.. index:: Functions .. _functions_list: List of functions ================= The functions, operators and variables available in QGIS are listed below, grouped by categories. .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. index:: Aggregates .. _aggregates_function: Aggregates Functions -------------------- This group contains functions which aggregate values over layers and fields. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Aggregates.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_relation_aggregate_section Further reading: :ref:`vector_relations` .. include:: expression_help/Aggregates.rst :start-after: .. end_relation_aggregate_section .. index:: Array, List data structure .. _array_functions: Array Functions --------------- This group contains functions to create and manipulate arrays (also known as list data structures). The order of values within the array matters, unlike the :ref:`'map' data structure `, where the order of key-value pairs is irrelevant and values are identified by their keys. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Arrays.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_array_get_section .. hint:: You can also use the :ref:`index operator ([]) ` to get a value from an array. .. include:: expression_help/Arrays.rst :start-after: end_array_get_section Color Functions ---------------- This group contains functions for manipulating colors. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Color.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_darker_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Color_lighter` .. include:: expression_help/Color.rst :start-after: .. end_darker_section :end-before: .. end_lighter_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Color_darker` .. include:: expression_help/Color.rst :start-after: .. end_lighter_section :end-before: .. end_project_color_section Further reading: :ref:`setting project colors ` .. include:: expression_help/Color.rst :start-after: .. end_project_color_section :end-before: .. end_ramp_color_section Further reading: :ref:`color-ramp`, :ref:`color_ramp_widget` .. include:: expression_help/Color.rst :start-after: .. end_ramp_color_section Conditional Functions --------------------- This group contains functions to handle conditional checks in expressions. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Conditionals.rst :start-after: :orphan: .. _conversion_functions: Conversions Functions --------------------- This group contains functions to convert one data type to another (e.g., string from/to integer, binary from/to string, string to date, ...). .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Conversions.rst :start-after: :orphan: Custom Functions ----------------- This group contains functions created by the user. See :ref:`function_editor` for more details. Date and Time Functions ------------------------ This group contains functions for handling date and time data. This group shares several functions with the :ref:`conversion_functions` (to_date, to_time, to_datetime, to_interval) and :ref:`string_functions` (format_date) groups. .. note:: **Storing date, datetime and intervals on fields** The ability to store *date*, *time* and *datetime* values directly on fields depends on the data source's provider (e.g., Shapefile accepts *date* format, but not *datetime* or *time* format). The following are some suggestions to overcome this limitation: * *date*, *datetime* and *time* can be converted and stored in text type fields using the :ref:`format_date() ` function. * *Intervals* can be stored in integer or decimal type fields after using one of the date extraction functions (e.g., :ref:`day() ` to get the interval expressed in days) .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Date_and_Time.rst :start-after: :orphan: **Some examples:** Besides these functions, subtracting dates, datetimes or times using the ``-`` (minus) operator will return an interval. Adding or subtracting an interval to dates, datetimes or times, using the ``+`` (plus) and ``-`` (minus) operators, will return a datetime. * Get the number of days until QGIS 3.0 release: .. code-block:: sql to_date('2017-09-29') - to_date(now()) -- Returns * The same with time: .. code-block:: sql to_datetime('2017-09-29 12:00:00') - now() -- Returns * Get the datetime of 100 days from now: .. code-block:: sql now() + to_interval('100 days') -- Returns .. _fields_values: Fields and Values ------------------ Contains a list of fields from the active layer, and special values. Fields list includes the ones stored in the dataset, :ref:`virtual ` and :ref:`auxiliary ` ones as well as from :ref:`joins `. Double-click a field name to have it added to your expression. You can also type the field name (preferably inside double quotes) or its :ref:`alias `. To retrieve fields values to use in an expression, select the appropriate field and, in the shown widget, choose between :guilabel:`10 Samples` and :guilabel:`All Unique`. Requested values are then displayed and you can use the :guilabel:`Search` box at the top of the list to filter the result. Sample values can also be accessed via right-clicking on a field. To add a value to the expression you are writing, double-click on it in the list. If the value is of a string type, it should be simple quoted, otherwise no quote is needed. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Fields_and_Values.rst :start-after: :orphan: Files and Paths Functions ------------------------------ This group contains functions which manipulate file and path names. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Files_and_Paths.rst :start-after: :orphan: Form Functions -------------- This group contains functions that operate exclusively under the attribute form context. For example, in :ref:`field's widgets ` settings. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Form.rst :start-after: :orphan: Fuzzy Matching Functions ------------------------- This group contains functions for fuzzy comparisons between values. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Fuzzy_Matching.rst :start-after: :orphan: General Functions ------------------ This group contains general assorted functions. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/General.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_var_section Further reading: List of default :ref:`variables ` .. include:: expression_help/General.rst :start-after: .. end_var_section .. _geometry_functions: Geometry Functions ------------------ This group contains functions that operate on geometry objects (e.g. buffer, transform, $area). .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_boundary_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisboundary` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_boundary_section :end-before: .. end_bounds_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisboundingboxes` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: end_bounds_section :end-before: .. end_buffer_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisbuffer` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_buffer_section :end-before: .. end_buffer_by_m_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisbufferbym` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_buffer_by_m_section :end-before: .. end_centroid_section Further reading: :ref:`qgiscentroids` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_centroid_section :end-before: .. end_collect_geometries_section Further reading: :ref:`qgiscollect` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_collect_geometries_section :end-before: .. end_concave_hull_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_convex_hull`, :ref:`qgisconcavehull` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_concave_hull_section :end-before: .. end_contains_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_overlay_contains` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_contains_section :end-before: .. end_convex_hull_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_concave_hull`, :ref:`qgisconvexhull` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_convex_hull_section :end-before: .. end_crosses_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_overlay_crosses` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_crosses_section :end-before: .. end_densify_by_count_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisdensifygeometries` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_densify_by_count_section :end-before: .. end_densify_by_distance_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisdensifygeometriesgivenaninterval` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_densify_by_distance_section :end-before: .. end_difference_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisdifference` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_difference_section :end-before: .. end_disjoint_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_overlay_disjoint` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_disjoint_section :end-before: .. end_end_point_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_start_point`, :ref:`qgisextractspecificvertices` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_end_point_section :end-before: .. end_extend_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisextendlines` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_extend_section :end-before: .. end_flip_coordinates_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisswapxy` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_flip_coordinates_section :end-before: .. end_force_polygon_ccw_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_force_polygon_cw`, :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_force_rhr` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_force_polygon_ccw_section :end-before: .. end_force_polygon_cw_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_force_polygon_ccw`, :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_force_rhr` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_force_polygon_cw_section :end-before: .. end_force_rhr_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisforcerhr` algorithm, :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_force_polygon_ccw`, :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_force_polygon_cw` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_force_rhr_section :end-before: .. end_intersection_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisintersection` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_intersection_section :end-before: .. end_intersects_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_overlay_intersects` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_intersects_section :end-before: .. end_is_empty_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_is_empty_or_null` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_is_empty_section :end-before: .. end_is_empty_or_null_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_is_empty`, :ref:`expression_function_Fields_and_Values_NULL` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_is_empty_or_null_section :end-before: .. end_is_valid_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_make_valid`, :ref:`qgischeckvalidity` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_is_valid_section :end-before: .. end_length_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_straight_distance_2d` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_length_section :end-before: .. end_line_interpolate_point_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisinterpolatepoint` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_line_interpolate_point_section :end-before: .. end_line_substring_section Further reading: :ref:`qgislinesubstring` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_line_substring_section :end-before: .. end_make_valid_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_is_valid`, :ref:`qgisfixgeometries` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_make_valid_section :end-before: .. end_minimal_circle_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisminimumenclosingcircle` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_minimal_circle_section :end-before: .. end_nodes_to_points_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisextractvertices` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_nodes_to_points_section :end-before: .. end_offset_curve_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisoffsetline` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_offset_curve_section :end-before: .. end_oriented_bbox_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisorientedminimumboundingbox` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_oriented_bbox_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_contains_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_contains`, :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisselectbylocation` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_contains_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_crosses_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_crosses`, :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisselectbylocation` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_crosses_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_disjoint_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_disjoint`, :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisselectbylocation` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_disjoint_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_equals_section Further reading: :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisselectbylocation` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_equals_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_intersects_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_intersects`, :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisselectbylocation` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_intersects_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_nearest_section Further reading: :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisjoinbynearest` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_nearest_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_touches_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_touches`, :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisselectbylocation` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_touches_section :end-before: .. end_overlay_within_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_within`, :ref:`array manipulation `, :ref:`qgisselectbylocation` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_overlay_within_section :end-before: .. end_point_n_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisextractspecificvertices` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_point_n_section :end-before: .. end_point_on_surface_section Further reading: :ref:`qgispointonsurface` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_point_on_surface_section :end-before: .. end_pole_of_inaccessibility_section Further reading: :ref:`qgispoleofinaccessibility` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_pole_of_inaccessibility_section :end-before: .. end_project_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisprojectpointcartesian` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_project_section :end-before: .. end_reverse_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisreverselinedirection` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_reverse_section :end-before: .. end_roundness_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisroundness` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_roundness_section :end-before: .. end_segments_to_lines_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisexplodelines` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_segments_to_lines_section :end-before: .. end_simplify_section Further reading: :ref:`qgissimplifygeometries` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_simplify_section :end-before: .. end_simplify_vw_section Further reading: :ref:`qgissimplifygeometries` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_simplify_vw_section :end-before: .. end_single_sided_buffer_section Further reading: :ref:`qgissinglesidedbuffer` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_single_sided_buffer_section :end-before: .. end_smooth_section Further reading: :ref:`qgissmoothgeometry` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_smooth_section :end-before: .. end_start_point_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_end_point`, :ref:`qgisextractspecificvertices` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_start_point_section :end-before: .. end_straight_distance_2d_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_length` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_straight_distance_2d_section :end-before: .. end_sym_difference_section Further reading: :ref:`qgissymmetricaldifference` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_sym_difference_section :end-before: .. end_tapered_buffer_section Further reading: :ref:`qgistaperedbuffer` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_tapered_buffer_section :end-before: .. end_touches_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_overlay_touches` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_touches_section :end-before: .. end_transform_section Further reading: :ref:`qgisreprojectlayer` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_transform_section :end-before: .. end_translate_section Further reading: :ref:`qgistranslategeometry` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_translate_section :end-before: .. end_wedge_buffer_section Further reading: :ref:`qgiswedgebuffers` algorithm .