19. QGIS Server and Python
19.1. Introduction
QGIS Server is three different things:
QGIS Server library: a library that provides an API for creating OGC web services
QGIS Server FCGI: a FCGI binary application
that together with a web server implements a set of OCG services (WMS, WFS, WCS etc.) and OGC APIs (WFS3/OAPIF)QGIS Development Server: a development server binary application
that implements a set of OCG services (WMS, WFS, WCS etc.) and OGC APIs (WFS3/OAPIF)
This chapter of the cookbook focuses on the first topic and by explaining the usage of QGIS Server API it shows how it is possible to use Python to extend, enhance or customize the server behavior or how to use the QGIS Server API to embed QGIS server into another application.
There are a few different ways you can alter the behavior of QGIS Server or extend its capabilities to offer new custom services or APIs, these are the main scenarios you may face:
EMBEDDING → Use QGIS Server API from another Python application
STANDALONE → Run QGIS Server as a standlone WSGI/HTTP service
FILTERS → Enhance/Customize QGIS Server with filter plugins
OGC APIs → Add a new OGC API
Embeding and standalone applications require using the QGIS Server Python API directly from another Python script or application while the remaining options are better suited for when you want to add custom features to a standard QGIS Server binary application (FCGI or development server): in this case you’ll need to write a Python plugin for the server application and register your custom filters, services or APIs.
19.2. Server API basics
The fundamental classes involved in a typical QGIS Server application are:
the server instance (typically a single instance for the whole application life)QgsServerRequest
the request object (typically recreated on each request)QgsServerResponse
the response object (typically recreated on each request)QgsServer.handleRequest(request, response)
processes the request and populates the response
The QGIS Server FCGI or development server workflow can be summarized as follows:
1initialize the QgsApplication
2create the QgsServer
3the main server loop waits forever for client requests:
4 for each incoming request:
5 create a QgsServerRequest request
6 create a QgsServerResponse response
7 call QgsServer.handleRequest(request, response)
8 filter plugins may be executed
9 send the output to the client
Inside the QgsServer.handleRequest(request, response)
the filter plugins callbacks are called and QgsServerRequest
are made available to the plugins through
the QgsServerInterface
QGIS server classes are not thread safe, you should always use a multiprocessing model or containers when building scalable applications based on QGIS Server API.
19.3. Standalone or embedding
For standalone server applications or embedding, you will need to use the above mentioned server classes directly, wrapping them up into a web server implementation that manages all the HTTP protocol interactions with the client.
A minimal example of the QGIS Server API usage (without the HTTP part) follows:
1from qgis.core import QgsApplication
2from qgis.server import *
3app = QgsApplication([], False)
5# Create the server instance, it may be a single one that
6# is reused on multiple requests
7server = QgsServer()
9# Create the request by specifying the full URL and an optional body
10# (for example for POST requests)
11request = QgsBufferServerRequest(
12 'http://localhost:8081/?MAP=/qgis-server/projects/helloworld.qgs' +
13 '&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities')
15# Create a response objects
16response = QgsBufferServerResponse()
18# Handle the request
19server.handleRequest(request, response)
Here is a complete standalone application example developed for the continuous integrations testing on QGIS source code repository, it showcases a wide set of different plugin filters and authentication schemes (not mean for production because they were developed for testing purposes only but still interesting for learning):
19.4. Server plugins
Server python plugins are loaded once when the QGIS Server application starts and can be used to register filters, services or APIs.
The structure of a server plugin is very similar to their desktop counterpart,
a QgsServerInterface
object is made available to
the plugins and the plugins can register one or more custom filters, services or APIs
to the corresponding registry by using one of the methods exposed by the server interface.
19.4.1. Server filter plugins
Filters come in three different flavors and they can be instanciated by subclassing
one of the classes below and by calling the corresponding method of
Filter Type |
Base Class |
QgsServerInterface registration |
I/O |
Access Control |
Cache |
| I/O filters
I/O filters can modify the server input and output (the request and the response) of the core services (WMS, WFS etc.) allowing to do any kind of manipulation of the services workflow, it is possible for example to restrict the access to selected layers, to inject an XSL stylesheet to the XML response, to add a watermark to a generated WMS image and so on.
