.. _`label_meshdata`: *********************** Working with Mesh Data *********************** .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: What's a mesh? ============== A mesh is an unstructured grid usually with temporal and other components. The spatial component contains a collection of vertices, edges and faces in 2D or 3D space: * **vertices** - XY(Z) points (in the layer's coordinate reference system) * **edges** - connect pairs of vertices * **faces** - a face is a set of edges forming a closed shape - typically a triangle or a quadrilateral (quad), rarely polygons with more vertices .. _figure_mesh_grid_types: .. figure:: img/mesh_grid_types.png :align: center Different mesh types QGIS can currently render mesh data using triangles or regular quads. Mesh provides information about the spatial structure. In addition, the mesh can have datasets (groups) that assign a value to every vertex. For example, having a triangular mesh with numbered vertices as shown in the image below: .. _figure_triangual_grid_with_numered_vertices: .. figure:: img/triangual_grid_with_numered_vertices.png :align: center Triangular grid with numbered vertices Each vertex can store different datasets (typically multiple quantities), and those datasets can also have a temporal dimension. Thus, a single file may contain multiple datasets. The following table gives an idea about the information that can be stored in mesh datasets. Table columns represent indices of mesh vertices, each row represents one dataset. Datasets can have different datatypes. In this case, it stores wind velocity at 10m at a particular moments in time (t1, t2, t3). In a similar way, the mesh dataset can also store vector values for each vertex. For example, wind direction vector at the given time stamps: =============================== ========= ========= ========= ===== 10 metre wind 1 2 3 ... =============================== ========= ========= ========= ===== 10 metre speed at time=t1 17251 24918 32858 ... 10 metre speed at time=t2 19168 23001 36418 ... 10 metre speed at time=t3 21085 30668 17251 ... ... ... ... ... ... 10m wind direction time=t1 [20,2] [20,3] [20,4.5] ... 10m wind direction time=t2 [21,3] [21,4] [21,5.5] ... 10m wind direction time=t3 [22,4] [22,5] [22,6.5] ... ... ... ... ... ... =============================== ========= ========= ========= ===== We can visualize the data by assigning colors to values (similarly to how it is done with :ref:`Singleband pseudocolor ` raster rendering) and interpolating data between vertices according to the mesh topology. It is common that some quantities are 2D vectors rather than being simple scalar values (e.g. wind direction). For such quantities it is desirable to display arrows indicating the directions. .. _figure_mesh_visualisation: .. figure:: img/mesh_visualisation.png :align: center Possible visualisation of mesh data .. _mesh_supported_formats: Supported formats ================= QGIS accesses mesh data using the `MDAL drivers `_. Hence, the natively supported formats are: * ``NetCDF``: Generic format for scientific data * ``GRIB``: Format commonly used in meteorology * ``XMDF``: As an example, hydraulic outputs from TUFLOW modelling package * ``DAT``: Outputs of various hydrodynamic modelling packages (e.g. BASEMENT, HYDRO_AS-2D, TUFLOW) * ``3Di``: 3Di modelling package format based on Climate and Forecast Conventions (http://cfconventions.org/) * Some examples of mesh datasets can be found at https://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/interim-full-daily/levtype=sfc/ To load a mesh dataset into QGIS, use the |addMeshLayer| :guilabel:`Mesh` tab in the :guilabel:`Data Source Manager` dialog. Read :ref:`mesh_loading` for more details. .. _`label_meshproperties`: Mesh Dataset Properties ======================= Information Properties ---------------------- .. _figure_mesh_info_properties: .. figure:: img/mesh_info_properties.png :align: center Mesh Layer Properties The :guilabel:`Information` tab is read-only and represents an interesting place to quickly grab summarized information and metadata on the current layer. Provided information are (based on the provider of the layer) uri, vertex count, face count and dataset groups count. Source Properties ----------------- The :guilabel:`Source` tab displays basic information about the selected mesh, including: * the Layer name to display in the :guilabel:`Layers` panel * setting the Coordinate Reference System: Displays the layer’s :ref:`Coordinate Reference System (CRS) `. You can change the layer’s CRS by selecting a recently used one in the drop-down list or clicking on |setProjection| :guilabel:`Select CRS` button (see :ref:`crs_selector`). Use this process only if the CRS applied to the layer is wrong or if none was applied. Use the :guilabel:`Assign Extra Dataset to Mesh` button to add more groups to the current mesh layer. Symbology Properties -------------------- Click the |symbology| :guilabel:`Symbology` button to activate the dialog as shown in the following image: .. _figure_mesh_symbology: .. figure:: img/mesh_symbology.png :align: center Mesh Layer Symbology Symbology properties are divided in several tabs: * :ref:`General ` * :ref:`Contours Symbology ` * :ref:`Vectors Symbology ` * :ref:`Rendering ` .. _mesh_symbology_general: General ....... The tab |general| presents the following items: * groups available in the