Lesson: Introduction to Databases

Before using PostgreSQL, let's make sure of our ground by covering general
database theory. You will not need to enter any of the example code; it's only
there for illustration purposes.

**The goal for this lesson:** To understand fundamental database concepts.

What is a Database?

A database consists of an organized collection of data for one or more uses,
typically in digital form. *- Wikipedia*


A database management system (DBMS) consists of software that operates
databases, providing storage, access, security, backup and other facilities.
*- Wikipedia*


In relational databases and flat file databases, a table is a set of data
elements (values) that is organized using a model of vertical columns (which
are identified by their name) and horizontal rows. A table has a specified
number of columns, but can have any number of rows. Each row is identified
by the values appearing in a particular column subset which has been
identified as a candidate key. *- Wikipedia*

.. code-block:: sql

   id | name  | age
    1 | Tim   |  20
    2 | Horst |  88
  (2 rows)

In SQL databases a table is also known as a **relation.**

Columns / Fields

A column is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each
row of the table. The columns provide the structure according to which the
rows are composed. The term field is often used interchangeably with column,
although many consider it more correct to use field (or field value) to refer
specifically to the single item that exists at the intersection between one
row and one column. *- Wikipedia*

A column:

.. code-block:: sql

  | name  |
  | Tim   |
  | Horst |

A field:

.. code-block:: sql

  | Horst |


A record is the information stored in a table row. Each record will have a
field for each of the columns in the table.

.. code-block:: sql

  2 | Horst |  88  <-- one record


Datatypes restrict the kind of information that can be stored in a column.
*- Tim and Horst*

There are many kinds of datatypes. Let's focus on the most common:

* ``String`` - to store free-form text data
* ``Integer`` - to store whole numbers
* ``Real`` - to store decimal numbers
* ``Date`` - to store Horst's birthday so no one forgets
* ``Boolean`` - to store simple true/false values

You can tell the database to allow you to also store nothing in a field. If
there is nothing in a field, then the field content is referred to as a
**'null' value**:

.. code-block:: sql

  insert into person (age) values (40);

  select * from person;


.. code-block:: sql

    id | name  | age
     1 | Tim   |  20
     2 | Horst |  88
     4 |       |  40  <-- null for name
    (3 rows)

There are many more datatypes you can use - `check the PostgreSQL manual!

Modelling an Address Database

Let's use a simple case study to see how a database is constructed. We want to
create an address database.

Try Yourself: :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)`

Write down the properties which make up a simple address and which we would want
to store in our database.

.. admonition:: Answer
  :class: dropdown

  For our theoretical address table, we might want to store the following
      House Number
      Street Name
      Suburb Name
      City Name
  When creating the table to represent an address object, we would create columns
  to represent each of these properties and we would name them with SQL-compliant
  and possibly shortened names::

Address Structure

The properties that describe an address are the columns. The type of
information stored in each column is its datatype. In the next section we will
analyse our conceptual address table to see how we can make it better!

Database Theory

The process of creating a database involves creating a model of the real world;
taking real world concepts and representing them in the database as entities.


One of the main ideas in a database is to avoid data duplication / redundancy.
The process of removing redundancy from a database is called Normalisation.

Normalization is a systematic way of ensuring that a database structure is
suitable for general-purpose querying and free of certain undesirable
characteristics - insertion, update, and deletion anomalies - that could lead
to a loss of data integrity. *- Wikipedia*

There are different kinds of normalisation 'forms'.

Let's take a look at a simple example:

.. code-block:: sql

  Table "public.people"

  Column    |          Type          |                Modifiers
   id       | integer                | not null default
            |                        | nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)
            |                        |
   name     | character varying(50)  |
   address  | character varying(200) | not null
   phone_no | character varying      |
   "people_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

.. code-block:: sql

  select * from people;

  id |     name      |           address           |  phone_no
   1 | Tim Sutton    | 3 Buirski Plein, Swellendam | 071 123 123
   2 | Horst Duester | 4 Avenue du Roix, Geneva    | 072 121 122
  (2 rows)

Imagine you have many friends with the same street name or city. Every time
this data is duplicated, it consumes space. Worse still, if a city name
changes, you have to do a lot of work to update your database.

Try Yourself: :abbr:`★☆☆ (Basic level)`
Redesign the theoretical `people` table above to reduce duplication and to
normalise the data structure.

You can read more about database normalisation `here

.. admonition:: Answer
  :class: dropdown

  The major problem with the *people* table is that there is a single address
  field which contains a person's entire address. Thinking about our theoretical
  *address* table earlier in this lesson, we know that an address is made up of
  many different properties. By storing all these properties in one field, we make
  it much harder to update and query our data. We therefore need to split the
  address field into the various properties. This would give us a table which has
  the following structure::

    id |     name      | house_no |  street_name   |    city    |   phone_no
     1 | Tim Sutton    |     3    | Buirski Plein  | Swellendam | 071 123 123
     2 | Horst Duester |     4    | Avenue du Roix | Geneva     | 072 121 122

  In the next section, you will learn about Foreign Key relationships which could
  be used in this example to further improve our database's structure.