From this point, you might find useful a quick look to the server plugins API docs.
Each filter should implement at least one of three callbacks:
All filters have access to the request/response object (QgsRequestHandler
and can manipulate all its properties (input/output) and
raise exceptions (while in a quite particular way as we’ll see below).
Here is the pseudo code showing how the server handles a typical request and when the filter’s callbacks are called:
1for each incoming request:
2 create GET/POST request handler
3 pass request to an instance of QgsServerInterface
4 call requestReady filters
5 if there is not a response:
7 create WMS/WFS/WCS service
8 call service’s executeRequest
9 possibly call sendResponse for each chunk of bytes
10 sent to the client by a streaming services (WFS)
11 call responseComplete
12 call sendResponse
13 request handler sends the response to the client
The following paragraphs describe the available callbacks in details. requestReady
This is called when the request is ready: incoming URL and data have been parsed and before entering the core services (WMS, WFS etc.) switch, this is the point where you can manipulate the input and perform actions like:
add/remove certain parameters (typenames for example)
raise exceptions
You could even substitute a core service completely by changing SERVICE parameter and hence bypassing the core service completely (not that this make much sense though). sendResponse
This is called whenever any output is sent to FCGI stdout
(and from there, to
the client), this is normally done after core services have finished their process
and after responseComplete hook was called, but in a few cases XML can become so
huge that a streaming XML implementation was needed (WFS GetFeature is one of them),
in this case, sendResponse
called multiple times before the response
is complete (and before
is called).
The obvious consequence
is that sendResponse
normally called once but might be exceptionally
called multiple times and in that case (and only in that case) it is also called
before responseComplete
is the best place
for direct manipulation of core service’s
output and while responseComplete
is typically also an option,
is the only
viable option in case of streaming services. responseComplete
This is called once when core services (if hit) finish their process and the
request is ready to be sent to the client. As discussed above, this is normally
called before sendResponse
except for streaming services (or other plugin
filters) that might have called
is the
ideal place to provide new services implementation
(WPS or custom services) and to perform direct manipulation of the output coming
from core services (for example to add a watermark upon a WMS image). Raising exceptions from a plugin
Some work has still to be done on this topic: the current implementation can
distinguish between handled and unhandled exceptions by setting a
property to an
instance of QgsMapServiceException,
this way the main C++ code can catch handled python exceptions and ignore
unhandled exceptions (or better: log them).
This approach basically works but it is not very “pythonic”: a better approach would be to raise exceptions from python code and see them bubbling up into C++ loop for being handled there. Writing a server plugin
A server plugin is a standard QGIS Python plugin as described in
Developing Python Plugins, that just provides an additional (or alternative)
interface: a typical QGIS desktop plugin has access to QGIS application
through the QgisInterface
instance, a server
plugin has only access to a QgsServerInterface
when it is executed within the QGIS Server application context.
To make QGIS Server aware that a plugin has a server interface, a special metadata entry is needed (in metadata.txt)
Only plugins that have the server=True
metadata set will be loaded and executed by QGIS Server.
The example plugin discussed here (with many more) is available on github at https://github.com/elpaso/qgis3-server-vagrant/tree/master/resources/web/plugins, a few server plugins are also published in the official QGIS plugins repository. Plugin files
Here’s the directory structure of our example server plugin
2 HelloServer/
3 __init__.py --> *required*
4 HelloServer.py --> *required*
5 metadata.txt --> *required* __init__.py
This file is required by Python’s import system. Also, QGIS Server requires that this
file contains a serverClassFactory()
function, which is called when the
plugin gets loaded into QGIS Server when the server starts. It receives reference to instance of
and must return instance
of your plugin’s class.
