Lesson: GRASS Setup =============================================================================== Using GRASS in QGIS requires you to think of the interface in a slightly different way. Remember that you're not working in QGIS directly, but working in GRASS *via* QGIS. Hence, make sure you have installed QGIS Desktop with Grass support. |win| To open a QGIS session with GRASS available on Windows you have to click on the ``QGIS Desktop with GRASS`` icon. **The goal for this lesson:** To begin a GRASS project in QGIS. :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Start a New GRASS Session ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To launch GRASS from within QGIS, you need to activate it as with any other plugin: #. First, open a new QGIS project. #. In the :guilabel:`Plugin Manager`, enable |grassTools| :guilabel:`GRASS 8` in the list: .. figure:: img/enable_grass.png :align: center The GRASS toolbar and the GRASS panel will appear: .. figure:: img/grass_panel.png :align: center GRASS Toolbar and Panel The GRASS panel is not active because, before you can use GRASS, you need to create a ``Mapset``. GRASS always works in a database environment, which means that you need to import all the data you want to use into a GRASS database. The GRASS database has a straightforward structure, even if at a first look it seems very complicated. The most important thing you should know is that the upper level of the database is the ``Location``. Each ``Location`` can contain different ``Mapset``: in **every** ``Mapset`` you will find the ``PERMANENT`` Mapset because it is created by default by GRASS. Each ``Mapset`` contains the data (raster, vector, etc) in a particular structure, but don't worry, GRASS will take care of this for you. Just remember: ``Location`` contains ``Mapset`` that contains the data. For more information visit the `GRASS website `_. .. figure:: img/grass_database.png :align: center GRASS database structure (from GRASS docs) :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Start a New GRASS Project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #. Click on the :menuselection:`Plugins --> GRASS --> New Mapset` menu: .. figure:: img/grass_menu.png :align: center You'll be asked to choose the location of the GRASS database. #. Set it as the directory that will be used by GRASS to set up its database: .. figure:: img/grass_folder.png :align: center #. Click :guilabel:`Next`. GRASS needs to create a ``Location``, which describes the maximum extent of the geographic area you'll be working in, also known as Grass ``Region``. .. note:: the Region is extremely important for GRASS because it describes the area in which all layers will be taken into account for GRASS. Everything that is outside will not be considered. Don't worry, you can always change the extent of the GRASS Region after the Location has been created #. Call the new location ``SouthAfrica``: .. figure:: img/new_location.png :align: center #. Click :guilabel:`Next`. #. We'll be working with ``WGS 84``, so search for and select this CRS: .. figure:: img/wgs_84_selected.png :align: center #. Click :guilabel:`Next`. #. Now select the region :guilabel:`South Africa` from the dropdown and click :guilabel:`Set`: .. figure:: img/set_south_africa.png :align: center #. Click :guilabel:`Next`. #. Create a mapset, which is the map file that you'll be working with. .. figure:: img/grass_mapset.png :align: center Once you're done, you'll see a dialog asking with a summary of all the information entered. .. figure:: img/grass_final.png :align: center #. Click :guilabel:`Finish`. #. Click :guilabel:`OK` on the success dialog. You will see that the GRASS Panel will become active and you can start to use all GRASS tools. :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Loading Vector Data into GRASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have now a blank map and before you can start to use all the GRASS tools you have to load data into the GRASS database, specifically into the ``Mapset``. You cannot use GRASS tools with layer that are not loaded into a GRASS ``Mapset``. There are many different ways to load data in the GRASS database. Let's start with the first one. .. _grass_browser: :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Load data using the QGIS Browser ............................................................................... In section :ref:`browser_panel_tm` we saw that the easiest and quickest way to load the data in QGIS is the Browser Panel. GRASS data are recognized from the QGIS Browser as *real* GRASS data and you can notice it because you will see the GRASS icon next to the GRASS Mapset. Moreover you will see the |grassMapsetOpen| icon next to the Mapset that is opened. .. figure:: img/grass_browser.png :align: center .. note:: You will see a replication of the GRASS Location as normal folder: GRASS ``Mapset`` data are those within the |grassLogo| folder You can easily **drag and drop** layers from a folder to the GRASS Mapset. Let's try to import the :file:`roads` layer into the ``grass_mapset`` Mapset of the ``SouthAfrica`` Location. Go to the Browser, and simply drag the :file:`roads` layer from the :file:`training_data.gpkg` GeoPackage file into the ``grass_mapset`` Mapset. .. figure:: img/grass_browser_import.png :align: center That's it! If you expand the Mapset you will see the imported :file:`roads` layer. You can now load in QGIS the imported layer like all the other layers. .. tip:: You can also load layers from the Layer Legend Panel to Mapset in the Browser Panel. This will speed up incredibly your workflow! :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Load data using the GRASS Panel ............................................................................... We will use now the *long* method to load the :file:`rivers.shp` layer into the same Mapset. #. Load data into QGIS as usual. Use the :file:`rivers.shp` dataset (found in the :file:`exercise_data/shapefile/` folder) #. As soon as it is loaded, click on the :guilabel:`Filter` box of the ``GRASS Panel`` and find the vector import tool by entering the term ``v.in.ogr.qgis`` (available under :menuselection:`File management --> Import into GRASS --> Import vector into