QGIS Documentation will be built automatically on the server at 0, 8am, 4pm US/Pacific (Pacific Time). The current status is available at http://docs.qgis.org.
QGIS Documentation is mainly written using the reStructuredText (reST) format syntax, coupled with some scripts from the Sphinx toolset to post-process the HTML output. See http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html or http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/inline.html.
In general, when creating rst documentation for the QGIS project, please follow the Python documentation style guidelines. Below are exposed some general guidelines to follow when using reST for the QGIS documentation writing.
If you are looking for general rules on contributing to QGIS project or managing repositories, you may find help at Get Involved in the QGIS Community.
문서의 .rst 파일 하나가 웹페이지 하나와 대응합니다.
밑줄(1단계 제목의 경우 윗줄도 포함) 그어진 제목을 통해 텍스트의 구조를 구성하는 절(section)을 식별합니다. 동일한 단계의 제목은 반드시 동일한 특수문자로 밑줄을 작성해야 합니다. QGIS 문서의 경우, 장(chapter), 절(section), 항(subsection), 목(minisec)에 대해 다음과 같은 스타일을 사용해야 합니다.
일부 항목을 강조하기 위해 텍스트 내부에서 몇몇 태그를 사용할 수 있습니다.
Menu gui: to mark a complete sequence of menu selections, including selecting submenus and choosing a specific operation, or any subsequence of such a sequence.
:menuselection:`menu --> submenu`
Dialog and Tab title: Labels presented as part of an interactive user interface including window title, tab title and option labels.
Button labels
파일명 또는 디렉터리
팝업 텍스트를 보유한 아이콘
|icon| :sup:`popup_text`
(다음 image 를 참조하십시오)
Shorcut keyboard
:kbd:`ctrl B`
will show Ctrl B
사용자 텍스트
텍스트 내부에 앵커(anchor)를 삽입하는 데 참조를 이용합니다. 이 앵커를 통해 절 또는 페이지 사이의 하이퍼링크를 생성하고 호출할 수 있습니다.
다음은 절(예: 라벨/참조 제목)의 앵커를 생성하는 예시입니다.
.. _my_anchor:
동일 페이지 안에서 참조를 호출하려면 다음과 같이 작성합니다.
see my_anchor_ for more information.
다음과 같은 내용을 반환할 것입니다.
see my_anchor for more information.
Notice how it will jump to the following line/thing following the ‘anchor’. Normally to declare this label you do not need to use apastroph’s but you do need to use empty lines before and after the anchor.
문서 어디에서든 동일한 장소로 넘어가는 또다른 방법은 :ref: 기능을 이용하는 것입니다.
see :ref:`my_anchor` for more information.
앵커 대신 캡션을 (이 경우 현재 절의 제목을) 표시할 것입니다.
see 라벨/참조 for more information.
이렇게 참조 1(my_anchor)과 참조 2(라벨/참조)라는 방법이 있습니다. 참조가 완전한 캡션을 표시하는 경우가 많기 때문에, 절 이라는 단어를 따로 작성할 필요는 없습니다. 또한 참조를 설명하는 데 사용자 지정 캡션을 쓸 수도 있습니다.
see :ref:`Label and reference <my_anchor>` for more information.
다음과 같이 반환됩니다.
see Label and reference for more information.
You can put an image inside text or add an alias to use everywhere. To use an image inside a paragraph, just create an alias somewhere.
.. |nice_logo| image:: /static/common/qgislogo.png
:width: 2 em
and call it in your paragraph:
my paragraph begins here with a nice logo |nice_logo|.
Here is how this example become:
my paragraph begins here with a nice logo .
Currently, to ensure consistency and help in the use of QGIS icons a list of alias is built and available in 별명 chapter.
.. _figure_logo:
.. figure:: /static/common/qgislogo.png
:width: 20 em
:align: center
A caption: A logo I like
결과는 다음과 같습니다.
To avoid possible conflict with another references, always begin figures anchor with _figure_ and prefer using terms that can easily refer to the figure caption. While only the centered alignment is mandatory for the image, feel free to use any other options for figure (such as width, height, scale...) if needed.
The scripts will insert an automatical generated number before the caption of the figure in pdf.
To use a caption (see My caption) just insert indented text after a blank line in the figure block.
도형에 대한 참조는 다음과 같이 참조 라벨을 사용해서 작성할 수 있습니다.
(see Figure_logo_).
It will show the anchor Figure_logo. You can use uppercase if you want. It can be used in the same .rst document but not in others. You can still use the :ref: role for reference from other files, but keep in mind that this returns the full caption of the image.
see :ref:`figure_logo`
다음은 단순한 표를 생성하는 예시입니다.
======= ======= =======
x y z
======= ======= =======
1 2 3
2 4
======= ======= =======
공백을 남기려면 \ 뒤에 공백을 삽입하십시오.
참조 등을 이용, 표를 직접 그려서 좀 더 복잡한 표를 작성할 수도 있습니다.
.. _my_drawn_table:
| Windows | macOS |
| |win| | |osx| |
| and of course not to forget |nix| |
My drawn table, mind you this is unfortunately not regarded a caption
You can reference to it like this my_drawn_table_.
결과물은 다음과 같습니다.
Windows | macOS |
![]() |
![]() |
and of course not to forget ![]() |
My drawn table, mind you this is unfortunately not regarded a caption
You can reference to it like this my_drawn_table.
An index is a handy way to help the reader easily find an information in a doc. QGIS documentation provides some essential indices. There are few rules to follow in order to keep a set of indices that are really useful (coherent, consistent and really connected to each other):
Several index tags exist in RST. You can either use the inline :index: tag within the normal text.
QGIS allows to load several :index:`Vector formats` supported by GDAL/OGR ...
Or you can use the .. index:: block-level markup which links to the beginning of the next paragraph. Because of the rules mentioned above, it’s advised to use this latter tag as it’s easier to fulfill them.
.. index:: WMS, WFS, Loading layers
It’s also recommanded to use index parameters such as single, pair, see... in order to build a more structured and interconnected table of index. See http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/misc.html#index-generating-markup for more information on index creation.
Sometimes, you may want to emphasize some points of the description, either to warn, remind or give some hints to the user. In QGIS Documentation, we use reST special directives such as .. warning::, .. note:: and .. tip:: generating particular frames that highlight your comments. See http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/para.html#paragraph-level-markup for more information. A clear and appropriate title is required for both warnings and tips.
.. tip:: **Always use a meaningful title for tips**
Begin tips with a title that summarizes what it is about. This helps
users to quickly overview the message you want to give them, and
decide on its relevance.
You may also want to give examples and insert a code snippet. In this case, write the comment below a line with the :: directive inserted. However, for a better rendering, especially to apply color highlighting to code according to its language, use the code-block directive, e.g. .. code-block:: xml. By default, Python code snippets do not need this reST directive. More details at http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/code.html.
While texts in note, tip and warning frames are translatable, be aware that code block frames do not allow translation. So avoid comments not related to code sample and keep this just as short as needed.
Here are some hints to create new, nice looking screenshots. For the user guide they go into ./resources/en/user_manual/
convert -units PixelsPerInch input.png -density 135 output.png
우분투에서 글로벌 메뉴 기능을 제거해서 더 작은 응용 프로그램 스크린샷을 생성하려면 다음 명령어를 사용하십시오.
sudo apt-get autoremove appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt
Here are some hints to create screenshots for your translated user guide. They will go into ./resources/<your language>/user_manual/
공간 처리 알고리즘을 위한 문서를 작성하고자 할 경우, 다음과 같은 지침들을 고려하십시오.