This is how the example plugin __init__.py
looks like
def serverClassFactory(serverIface):
from .HelloServer import HelloServerServer
return HelloServerServer(serverIface) HelloServer.py
This is where the magic happens and this is how magic looks like:
(e.g. HelloServer.py
A server plugin typically consists in one or more callbacks packed into instances
of a QgsServerFilter
Each QgsServerFilter
implements one or more
of the following callbacks:
The following example implements a minimal filter which prints HelloServer! in case the SERVICE parameter equals to “HELLO”
1class HelloFilter(QgsServerFilter):
3 def __init__(self, serverIface):
4 super().__init__(serverIface)
6 def requestReady(self):
7 QgsMessageLog.logMessage("HelloFilter.requestReady")
9 def sendResponse(self):
10 QgsMessageLog.logMessage("HelloFilter.sendResponse")
12 def responseComplete(self):
13 QgsMessageLog.logMessage("HelloFilter.responseComplete")
14 request = self.serverInterface().requestHandler()
15 params = request.parameterMap()
16 if params.get('SERVICE', '').upper() == 'HELLO':
17 request.clear()
18 request.setResponseHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain')
19 # Note that the content is of type "bytes"
20 request.appendBody(b'HelloServer!')
The filters must be registered into the serverIface as in the following example:
class HelloServerServer:
def __init__(self, serverIface):
serverIface.registerFilter(HelloFilter(), 100)
The second parameter of
sets a priority which
defines the order for the callbacks with the same name (the lower priority is
invoked first).
By using the three callbacks, plugins can manipulate the input and/or the output
of the server in many different ways. In every moment, the plugin instance has
access to the QgsRequestHandler
the QgsServerInterface
The QgsRequestHandler
class has plenty of
methods that can be used to alter
the input parameters before entering the core processing of the server (by using
) or after the request has been processed by the core services
(by using sendResponse()
The following examples cover some common use cases: Modifying the input
The example plugin contains a test example that changes input parameters coming
from the query string, in this example a new parameter is injected into the
(already parsed) parameterMap
, this parameter is then visible by core services
(WMS etc.), at the end of core services processing we check that the parameter
is still there:
1class ParamsFilter(QgsServerFilter):
3 def __init__(self, serverIface):
4 super(ParamsFilter, self).__init__(serverIface)
6 def requestReady(self):
7 request = self.serverInterface().requestHandler()
8 params = request.parameterMap( )
9 request.setParameter('TEST_NEW_PARAM', 'ParamsFilter')
11 def responseComplete(self):
12 request = self.serverInterface().requestHandler()
13 params = request.parameterMap( )
14 if params.get('TEST_NEW_PARAM') == 'ParamsFilter':
15 QgsMessageLog.logMessage("SUCCESS - ParamsFilter.responseComplete")
16 else:
17 QgsMessageLog.logMessage("FAIL - ParamsFilter.responseComplete")
This is an extract of what you see in the log file:
1 src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp: 45: (logMessage) [0ms] 2014-12-12T12:39:29 plugin[0] HelloServerServer - loading filter ParamsFilter
2 src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp: 45: (logMessage) [1ms] 2014-12-12T12:39:29 Server[0] Server plugin HelloServer loaded!
3 src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp: 45: (logMessage) [0ms] 2014-12-12T12:39:29 Server[0] Server python plugins loaded
4 src/mapserver/qgshttprequesthandler.cpp: 547: (requestStringToParameterMap) [1ms] inserting pair SERVICE // HELLO into the parameter map
5 src/mapserver/qgsserverfilter.cpp: 42: (requestReady) [0ms] QgsServerFilter plugin default requestReady called
6 src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp: 45: (logMessage) [0ms] 2014-12-12T12:39:29 plugin[0] SUCCESS - ParamsFilter.responseComplete
On the highlighted line the “SUCCESS” string indicates that the plugin passed the test.
The same technique can be exploited to use a custom service instead of a core one: you could for example skip a WFS SERVICE request or any other core request just by changing the SERVICE parameter to something different and the core service will be skipped, then you can inject your custom results into the output and send them to the client (this is explained here below).
