.. highlight:: python :linenothreshold: 5 .. testsetup:: pluginlayer iface = start_qgis() .. index:: Plugin layers .. _pluginlayer: ******************* Using Plugin Layers ******************* .. hint:: The code snippets on this page need the following imports if you're outside the pyqgis console: .. testcode:: pluginlayer from qgis.core import ( QgsPluginLayer, QgsPluginLayerType, QgsMapLayerRenderer, QgsApplication, QgsProject, ) from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QImage .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: If your plugin uses its own methods to render a map layer, writing your own layer type based on :class:`QgsPluginLayer <qgis.core.QgsPluginLayer>` might be the best way to implement that. .. index:: Plugin layers; Subclassing QgsPluginLayer Subclassing QgsPluginLayer ========================== Below is an example of a minimal QgsPluginLayer implementation. It is based on the original code of the `Watermark example plugin <https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-watermark-plugin>`_. The custom renderer is the part of the implement that defines the actual drawing on the canvas. .. testcode:: pluginlayer class WatermarkLayerRenderer(QgsMapLayerRenderer): def __init__(self, layerId, rendererContext): super().__init__(layerId, rendererContext) def render(self): image = QImage("/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/qgis.png") painter = self.renderContext().painter() painter.save() painter.drawImage(10, 10, image) painter.restore() return True class WatermarkPluginLayer(QgsPluginLayer): LAYER_TYPE="watermark" def __init__(self): super().__init__(WatermarkPluginLayer.LAYER_TYPE, "Watermark plugin layer") self.setValid(True) def createMapRenderer(self, rendererContext): return WatermarkLayerRenderer(self.id(), rendererContext) def setTransformContext(self, ct): pass # Methods for reading and writing specific information to the project file can # also be added: def readXml(self, node, context): pass def writeXml(self, node, doc, context): pass The plugin layer can be added to the project and to the canvas as any other map layer: .. testcode:: pluginlayer plugin_layer = WatermarkPluginLayer() QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(plugin_layer) When loading a project containing such a layer, a factory class is needed: .. testcode:: pluginlayer class WatermarkPluginLayerType(QgsPluginLayerType): def __init__(self): super().__init__(WatermarkPluginLayer.LAYER_TYPE) def createLayer(self): return WatermarkPluginLayer() # You can also add GUI code for displaying custom information # in the layer properties def showLayerProperties(self, layer): pass # Keep a reference to the instance in Python so it won't # be garbage collected plt = WatermarkPluginLayerType() assert QgsApplication.pluginLayerRegistry().addPluginLayerType(plt)