Vector Tiles ============ .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _qgisdownloadvectortiles: Download vector tiles --------------------- |332| Downloads vector tiles of an input vector tile layer and saves them in a local vector tile file. Parameters .......... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Input layer** - ``INPUT`` - [vector tiles] - A vector tile layer to extract some tiles from * - **Extent** - ``EXTENT`` - [extent] - Specify the spatial extent of the downloaded area. It will internally be extended to a multiple of the tile size. .. include:: ../algs_include.rst :start-after: **extent_options** :end-before: **end_extent_options** * - **Maximum zoom level to download** - ``MAX_ZOOM`` - [number] Default: 10 - Defines how far to zoom in and fetch data from the tiles * - **Tile limit** - ``TILE_LIMIT`` - [number] Default: 100 - Maximum number of tiles to download, considering the zoom levels and the extent. * - **Output** - ``OUTPUT`` - [vector tiles] Default: [Save to temporary file] - Specification of the output vector tile file. One of: .. include:: ../algs_include.rst :start-after: **file_output_types** :end-before: **end_file_output_types** Outputs ....... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Output** - ``OUTPUT`` - [vector tiles] - A local vector tile file storing the downloaded tiles. Python code ........... **Algorithm ID**: ``native:downloadvectortiles`` .. include:: ../algs_include.rst :start-after: **algorithm_code_section** :end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section** .. _qgiswritevectortiles_mbtiles: Write vector tiles (MBTiles) ---------------------------- Exports one or more vector layers to vector tiles, a data format optimized for fast map rendering and small data size. MBTiles is a specification for storing tiled map data in SQLite databases for immediate usage and for transfer. MBTiles files are known as tilesets. Parameters .......... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Input layers** - ``INPUT`` - [vector: any] [list] - A list of layers to combine to generate the vector tiles * - **Minimum zoom level** - ``MIN_ZOOM`` - [number] Default: 0 - The lowest zoom level for which the tileset provides data. Set between 0 and 24. * - **Maximum zoom level** - ``MAX_ZOOM`` - [number] Default: 3 - The highest zoom level for which the tileset provides data. Set between 0 and 24. * - **Extent** Optional - ``EXTENT`` - [extent] Default: Not set - The maximum extent of the rendered map area. Bounds must define an area covered by all zoom levels. * - **Metadata: Name** Optional - ``META_NAME`` - [string] - Name of the tileset * - **Metadata: Description** Optional - ``META_DESCRIPTION`` - [string] - A description of the tileset's contents * - **Metadata: Attribution** Optional - ``META_ATTRIBUTION`` - [string] - An attribution string, which explains the sources of data and/or style for the map. * - **Metadata: Version** Optional - ``META_VERSION`` - [string] - The version of the tileset. This refers to a revision of the tileset itself, not of the MBTiles specification. * - **Metadata: Type** Optional - ``META_TYPE`` - [string] - Type of tileset. Possible values are ``overlay`` or ``baselayer``. * - **Metadata: Center** Optional - ``META_CENTER`` - [string] - The center (string of comma-separated numbers: the longitude, latitude, and zoom level) of the default view of the map. Example: ``-122.1906,37.7599,11`` * - **Destination MBTiles** - ``OUTPUT`` - [vector tiles] Default: [Save to temporary file] - Specification of the output MBTiles file. One of: .. include:: ../algs_include.rst :start-after: **file_output_types** :end-before: **end_file_output_types** Outputs ....... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Destination MBTiles** - ``OUTPUT`` - [file] - Output vector tiles :file:`.mbtiles` file. Python code ........... **Algorithm ID**: ``native:writevectortiles_mbtiles`` .. include:: ../algs_include.rst :start-after: **algorithm_code_section** :end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section** .. _qgiswritevectortiles_xyz: Write vector tiles (XYZ) ------------------------ Exports one or more vector layers to vector tiles, a data format optimized for fast map rendering and small data size. Parameters .......... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **File template** - ``XYZ_TEMPLATE`` - [string] Default: '{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf' - Template to generate the vector tiles url * - **Input layers** - ``INPUT`` - [vector: any] [list] - A list of layers to combine to generate the vector tiles * - **Minimum zoom level** - ``MIN_ZOOM`` - [number] Default: 0 - The lowest zoom level for which the tileset provides data. Set between 0 and 24. * - **Maximum zoom level** - ``MAX_ZOOM`` - [number] Default: 3 - The highest zoom level for which the tileset provides data. Set between 0 and 24. * - **Extent** Optional - ``EXTENT`` - [extent] Default: Not set - The maximum extent of the rendered map area. Bounds must define an area covered by all zoom levels. * - **Output directory** - ``OUTPUT_DIRECTORY`` - [folder] Default: [Save to temporary folder] - Specification of the output vector tiles folder. One of: .. include:: ../algs_include.rst :start-after: **directory_output_types** :end-before: **end_directory_output_types** Outputs ....... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Output directory** - ``OUTPUT_DIRECTORY`` - [folder] - A folder containing different subsets of the vector tiles files (:file:`.pbf`) stored in subfolders corresponding to the zoom levels. Python code ........... **Algorithm ID**: ``native:writevectortiles_xyz`` .. include:: ../algs_include.rst :start-after: **algorithm_code_section** :end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section** .. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE This will be automatically updated by the script. If you need to create a new substitution manually, please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the source folder. .. |332| replace:: ``NEW in 3.32``