.. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5 .. testsetup:: loadproject iface = start_qgis() canvas = iface.mapCanvas() .. _loadproject: **************** Loading Projects **************** .. hint:: The code snippets on this page need the following imports if you're outside the pyqgis console: .. testcode:: loadproject from qgis.core import ( Qgis, QgsProject, QgsPathResolver ) from qgis.gui import ( QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge, ) .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: Sometimes you need to load an existing project from a plugin or (more often) when developing a standalone QGIS Python application (see: :ref:`pythonapplications`). .. index:: pair: Projects; Loading To load a project into the current QGIS application you need to create an instance of the :class:`QgsProject ` class. This is a singleton class, so you must use its :meth:`instance() ` method to do it. You can call its :meth:`read() ` method, passing the path of the project to be loaded: .. testcode:: loadproject # If you are not inside a QGIS console you first need to import # qgis and PyQt classes you will use in this script as shown below: from qgis.core import QgsProject # Get the project instance project = QgsProject.instance() # Print the current project file name (might be empty in case no projects have been loaded) # print(project.fileName()) # Load another project project.read('testdata/01_project.qgs') print(project.fileName()) .. testoutput:: loadproject testdata/01_project.qgs If you need to make modifications to the project (for example to add or remove some layers) and save your changes, call the :meth:`write() ` method of your project instance. The :meth:`write() ` method also accepts an optional path for saving the project to a new location: .. testcode:: loadproject # Save the project to the same project.write() # ... or to a new file project.write('testdata/my_new_qgis_project.qgs') Both :meth:`read() ` and :meth:`write() ` functions return a boolean value that you can use to check if the operation was successful. .. note:: If you are writing a QGIS standalone application, in order to synchronise the loaded project with the canvas you need to instantiate a :class:`QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge ` as in the example below: .. testcode:: loadproject bridge = QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge( \ QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot(), canvas) # Now you can safely load your project and see it in the canvas project.read('testdata/my_new_qgis_project.qgs') Resolving bad paths =================== It can happen that layers loaded in the project are moved to another location. When the project is loaded again all the layer paths are broken. The :class:`QgsPathResolver ` class helps you rewrite layers path within the project. Its :meth:`setPathPreprocessor() ` method allows setting a custom path pre-processor function to manipulate paths and data sources prior to resolving them to file references or layer sources. The processor function must accept a single string argument (representing the original file path or data source) and return a processed version of this path. The path pre-processor function is called **before** any bad layer handler. If multiple preprocessors are set, they will be called in sequence based on the order in which they were originally set. Some use cases: #. replace an outdated path: .. testcode:: loadproject def my_processor(path): return path.replace('c:/Users/ClintBarton/Documents/Projects', 'x:/Projects/') QgsPathResolver.setPathPreprocessor(my_processor) #. replace a database host address with a new one: .. testcode:: loadproject def my_processor(path): return path.replace('host=', 'host=') QgsPathResolver.setPathPreprocessor(my_processor) #. replace stored database credentials with new ones: .. testcode:: loadproject def my_processor(path): path= path.replace("user='gis_team'", "user='team_awesome'") path = path.replace("password='cats'", "password='g7as!m*'") return path QgsPathResolver.setPathPreprocessor(my_processor) Likewise, a :meth:`setPathWriter() ` method is available for a path writer function. An example to replace the path with a variable: .. testcode:: loadproject def my_processor(path): return path.replace('c:/Users/ClintBarton/Documents/Projects', '$projectdir$') QgsPathResolver.setPathWriter(my_processor) Both methods return an ``id`` that can be used to remove the pre-processor or writer they added. See :meth:`removePathPreprocessor() ` and :meth:`removePathWriter() `. Using flags to speed up things ============================== In some instances where you may not need to use a fully functional project, but only want to access it for a specific reason, flags may be helpful. A full list of flags is available under :class:`ProjectReadFlag `. Multiple flags can be added together. As an example, if we do not care about actual layers and data and simply want to access a project (e.g. for layout or 3D view settings), we can use ``DontResolveLayers`` flag to bypass the data validation step and prevent the bad layer dialog from appearing. The following can be done: .. testcode:: loadproject readflags = Qgis.ProjectReadFlags() readflags |= Qgis.ProjectReadFlag.DontResolveLayers project = QgsProject.instance() project.read('C:/Users/ClintBarton/Documents/Projects/mysweetproject.qgs', readflags) To add more flags the python Bitwise OR operator (``|``) must be used.