.outputs:
    if isinstance(output, (OutputVector, OutputRaster, OutputFile)):
        dirname = os.path.split(output.value)[0]
        shutil.copytree(dirname, MY_DIRECTORY)

In the first two lines we import the required Python packages: os — for path manipulations, e.g. extracting file name, and shutil — for various filesystem operations like copying files. In the third line we import Processing outputs. This will be explained in more detail later in this lesson.

Then we define a MY_DIRECTORY constant, which is the path to the directory where we want to copy analysis results.

At the end of the script, we have the main hook code. In the loop we iterate over all algorithm outputs and check if this output is a file-based output and can be copied. If so, we determine top-level directory in which output files are located and then copy all files to our directory.

To activate this hook we need to open the Processing options, find the entry named Post-execution script file in the General group, and specify the filename of the hook script there. the specified hook will be executed after each Processing algorithm.

In a similar way, we can implement pre-execution hooks. For example, let’s create a hook to check input vectors for geometry errors.

from qgis.core import QgsGeometry, QgsFeatureRequest
from processing.core.parameters import ParameterVector

for param in alg.parameters:
    if isinstance(param, ParameterVector):
        layer = processing.getObject(param.value)
        for f in layer.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setSubsetOfAttributes([])):
            errors = f.geometry().validateGeometry()
            if len(errors) > 0:
                progress.setInfo('One of the input vectors contains invalid geometries!')

As in the previous example, first we import required QGIS and Processing packages.

Then we iterate over all the algorithm parameters and if a ParameterVector parameter is found, we get the corresponding vector layer object from it. We loop over all the features of the layer and check them for geometry errors. If at least one feature contains an invalid geometry, we print a warning message.

To activate this hook we need enter its filename in the Pre-execution script file option in the Processing configuration dialog. The hook will be executed before running any Processing algorithm.