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_wedge_buffer_section :end-before: .. end_within_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_overlay_within` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_within_section :end-before: .. end_$x_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_x` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_$x_section :end-before: .. end_$x_at_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_x_at` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_$x_at_section :end-before: .. end_$y_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_y` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_$y_section :end-before: .. end_$y_at_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_GeometryGroup_y_at` .. include:: expression_help/GeometryGroup.rst :start-after: .. end_$y_at_section Layout Functions ---------------- This group contains functions to manipulate print layout items properties. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Layout.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_item_variables_section Further reading: List of default :ref:`variables ` .. include:: expression_help/Layout.rst :start-after: .. end_item_variables_section :end-before: .. end_map_credits_section This function requires the :ref:`Access metadata properties ` of the layers to have been filled. .. include:: expression_help/Layout.rst :start-after: .. end_map_credits_section Map Layers ---------- This group contains a list of the available layers in the current project and, for each layer, their fields (stored in the dataset, virtual or auxiliary ones as well as from joins). The fields can be interacted the same way as mentioned in :ref:`fields_values`, except that a double-click will add the name as a string (single quoted) to the expression instead of as a field reference given that they do not belong to the active layer. This offers a convenient way to write expressions referring to different layers, such as when performing :ref:`aggregates `, :ref:`attribute ` or :ref:`spatial ` queries. It also provides some convenient functions to manipulate layers. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Map_Layers.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_layer_property_section Further reading: :ref:`vector `, :ref:`raster ` and :ref:`mesh ` layer properties .. include:: expression_help/Map_Layers.rst :start-after: .. end_layer_property_section .. index:: Map data structure, Dictionary, Key-value pairs, Associative arrays .. _maps_functions: Maps Functions -------------- This group contains functions to create or manipulate keys and values of map data structures (also known as dictionary objects, key-value pairs, or associative arrays). Unlike the :ref:`list data structure ` where values order matters, the order of the key-value pairs in the map object is not relevant and values are identified by their keys. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Maps.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_map_get_section .. hint:: You can also use the :ref:`index operator ([]) ` to get a value from a map. .. include:: expression_help/Maps.rst :start-after: .. end_map_get_section Mathematical Functions ----------------------- This group contains math functions (e.g., square root, sin and cos). .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Math.rst :start-after: :orphan: .. _expression_function_meshes: Meshes Functions ---------------- This group contains functions which calculate or return mesh related values. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Meshes.rst :start-after: :orphan: Operators ---------- This group contains operators (e.g., +, -, \*). Note that for most of the mathematical functions below, if one of the inputs is NULL then the result is NULL. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Operators.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: end_+_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_String_concat`, :ref:`expression_function_Operators_concat` .. include:: expression_help/Operators.rst :start-after: end_+_section :end-before: end_BETWEEN_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Operators_NOT_BETWEEN` .. include:: expression_help/Operators.rst :start-after: end_BETWEEN_section :end-before: end_NOT_BETWEEN_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Operators_BETWEEN` .. include:: expression_help/Operators.rst :start-after: end_NOT_BETWEEN_section :end-before: end_[]_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Arrays_array_get`, :ref:`expression_function_Maps_map_get` .. include:: expression_help/Operators.rst :start-after: end_[]_section :end-before: end_||_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_String_concat`, :ref:`expression_function_Operators_plus` .. include:: expression_help/Operators.rst :start-after: end_||_section :end-before: end_~_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_String_regexp_match` .. include:: expression_help/Operators.rst :start-after: end_~_section .. _processing_functions: Processing Functions ------------------------- This group contains functions that operate on processing algorithms. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Processing.rst :start-after: :orphan: .. _raster_functions: Rasters Functions ----------------- This group contains functions to operate on raster layer. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Rasters.rst :start-after: :orphan: .. _record_attributes: Record and Attributes Functions ------------------------------- This group contains functions that operate on record identifiers. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_attributes_section Further reading: :ref:`maps_functions` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_attributes_section :end-before: .. end_feature_id_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Record_and_Attributes_get_feature_by_id` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_feature_id_section :end-before: .. end_get_feature_by_id_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Record_and_Attributes_feature_id` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_get_feature_by_id_section :end-before: .. end_$id_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Record_and_Attributes_feature_id`, :ref:`expression_function_Record_and_Attributes_get_feature_by_id` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_$id_section :end-before: .. end_is_attribute_valid_section Further reading: :ref:`constraints` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_is_attribute_valid_section :end-before: .. end_is_feature_valid_section Further reading: :ref:`constraints` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_is_feature_valid_section :end-before: .. end_represent_attributes_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Record_and_Attributes_represent_value` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_represent_attributes_section :end-before: .. end_represent_value_section Further reading: :ref:`widget types `, :ref:`expression_function_Record_and_Attributes_represent_attributes` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_represent_value_section :end-before: .. end_sqlite_fetch_and_increment_section Further reading: :ref:`project_data_source_properties`, :ref:`vector_relations` .. include:: expression_help/Record_and_Attributes.rst :start-after: .. end_sqlite_fetch_and_increment_section .. index:: Relations .. _relations_list: Relations --------- This group contains the list of the :ref:`relations ` available in the current project, with their description. It provides a quick access to the relation ID for writing an expression (with e.g. the :ref:`relation_aggregate ` function) or customizing a form. .. _sensors_functions: Sensors Functions ----------------- This group contains functions to interact with sensors. .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/Sensors.rst :start-after: :orphan: .. _string_functions: String Functions ----------------- This group contains functions that operate on strings (e.g., that replace, convert to upper case). .. include:: text_include.rst :start-after: .. functions_group_toc :end-before: .. end_functions_group_toc .. include:: expression_help/String.rst :start-after: :orphan: :end-before: .. end_concat_section **About fields concatenation** You can also concatenate strings or field values using either ``||`` or ``+`` operators, with some special characteristics: * The ``+`` operator also means sum up expression, so if you have an integer (field or numeric value) operand, this can be error prone and you better use the others:: 'My feature id is: ' + "gid" => triggers an error as gid returns an integer * When any of the arguments is a NULL value, either ``||`` or ``+`` will return a NULL value. To return the other arguments regardless the NULL value, you may want to use the ``concat`` function:: 'My feature id is: ' + NULL ==> NULL 'My feature id is: ' || NULL => NULL concat('My feature id is: ', NULL) => 'My feature id is: ' further reading: :ref:`expression_function_Operators_concat`, :ref:`expression_function_Operators_plus` .. include:: expression_help/String.rst :start-after: .. end_concat_section :end-before: .. end_ltrim_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_String_rtrim`, :ref:`expression_function_String_trim` .. include:: expression_help/String.rst :start-after: .. end_ltrim_section :end-before: .. end_rtrim_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_String_ltrim`, :ref:`expression_function_String_trim` .. include:: expression_help/String.rst :start-after: .. end_rtrim_section :end-before: .. end_trim_section Further reading: :ref:`expression_function_String_ltrim`, :ref:`expression_function_String_rtrim` .. include:: expression_help/String.rst :start-after: .. end_trim_section User Expressions ---------------- This group contains the expressions saved as :ref:`user expressions `. .. _expression_variables: Variables --------- This group contains dynamic variables related to the application, the project file and other settings. The availability of variables depends on the context: - from the |expressionSelect| :sup:`Select by expression` dialog - from the |calculateField| :sup:`Field calculator` dialog - from the layer properties dialog - from the print layout To use these variables in an expression, they should be preceded by the ``@`` character (e.g, ``@row_number``). .. csv-table:: :header: "Variable", "Description" :widths: 25, 70 "algorithm_id", "The unique ID of an algorithm" "animation_end_time", "End of the animation's overall temporal time range (as a datetime value)" "animation_interval", "Duration of the animation's overall temporal time range (as an interval value)" "animation_start_time", "Start of the animation's overall temporal time range (as a datetime value)" "atlas_feature", "The current atlas feature (as feature object)" "atlas_featureid", "The current atlas feature ID" "atlas_featurenumber", "The current atlas feature number in the layout" "atlas_filename", "The current atlas file name" "atlas_geometry", "The current atlas feature geometry" "atlas_layerid", "The current atlas coverage layer ID" "atlas_layername", "The current atlas coverage layer name" "atlas_pagename", "The current atlas page name" "atlas_totalfeatures", "The total number of features in atlas" "canvas_cursor_point", "The last cursor