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3.4. Web Coverage Service (WCS)
The 1.0.0 and 1.1.1 WCS standards implemented in QGIS Server provide a HTTP interface to access raster data, referred to as coverage, coming from a QGIS project.
Spécifications :
Requêtes standard fournies par QGIS Server:
Requête |
Description |
Renvoie des métadonnées XML avec des informations sur le serveur |
Retrieves XML document about additional information about coverages |
Retrieves coverage |
3.4.1. GetCapabilities
Standard parameters for the GetCapabilities request according to the OGC WCS 1.1.1 specifications:
Paramètre |
Requis |
Description |
Oui |
Name of the service (WCS) |
Oui |
Nom de la requête (GetCapabilities) |
Non |
Version du service |
Outre les paramètres standard, QGIS prend en charge les paramètres suivants :
Paramètre |
Requis |
Description |
Oui |
Fichier du projet QGIS |
Exemple d’URL :
XML document example when a single raster layer (named
) is published in the QGIS project for the WCS
<WCS_Capabilities xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0.0" updateSequence="0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<lonLatEnvelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84">
<gml:pos>-61.585973 16.331189</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>-61.52537 16.400376</gml:pos>
This parameter allows to specify the version of the service to use. Currently,
the version values is not internally used and always fallback to 1.1.1
3.4.2. DescribeCoverage
This request allows to retrieve additional information about coverages like the format of the underlying datasource, the number of bands, … Standard parameters for the DescribeCoverage request according to the OGC WCS 1.1.1 specifications:
Paramètre |
Requis |
Description |
Oui |
Name of the service (WCS) |
Oui |
Name of the request (DescribeCoverage) |
Non |
Version du service |
Non |
Specify coverage layers (WCS 1.0.0) |
Non |
Specify coverage layers (WCS 1.1.1) |
Outre les paramètres standard, QGIS prend en charge les paramètres suivants :
Paramètre |
Requis |
Description |
Oui |
Fichier du projet QGIS |
The XML document for a 3 bands GeoTIFF raster layer looks like:
<CoverageDescription xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xsi="" updateSequence="0" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<lonLatEnvelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84">
<supportedFormats nativeFormat="raw binary">
This parameter, defined in WCS 1.0.0
, allows to specify the layers to query
for additional information. Names have to be separated by a comma.
In addition, QGIS Server introduced an option to select layers by its short name. The short name of a layer may be configured through
in layer menu. If the short name is defined, then it’s used by default instead of the layer’s name:http://localhost/qgisserver?
is mandatory if IDENTIFIER
is not set.
This parameter replaces the COVERAGE
parameter in WCS 1.1.1
. But QGIS Server does not filter according to the
parameter so IDENTIFIER
have the same effect.
is mandatory if COVERAGE
is not set. If both
parameters are defined, COVERAGE
always used in priority.
3.4.3. GetCoverage
This request allows to retrieve the coverage according to specific constraints like the extent or the CRS. Standard parameters for the DescribeCoverage request according to the OGC WCS 1.1.1 specifications:
Paramètre |
Requis |
Description |
Oui |
Name of the service (WCS) |
Oui |
Name of the request (GetCoverage) |
Non |
Version du service |
Non |
Specify coverage layers (WCS 1.0.0) |
Non |
Specify coverage layers (WCS 1.1.1) |
Oui |
Width of the response in pixels |
Oui |
Height of the response in pixels |
Oui |
Map extent in CRS units |
Oui |
Coordinate reference system of the extent |
Non |
Coordinate reference system of the response |
Outre les paramètres standard, QGIS prend en charge les paramètres suivants :
Paramètre |
Requis |
Description |
Oui |
Fichier du projet QGIS |
This parameter allows to specify the map extent in the units of the current
CRS. Coordinates have to be separated by a comma. The BBOX
parameter is
formed like minx,miny,maxx,maxy
Exemple d’URL :
This parameter allows to indicate the Spatial Reference System of the BBOX
parameter and has to be formed like EPSG:XXXX
This parameter allows to indicate the output response Spatial Reference System
and has to be formed like EPSG:XXXX
. The CRS of the corresponding coverage
layer is used by default.
This parameter allows to specify the width in pixels of the output image. The resolution of the response image depends on this value.
This parameter allows to specify the height in pixels of the output image. The resolution of the response image depends on this value.

Fig. 3.23 From left to right: WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=20
, WIDTH=100&HEIGHT=100