Kuchařka pro vývojáře PyQGIS
- 1. Úvod
- 2. Loading Projects
- 3. Loading Layers
- 4. Accessing the Table Of Contents (TOC)
- 5. Using Raster Layers
- 6. Using Vector Layers
- 7. Geometry Handling
- 8. Projections Support
- 9. Using the Map Canvas
- 10. Map Rendering and Printing
- 11. Expressions, Filtering and Calculating Values
- 12. Reading And Storing Settings
- 13. Communicating with the user
- 14. Authentication infrastructure
- 15. Tasks - doing heavy work in the background
- 16. Developing Python Plugins
- 17. Writing a Processing plugin
- 18. Network analysis library
- 19. QGIS Server and Python
- 20. Cheat sheet for PyQGIS