position on the canvas in the project's geographical coordinates" "cluster_color", "The color of symbols within a cluster, or NULL if symbols have mixed colors" "cluster_size", "The number of symbols contained within a cluster" "current_feature", "The feature currently being edited in the attribute form or table row" "current_geometry", "The geometry of the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row" "current_parent_feature", "represents the feature currently being edited in the parent form. Only usable in an embedded form context." "current_parent_geometry", "represents the geometry of the feature currently being edited in the parent form. Only usable in an embedded form context." "form_mode", "What the form is used for, like AddFeatureMode, SingleEditMode, MultiEditMode, SearchMode, AggregateSearchMode or IdentifyMode as string." "feature", "The current feature being evaluated. This can be used with the 'attribute' function to evaluate attribute values from the current feature." "frame_duration", "Temporal duration of each animation frame (as an interval value)" "frame_number", "Current frame number during animation playback" "frame_rate", "Number of frames per second during animation playback" "fullextent_maxx", "Maximum x value from full canvas extent (including all layers)" "fullextent_maxy", "Maximum y value from full canvas extent (including all layers)" "fullextent_minx", "Minimum x value from full canvas extent (including all layers)" "fullextent_miny", "Minimum y value from full canvas extent (including all layers)" "geometry", "The geometry of the current feature being evaluated" "geometry_part_count", "The number of parts in rendered feature's geometry" "geometry_part_num", "The current geometry part number for feature being rendered" "geometry_point_count", "The number of points in the rendered geometry's part" "geometry_point_num", "The current point number in the rendered geometry's part" "geometry_ring_num", "Current geometry ring number for feature being rendered (for polygon features only). The exterior ring has a value of 0." "grid_axis", "The current grid annotation axis (eg, 'x' for longitude, 'y' for latitude)" "grid_number", "The current grid annotation value" "id", "The ID of the current feature being evaluated" "item_id", "The layout item user ID (not necessarily unique)" "item_uuid", "The layout item unique ID" "layer", "The current layer" "layer_crs", "The Coordinate Reference System Authority ID of the current layer" "layer_crs_ellipsoid", "The ellipsoid Authority ID of the current layer CRS" "layer_cursor_point", "Point geometry under the mouse position in map canvas, in active layer's CRS" "layer_id", "The ID of current layer" "layer_ids", "The IDs of all the map layers in the current project as a list" "layer_name", "The name of current layer" "layers", "All the map layers in the current project as a list" "layout_dpi", "The composition resolution (DPI)" "layout_name", "The layout name" "layout_numpages", "The number of pages in the layout" "layout_page", "The page number of the current item in the layout" "layout_pageheight", "The active page height in the layout (in mm for standard paper sizes, or whatever unit was used for custom paper size)" "layout_pageoffsets", "Array of Y coordinate of the top of each page. Allows to dynamically position items on pages in a context where page sizes may change" "layout_pagewidth", "The active page width in the layout (in mm for standard paper sizes, or whatever unit was used for custom paper size)" "legend_column_count", "The number of columns in the legend" "legend_filter_by_map", "Indicates if the content of the legend is filtered by the map" "legend_filter_out_atlas", "Indicates if the atlas is filtered out of the legend" "legend_split_layers", "Indicates if layers can be split in the legend" "legend_title", "The title of the legend" "legend_wrap_string", "The character(s) used to wrap the legend text" "map_crs", "The Coordinate reference system of the current map" "map_crs_acronym", "The acronym of the Coordinate reference system of the current map" "map_crs_definition", "The full definition of the Coordinate reference system of the current map" "map_crs_description", "The name of the Coordinate reference system of the current map" "map_crs_ellipsoid", "The acronym of the ellipsoid of the Coordinate reference system of the current map" "map_crs_proj4", "The Proj4 definition of the Coordinate reference system of the current map" "map_crs_projection", "The descriptive name of the projection method used by the Coordinate reference system of the map (e.g. 'Albers Equal Area')" "map_crs_wkt", "The WKT definition of the Coordinate reference system of the current map" "map_end_time", "The end of the map's temporal time range (as a datetime value)" "map_extent", "The geometry representing the current extent of the map" "map_extent_center", "The point feature at the center of the map" "map_extent_height", "The current height of the map" "map_extent_width", "The current width of the map" "map_id", "The ID of current map destination. This will be 'canvas' for canvas renders, and the item ID for layout map renders" "map_interval", "The duration of the map's temporal time range (as an interval value)" "map_layer_ids", "The list of map layer IDs visible in the map" "map_layers", "The list of map layers visible in the map" "map_rotation", "The current rotation of the map" "map_scale", "The current scale of the map" "map_start_time", "The start of the map's temporal time range (as a datetime value)" "map_units", "The units of map measurements" "model_path", "Full path (including file name) of current model (or project path if model is embedded in a project)." "model_folder", "Folder containing current model (or project folder if model is embedded in a project)." "model_name", "Name of current model" "model_group", "Group for current