If you really want to implement a custom service it is recommended to subclass
and register your service on
calling its registerService(service) Modifying or replacing the output
The watermark filter example shows how to replace the WMS output with a new image obtained by adding a watermark image on the top of the WMS image generated by the WMS core service:
1from qgis.server import *
2from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
3from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
5class WatermarkFilter(QgsServerFilter):
7 def __init__(self, serverIface):
8 super().__init__(serverIface)
10 def responseComplete(self):
11 request = self.serverInterface().requestHandler()
12 params = request.parameterMap( )
13 # Do some checks
14 if (params.get('SERVICE').upper() == 'WMS' \
15 and params.get('REQUEST').upper() == 'GETMAP' \
16 and not request.exceptionRaised() ):
17 QgsMessageLog.logMessage("WatermarkFilter.responseComplete: image ready %s" % request.parameter("FORMAT"))
18 # Get the image
19 img = QImage()
20 img.loadFromData(request.body())
21 # Adds the watermark
22 watermark = QImage(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'media/watermark.png'))
23 p = QPainter(img)
24 p.drawImage(QRect( 20, 20, 40, 40), watermark)
25 p.end()
26 ba = QByteArray()
27 buffer = QBuffer(ba)
28 buffer.open(QIODevice.WriteOnly)
29 img.save(buffer, "PNG" if "png" in request.parameter("FORMAT") else "JPG")
30 # Set the body
31 request.clearBody()
32 request.appendBody(ba)
In this example the SERVICE parameter value is checked and if the incoming request is a WMS GETMAP and no exceptions have been set by a previously executed plugin or by the core service (WMS in this case), the WMS generated image is retrieved from the output buffer and the watermark image is added. The final step is to clear the output buffer and replace it with the newly generated image. Please note that in a real-world situation we should also check for the requested image type instead of supporting PNG or JPG only. Access control filters
Access control filters gives the developer a fine-grained control over which layers, features and attributes can be accessed, the following callbacks can be implemented in an access control filter:
authorizedLayerAttributes(layer, attributes)
allowToEdit(layer, feature)
cacheKey() Plugin files
Here’s the directory structure of our example plugin:
2 MyAccessControl/
3 __init__.py --> *required*
4 AccessControl.py --> *required*
5 metadata.txt --> *required* __init__.py
This file is required by Python’s import system. As for all QGIS server plugins, this
file contains a serverClassFactory()
function, which is called when the
plugin gets loaded into QGIS Server at startup. It receives a reference to an instance of
and must return an instance
of your plugin’s class.
This is how the example plugin __init__.py
looks like:
def serverClassFactory(serverIface):
from MyAccessControl.AccessControl import AccessControlServer
return AccessControlServer(serverIface) AccessControl.py
1class AccessControlFilter(QgsAccessControlFilter):
3 def __init__(self, server_iface):
4 super().__init__(server_iface)
6 def layerFilterExpression(self, layer):
7 """ Return an additional expression filter """
8 return super().layerFilterExpression(layer)
10 def layerFilterSubsetString(self, layer):
11 """ Return an additional subset string (typically SQL) filter """
12 return super().layerFilterSubsetString(layer)
14 def layerPermissions(self, layer):
15 """ Return the layer rights """
16 return super().layerPermissions(layer)
18 def authorizedLayerAttributes(self, layer, attributes):
19 """ Return the authorised layer attributes """
20 return super().authorizedLayerAttributes(layer, attributes)
22 def allowToEdit(self, layer, feature):
23 """ Are we authorise to modify the following geometry """
24 return super().allowToEdit(layer, feature)
26 def cacheKey(self):
27 return super().cacheKey()
29class AccessControlServer:
31 def __init__(self, serverIface):
32 """ Register AccessControlFilter """
33 serverIface.registerAccessControl(AccessControlFilter(self.serverIface), 100)
This example gives a full access for everybody.
It’s the role of the plugin to know who is logged on.
On all those methods we have the layer on argument to be able to customise the restriction per layer. layerFilterExpression
Used to add an Expression to limit the results, e.g.:
def layerFilterExpression(self, layer):
return "$role = 'user'"
To limit on feature where the attribute role is equals to “user”. layerFilterSubsetString
Same than the previous but use the SubsetString
(executed in the database)
def layerFilterSubsetString(self, layer):
return "role = 'user'"
To limit on feature where the attribute role is equals to “user”. layerPermissions
Limit the access to the layer.
Return an object of type LayerPermissions
, which has the properties:
to see it in theGetCapabilities
and have read access.canInsert
to be able to insert a new feature.canUpdate
to be able to update a feature.canDelete
to be able to delete a feature.
1def layerPermissions(self, layer):
2 rights = QgsAccessControlFilter.LayerPermissions()
3 rights.canRead = True
4 rights.canInsert = rights.canUpdate = rights.canDelete = False
5 return rights
To limit everything on read only access. allowToEdit
This is used to limit the editing on a subset of features.