GRASS`): .. warning:: There are 2 similar tools: ``v.in.ogr.qgis`` and ``v.in.ogr.qgis.loc``. We are looking for the **first** one. .. figure:: img/grass_panel_import.png :align: center The ``v`` stands for *vector*, ``in`` means a function to import data into the GRASS database, ``ogr`` is the software library used to read vector data, and ``qgis`` means that the tool will look for a vector from among the vectors already loaded into QGIS. #. Once you've found this tool, click on it to bring up the tool itself. Choose the :guilabel:`rivers` layer in the :guilabel:`Loaded Layer` box and type and name it :file:`g_rivers` to prevent confusion: .. figure:: img/grass_tool_selected.png :align: center .. note:: :abbr:`★★★ (Advanced level)` Note the extra import options provided under :guilabel:`Advanced Options`. These include the ability to add a WHERE clause for the SQL query used for importing the data. #. Click :guilabel:`Run` to begin the import. #. When it's done, click the :guilabel:`View output` button to see the newly imported GRASS layer in the map. #. Close first the import tool (click the :guilabel:`Close` button to the immediate right of :guilabel:`View output`), then close the :guilabel:`GRASS Tools` window. #. Remove the original :guilabel:`rivers` layer. Now you are left with only the imported GRASS layer as displayed in your QGIS map. :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Loading Raster Data into GRASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can import a raster layer in the same ways we imported vector layers. We are going to import in the GRASS Mapset the layer |srtmFileName|. .. note:: the raster layer is already in the correct CRS, ``WGS 84``. If you have layers in different CRS you must reproject them in the same CRS of the GRASS Mapset #. Load the |srtmFileName| layer in QGIS #. Open the :guilabel:`GRASS Tools` dialog again. #. Click on the :guilabel:`Modules` tab. #. Search for ``r.in.gdal.qgis`` (available under :menuselection:`File management --> Import into GRASS --> Import raster into GRASS --> Import raster into GRASS from QGIS view`) and double click the tool to open the tool's dialog. #. Set it up so that the input layer is |srtmFileName| and the output is :file:`g_dem`. .. figure:: img/g_dem_settings.png :align: center #. Click :guilabel:`Run`. #. When the process is done, click :guilabel:`View output`. #. :guilabel:`Close` the current tab, and then :guilabel:`Close` the whole dialog. .. figure:: img/g_dem_result.png :align: center #. You may now remove the original |srtmFileName| layer. :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Try Yourself: Add Layers to Mapset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to import in the GRASS Mapset the vector layers :file:`water.shp` and :file:`places.shp` from the :file:`exercise_data/shapefile/` folder. As we did for :file:`rivers` rename the imported layer as :file:`g_water` and :file:`g_places` to avoid confusion .. admonition:: Answer :class: dropdown You can add layers (both vector and raster) into a GRASS Mapset by drag and drop them in the Browser (see :ref:`grass_browser`) or by using the ``v.in.gdal.qgis`` for vector and ``r.in.gdal.qgis`` for raster layers. :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Open an existing GRASS Mapset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have an existing GRASS Mapset you can easily reopen it in another session of QGIS. You have several method to open a GRASS Mapset, let's explore some of them. Let's close the Mapset by clicking on the :guilabel:`Close Mapset` button of the :guilabel:`GRASS Tools` window. :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Using the GRASS plugin ............................................................................... #. Click on the :menuselection:`Plugins --> GRASS --> Open Mapset` menu. #. Browse to the GRASS database folder: be careful! You must choose the parent folder, not the GRASS Mapset one. Indeed GRASS will read all the ``Locations`` of the database and all the ``Mapsets`` of each ``Location``: .. figure:: img/grass_open_mapset.png :align: center #. Choose the ``Location`` :guilabel:`SouthAfrica` and the ``Mapset`` :guilabel:`grass_mapset` that we have created before. That's it! The GRASS Panel will become active meaning that the Mapset has been correctly opened. :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)` Follow Along: Using the QGIS Browser ............................................................................... Even faster and easier is opening a ``Mapset`` using the QGIS Browser: #. Close the Mapset (if it is open) by clicking on the :guilabel:`Close Mapset` button of the :guilabel:`GRASS Tools` window. #. In the QGIS Browser, browse to the folder of the GRASS database. #. Right click on the Mapset (remember, the Mapset has the |grassLogo| GRASS icon next to it). You will see some options. #. Click on :guilabel:`Open mapset`: .. figure:: img/grass_open_mapset_browser.png :align: center The Mapset is now open and ready to use! .. tip:: Right click on a GRASS Mapset offers you a lot of different settings. Try to explore them and see all the useful options. In Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GRASS workflow for ingesting data is somewhat different from the QGIS method because GRASS loads its data into a spatial database structure. However, by using QGIS as a frontend, you can make the setup of a GRASS mapset easier by using existing layers in QGIS as data sources for GRASS. What's Next? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that the data is imported into GRASS, we can look at the advanced analysis operations that GRASS offers. .. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE This will be automatically updated by the find_set_subst.py script. If you need to create a new substitution manually, please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the source folder. .. |grassLogo| image:: /static/common/grasslogo.png :width: 1.5em .. |grassMapsetOpen| image:: /static/common/grass_mapset_open.png :width: 1.5em .. |grassTools| image:: /static/common/grass_tools.png :width: 1.5em .. |srtmFileName| replace:: :file:`srtm_41_19_4326.tif` .. |win| image:: /static/common/win.png :width: 1em