mesh dataset * dataset in the selected group(s), for example, if the layer has a temporal dimension * metadata if available * :ref:`blending mode ` available for the selected dataset. The slider |slider|, the combo box |selectString| and the :guilabel:`|<`, :guilabel:`<`, :guilabel:`>`, :guilabel:`>|` buttons allow to explore another dimension of the data, if available. As the slider moves, the metadata is presented accordingly. See the figure :ref:`Mesh groups ` below as an example. The map canvas will display the selected dataset group as well. .. _figure_mesh_groups: .. figure:: img/mesh_groups.png :align: center Dataset in Selected Group(s) You can apply symbology to each group using the tabs. .. _mesh_symbology_contours: Contours Symbology .................. Under :guilabel:`Groups`, click on |meshcontoursoff| to show contours with default visualization parameters. In the tab |meshcontours| you can see and change the current visualization options of contours for the selected group, as shown in :numref:`figure_mesh_symbology_contours` below: .. _figure_mesh_symbology_contours: .. figure:: img/mesh_symbology_contours.png :align: center Styling Contours in a Mesh Layer Use the slide bar or combo box to set the opacity of the current group. Use :guilabel:`Load` to adjust the min and max values of the current group. The :guilabel:`Interpolation` list contains three options to render contours: :guilabel:`Linear`, :guilabel:`Discrete` and :guilabel:`Exact`. The :guilabel:`Color ramp` widget opens the :ref:`color ramp drop-down shortcut `. The :guilabel:`Label unit suffix` is a label added after the value in the legend. By selecting :guilabel:`Continuous` in the classification :guilabel:`Mode`, QGIS creates classes automatically considering the :guilabel:`Min` and :guilabel:`Max` values. With ‘Equal interval’, you only need to select the number of classes using the combo box :guilabel:`Classes` and press the button :guilabel:`Classify`. The button |signPlus| :sup:`Add values manually` adds a value to the individual color table. The button |signMinus| :sup:`Remove selected row` deletes a value from the individual color table. Double clicking on the value column lets you insert a specific value. Double clicking on the color column opens the dialog :guilabel:`Change color`, where you can select a color to apply on that value. .. _mesh_symbology_vectors: Vectors Symbology ................. In the tab |general|, click on |meshcontoursoff| to display vectors if available. The map canvas will display the vectors in the selected group with default parameters. Click on the tab |meshvectors| to change the visualization parameters for vectors as shown in the image below: .. _figure_mesh_symbology_vector: .. figure:: img/mesh_symbology_vector.png :align: center Styling Vectors in a Mesh Layer The line width can be set using the combo box or typing the value. The color widget opens the dialog :guilabel:`Change color`, where you can select a color to apply to vectors. Enter values for :guilabel:`Min` and :guilabel:`Max` to filter vectors according to their magnitude. Check on the box |checkbox| :guilabel:`Display Vectors on User Grid` and specify the :guilabel:`X spacing` and the :guilabel:`Y spacing`, QGIS will render the vector considering the given spacing. With the Head Options :guilabel:`Head Options`, QGIS allows the shape of the arrow head to be set by specifying width and length (in percentage). Vector's :guilabel:`Arrow length` can be rendered in QGIS in three different ways: * Defined by Min and Max: You specify the minimum and maximum length for the vectors, QGIS will adjust their visualization accordingly * Scale to magnitude: You specify the (multiplying) factor to use * Fixed: all the vectors are shown with the same length .. _mesh_symbology_rendering: Rendering ......... In the tab |meshframe|, QGIS offers two possibilities to display the grid, as shown in :numref:`figure_mesh_symbology_grid`: * ``Native Mesh Rendering`` that shows quadrants * ``Triangular Mesh Rendering`` that display triangles .. _figure_mesh_symbology_grid: .. figure:: img/mesh_symbology_grid.png :align: center Mesh Rendering The line width and color can be changed in this dialog, and both the grid renderings can be turned off. .. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE This will be automatically updated by the find_set_subst.py script. If you need to create a new substitution manually, please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the source folder. .. |addMeshLayer| image:: /static/common/mActionAddMeshLayer.png :width: 1.5em .. |checkbox| image:: /static/common/checkbox.png :width: 1.3em .. |general| image:: /static/common/general.png :width: 1.5em .. |meshcontours| image:: /static/common/meshcontours.png :width: 1.5em .. |meshcontoursoff| image:: /static/common/meshcontoursoff.png :width: 1.5em .. |meshframe| image:: /static/common/meshframe.png :width: 1.5em .. |meshvectors| image:: /static/common/meshvectors.png :width: 1.5em .. |selectString| image:: /static/common/selectstring.png :width: 2.5em .. |setProjection| image:: /static/common/mActionSetProjection.png :width: 1.5em .. |signMinus| image:: /static/common/symbologyRemove.png :width: 1.5em .. |signPlus| image:: /static/common/symbologyAdd.png :width: 1.5em .. |slider| image:: /static/common/slider.png .. |symbology| image:: /static/common/symbology.png :width: 2em