14. Module: Erdészeti alkalmazás
Az 1–13 modulokban már elég sokat tanult a QGIS-ről és a vele való munkavégzésről. Ha szeretné megismerni a térinformatika alkalmazási lehetőségeit az erdészetben, ezt a modult követve képes lesz alkalmazni a tanultakat, és mutatunk néhány új hasznos eszközt is.

A modul fejlesztését az Európai Unió támogatta.
- 14.1. Lesson: Forestry Module Presentation
- 14.2. Lesson: Georeferencing a Map
- 14.3. Lesson: Digitizing Forest Stands
- 14.3.1. Follow Along: Extracting the Forest Stands Borders
- 14.3.2. Try Yourself Georeference the Green Pixels Image
- 14.3.3. Follow Along: Creating Supporting Points for Digitizing
- 14.3.4. Follow Along: Digitize the Forest Stands
- 14.3.5. Try Yourself Finish Digitizing the Forest Stands
- 14.3.6. Follow Along: Joining the Forest Stand Data
- 14.3.7. Try Yourself Adding Area and Perimeter
- 14.3.8. In Conclusion
- 14.3.9. What’s Next?
- 14.4. Lesson: Updating Forest Stands
- 14.4.1. Comparing the Old Forest Stands to Current Aerial Photographs
- 14.4.2. Interpreting the CIR Image
- 14.4.3. Try Yourself Digitizing Forest Stands from CIR Imagery
- 14.4.4. Follow Along: Updating Forest Stands with Conservation Information
- 14.4.5. Try Yourself Updating Forest Stands with Distance to the Stream
- 14.4.6. In Conclusion
- 14.4.7. What’s Next?
- 14.5. Lesson: Systematic Sampling Design
- 14.6. Lesson: Creating Detailed Maps with the Atlas Tool
- 14.6.1. Follow Along: Preparing the Print Layout
- 14.6.2. Follow Along: Adding Background Map
- 14.6.3. Try Yourself Changing the Symbology of the Layers
- 14.6.4. Try Yourself Create a Basic Map Template
- 14.6.5. Follow Along: Adding More Elements to the Print Layout
- 14.6.6. Follow Along: Creating an Atlas Coverage
- 14.6.7. Follow Along: Setting Up the Atlas Tool
- 14.6.8. Follow Along: Editing the Coverage Layer
- 14.6.9. Follow Along: Printing the Maps
- 14.6.10. In Conclusion
- 14.6.11. What’s Next?
- 14.7. Lesson: Calculating the Forest Parameters
- 14.8. Lesson: DEM from LiDAR Data
- 14.9. Lesson: Map Presentation