model" "notification_message", "Content of the notification message sent by the provider (available only for actions triggered by provider notifications)." "parent", "Refers to the current feature in the parent layer, providing access to its attributes and geometry when filtering an :ref:`aggregate ` function" "project_abstract", "The project abstract, taken from project metadata" "project_area_units", "The area unit for the current project, used when calculating areas of geometries" "project_author", "The project author, taken from project metadata" "project_basename", "The basename of current project's filename (without path and extension)" "project_creation_date", "The project creation date, taken from project metadata" "project_crs", "The Coordinate reference system of the project" "project_crs_arconym", "The acronym of the Coordinate reference system of the project" "project_crs_definition", "The full definition of the Coordinate reference system of the project" "project_crs_description", "The description of the Coordinate reference system of the project" "project_crs_ellipsoid", "The ellipsoid of the Coordinate reference system of the project" "project_crs_proj4", "The Proj4 representation of the Coordinate reference system of the project" "project_crs_wkt", "The WKT (well known text) representation of the coordinate reference system of the project" "project_distance_units", "The distance unit for the current project, used when calculating lengths of geometries and distances" "project_ellipsoid", "The name of the ellipsoid of the current project, used when calculating geodetic areas or lengths of geometries" "project_filename", "The filename of the current project" "project_folder", "The folder of the current project" "project_home", "The home path of the current project" "project_identifier", "The project identifier, taken from the project's metadata" "project_keywords", "The project keywords, taken from the project's metadata" "project_last_saved", "Date/time when project was last saved." "project_path", "The full path (including file name) of the current project" "project_title", "The title of current project" "project_units", "The units of the project's CRS" "qgis_locale", "The current language of QGIS" "qgis_os_name", "The current Operating system name, eg 'windows', 'linux' or 'osx'" "qgis_platform", "The QGIS platform, eg 'desktop' or 'server'" "qgis_release_name", "The current QGIS release name" "qgis_short_version", "The current QGIS version short string" "qgis_version", "The current QGIS version string" "qgis_version_no", "The current QGIS version number" "row_number", "Stores the number of the current row" "snapping_results", "Gives access to snapping results while digitizing a feature (only available in add feature)" "scale_value", "The current scale bar distance value" "selected_file_path", "Selected file path from file widget selector when uploading a file with an external storage system" "symbol_angle", "The angle of the symbol used to render the feature (valid for marker symbols only)" "symbol_color", "The color of the symbol used to render the feature" "symbol_count", "The number of features represented by the symbol (in the layout legend)" "symbol_frame", "The frame number (for animated symbols only)" "symbol_id", "The Internal ID of the symbol (in the layout legend)" "symbol_label", "The label for the symbol (either a user defined label or the default autogenerated label - in the layout legend)" "symbol_layer_count", "Total number of symbol layers in the symbol" "symbol_layer_index", "Current symbol layer index" "symbol_marker_column", "Column number for marker (valid for point pattern fills only)." "symbol_marker_row", "Row number for marker (valid for point pattern fills only)." "user_account_name", "The current user's operating system account name" "user_full_name", "The current user's operating system user name" "value", "The current value" "vector_tile_zoom", "Exact vector tile zoom level of the map that is being rendered (derived from the current map scale). Normally in interval [0, 20]. Unlike @zoom_level, this variable is a floating point value which can be used to interpolate values between two integer zoom levels." "with_variable", "Allows setting a variable for usage within an expression and avoid recalculating the same value repeatedly" "zoom_level", "Vector tile zoom level of the map that is being rendered (derived from the current map scale). Normally in interval [0, 20]." **Some examples:** * Return the X coordinate of a map item center in layout:: x( map_get( item_variables( 'map1'), 'map_extent_center' ) ) * Return, for each feature in the current layer, the number of overlapping airport features:: aggregate( layer:='airport', aggregate:='count', expression:="code", filter:=intersects( $geometry, geometry( @parent ) ) ) * Get the object_id of the first snapped point of a line:: with_variable( 'first_snapped_point', array_first( @snapping_results ), attribute( get_feature_by_id( map_get( @first_snapped_point, 'layer' ), map_get( @first_snapped_point, 'feature_id' ) ), 'object_id' ) ) Recent Functions ----------------- This group contains recently used functions. Depending on the context of its usage (feature selection, field calculator, generic), recently applied expressions are added to the corresponding list (up to ten expressions), sorted from more to less recent. This makes it easy to quickly retrieve and reapply previously used expressions. .. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE This will be automatically updated by the find_set_subst.py script. If you need to create a new substitution manually, please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the source folder. .. |calculateField| image:: /static/common/mActionCalculateField.png :width: 1.5em .. |expressionSelect| image:: /static/common/mIconExpressionSelect.png :width: 1.5em