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Terrain lighting

Analytical hillshading


<put algorithm description here>


Elevation [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Shading Method [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] Standard
  • 1 — [1] Standard (max. 90Degree)
  • 2 — [2] Combined Shading
  • 3 — [3] Ray Tracing

Default: 0

Azimuth [Degree] [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 315.0

Declination [Degree] [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 45.0

Exaggeration [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 4.0


Analytical Hillshading [raster]
<put output description here>

Konsol kullanımı

processing.runalg('saga:analyticalhillshading', elevation, method, azimuth, declination, exaggeration, shade)

Ayrıca bakınız

Sky view factor


<put algorithm description here>


Elevation [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Maximum Search Radius [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 10000

Method [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] multi scale
  • 1 — [1] sectors

Default: 0

Multi Scale Factor [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 3

Number of Sectors [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 8


Visible Sky [raster]
<put output description here>
Sky View Factor [raster]
<put output description here>
Sky View Factor (Simplified) [raster]
<put output description here>
Terrain View Factor [raster]
<put output description here>

Konsol kullanımı

processing.runalg('saga:skyviewfactor', dem, maxradius, method, level_inc, ndirs, visible, svf, simple, terrain)

Ayrıca bakınız

Topographic correction


<put algorithm description here>


Elevation [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Original Image [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Azimuth [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 180.0

Height [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 45.0

Method [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] Cosine Correction (Teillet et al. 1982)
  • 1 — [1] Cosine Correction (Civco 1989)
  • 2 — [2] Minnaert Correction
  • 3 — [3] Minnaert Correction with Slope (Riano et al. 2003)
  • 4 — [4] Minnaert Correction with Slope (Law & Nichol 2004)
  • 5 — [5] C Correction
  • 6 — [6] Normalization (after Civco, modified by Law & Nichol)

Default: 0

Minnaert Correction [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0.5

Maximum Cells (C Correction Analysis) [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 1000

Value Range [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] 1 byte (0-255)
  • 1 — [1] 2 byte (0-65535)

Default: 0


Corrected Image [raster]
<put output description here>

Konsol kullanımı

processing.runalg('saga:topographiccorrection', dem, original, azi, hgt, method, minnaert, maxcells, maxvalue, corrected)

Ayrıca bakınız