A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data
retrieval operations on a database table. *- Wikipedia*

Imagine you are reading a textbook and looking for the explanation of a concept
- and the textbook has no index! You will have to start reading at one cover
and work your way through the entire book until you find the information you
need. The index at the back of a book helps you to jump quickly to the page
with the relevant information:

.. code-block:: sql

  create index person_name_idx on people (name);

Now searches on name will be faster:

.. code-block:: sql

  Table "public.people"

  Column   |          Type          |               Modifiers
   id       | integer                | not null default
            |                        | nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)
            |                        |
   name     | character varying(50)  |
   address  | character varying(200) | not null
   phone_no | character varying      |
   "people_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
   "person_name_idx" btree (name)


A sequence is a unique number generator. It is normally used to create a unique
identifier for a column in a table.

In this example, id is a sequence - the number is incremented each time a
record is added to the table:

.. code-block:: sql

   id |     name     |           address           |  phone_no
    1 | Tim Sutton   | 3 Buirski Plein, Swellendam | 071 123 123
    2 | Horst Duster | 4 Avenue du Roix, Geneva    | 072 121 122

Entity Relationship Diagramming

In a normalised database, you typically have many relations (tables). The
entity-relationship diagram (ER Diagram) is used to design the logical
dependencies between the relations. Consider our non-normalised `people` table
from earlier in the lesson:

.. code-block:: sql

  select * from people;

   id |     name     |           address           |  phone_no
   1  | Tim Sutton   | 3 Buirski Plein, Swellendam | 071 123 123
   2  | Horst Duster | 4 Avenue du Roix, Geneva    | 072 121 122
  (2 rows)

With a little work we can split it into two tables, removing the need to repeat
the street name for individuals who live in the same street:

.. code-block:: sql

  select * from streets;

   id |     name
   1  | Plein Street
  (1 row)


.. code-block:: sql

  select * from people;

   id |     name     | house_no | street_id |  phone_no
    1 | Horst Duster |        4 |         1 | 072 121 122
  (1 row)

We can then link the two tables using the 'keys' :kbd:`streets.id` and

If we draw an ER Diagram for these two tables it would look something like

.. figure:: img/er-people-streets.png
   :align: center

The ER Diagram helps us to express 'one to many' relationships. In this case
the arrow symbol show that one street can have many people living on it.

Try Yourself: :abbr:`★★☆ (Moderate level)`

Our `people` model still has some normalisation issues - try to see if you can
normalise it further and show your thoughts by means of an ER Diagram.

.. admonition:: Answer
  :class: dropdown

  Our *people* table currently looks like this::
     id |     name     | house_no | street_id |  phone_no
      1 | Horst Duster |        4 |         1 | 072 121 122
  The :guilabel:`street_id` column represents a 'one to many' relationship between the
  people object and the related street object, which is in the *streets* table.
  One way to further normalise the table is to split the name field into
  *first_name* and *last_name*::
      id | first_name | last_name  | house_no | street_id |  phone_no
       1 |    Horst   |   Duster   |     4    |     1     | 072 121 122
  We can also create separate tables for the town or city name and country,
  linking them to our *people* table via 'one to many' relationships::
      id | first_name | last_name | house_no | street_id | town_id | country_id
       1 |    Horst   |   Duster  |     4    |     1     |    2    |     1
  An ER Diagram to represent this would look like this:
  .. figure:: img/er-people-normalised-example.png
     :align: center

Constraints, Primary Keys and Foreign Keys

A database constraint is used to ensure that data in a relation matches the
modeller's view of how that data should be stored. For example a constraint on
your postal code could ensure that the number falls between :kbd:`1000` and

A Primary key is one or more field values that make a record unique. Usually
the primary key is called id and is a sequence.

A Foreign key is used to refer to a unique record on another table (using that
other table's primary key).

In ER Diagramming, the linkage between tables is normally based on Foreign keys
linking to Primary keys.

If we look at our people example, the table definition shows that the street
column is a foreign key that references the primary key on the streets table:

.. code-block:: sql

  Table "public.people"

   Column    |         Type          |  Modifiers
   id        | integer               | not null default
             |                       | nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)
   name      | character varying(50) |
   house_no  | integer               | not null
   street_id | integer               | not null
   phone_no  | character varying     |
  "people_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
  Foreign-key constraints:
  "people_street_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (street_id) REFERENCES streets(id)


When adding, changing, or deleting data in a database, it is always important
that the database is left in a good state if something goes wrong. Most
databases provide a feature called transaction support. Transactions allow you
to create a rollback position that you can return to if your modifications to
the database did not run as planned.

Take a scenario where you have an accounting system. You need to transfer funds
from one account and add them to another. The sequence of steps would go like

* remove R20 from Joe
* add R20 to Anne

If something goes wrong during the process (e.g. power failure), the
transaction will be rolled back.

In Conclusion

Databases allow you to manage data in a structured way using simple code

What's Next?

Now that we've looked at how databases work in theory, let's create a new
database to implement the theory we've covered.