It is used in the WFS-Transaction
def allowToEdit(self, layer, feature):
return feature.attribute('role') == 'user'
To be able to edit only feature that has the attribute role with the value user. cacheKey
QGIS server maintain a cache of the capabilities then to have a cache
per role you can return the role in this method. Or return None
to completely disable the cache.
19.4.2. Custom services
In QGIS Server, core services such as WMS, WFS and WCS are implemented as subclasses of
To implemented a new service that will be executed when the query string parameter SERVICE
matches the service name, you can implemented your own QgsService
and register your service on the serviceRegistry
calling its registerService(service)
Here is an example of a custom service named CUSTOM:
1from qgis.server import QgsService
2from qgis.core import QgsMessageLog
4class CustomServiceService(QgsService):
6 def __init__(self):
7 QgsService.__init__(self)
9 def name(self):
10 return "CUSTOM"
12 def version(self):
13 return "1.0.0"
15 def allowMethod(method):
16 return True
18 def executeRequest(self, request, response, project):
19 response.setStatusCode(200)
20 QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Custom service executeRequest')
21 response.write("Custom service executeRequest")
24class CustomService():
26 def __init__(self, serverIface):
27 serverIface.serviceRegistry().registerService(CustomServiceService())
19.4.3. Custom APIs
In QGIS Server, core OGC APIs such OAPIF (aka WFS3) are implemented as collections of
subclasses that
are registered to an instance of QgsServerOgcApi
(or it’s parent class QgsServerApi
To implemented a new API that will be executed when the url path matches
a certain URL, you can implemented your own QgsServerOgcApiHandler
instances, add them to an QgsServerOgcApi
and register
the API on the serviceRegistry
calling its registerApi(api)
Here is an example of a custom API that will be executed when the URL contains /customapi
1import json
2import os
4from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QBuffer, QIODevice, QTextStream, QRegularExpression
5from qgis.server import (
6 QgsServiceRegistry,
7 QgsService,
8 QgsServerFilter,
9 QgsServerOgcApi,
10 QgsServerQueryStringParameter,
11 QgsServerOgcApiHandler,
14from qgis.core import (
15 QgsMessageLog,
16 QgsJsonExporter,
17 QgsCircle,
18 QgsFeature,
19 QgsPoint,
20 QgsGeometry,
24class CustomApiHandler(QgsServerOgcApiHandler):
26 def __init__(self):
27 super(CustomApiHandler, self).__init__()
28 self.setContentTypes([QgsServerOgcApi.HTML, QgsServerOgcApi.JSON])
30 def path(self):
31 return QRegularExpression("/customapi")
33 def operationId(self):
34 return "CustomApiXYCircle"
36 def summary(self):
37 return "Creates a circle around a point"
39 def description(self):
40 return "Creates a circle around a point"
42 def linkTitle(self):
43 return "Custom Api XY Circle"
45 def linkType(self):
46 return QgsServerOgcApi.data
48 def handleRequest(self, context):
49 """Simple Circle"""
51 values = self.values(context)
52 x = values['x']
53 y = values['y']
54 r = values['r']
55 f = QgsFeature()
56 f.setAttributes([x, y, r])
57 f.setGeometry(QgsCircle(QgsPoint(x, y), r).toCircularString())
58 exporter = QgsJsonExporter()
59 self.write(json.loads(exporter.exportFeature(f)), context)
61 def templatePath(self, context):
62 # The template path is used to serve HTML content
63 return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'circle.html')
65 def parameters(self, context):
66 return [QgsServerQueryStringParameter('x', True, QgsServerQueryStringParameter.Type.Double, 'X coordinate'),
67 QgsServerQueryStringParameter(
68 'y', True, QgsServerQueryStringParameter.Type.Double, 'Y coordinate'),
69 QgsServerQueryStringParameter('r', True, QgsServerQueryStringParameter.Type.Double, 'radius')]
72class CustomApi():
74 def __init__(self, serverIface):
75 api = QgsServerOgcApi(serverIface, '/customapi',
76 'custom api', 'a custom api', '1.1')
77 handler = CustomApiHandler()
78 api.registerHandler(handler)
79 serverIface.serviceRegistry().registerApi(api)