Vector miscellaneous ==================== .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _gdalexecutesql: Execute SQL ----------- Runs a simple or complex query with SQL syntax on the source layer. The result of the query will be added as a new layer. This algorithm is derived from the `GDAL ogr2ogr utility `_. Parameters .......... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 :class: longtable * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Input layer** - ``INPUT`` - [vector: any] - OGR-supported input vector layer * - **SQL expression** - ``SQL`` - [string] - Defines the SQL query, for example ``SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name is not null``. * - **SQL dialect** - ``DIALECT`` - [enumeration] Default: 0 - SQL dialect to use. One of: * 0 --- None * 1 --- OGR SQL * 2 --- SQLite * - **Additional creation options** (optional) - ``OPTIONS`` - [string] Default: '' (no additional options) - Additional GDAL creation options. * - **SQL result** - ``OUTPUT`` - [vector: any] - Specification of the output layer. One of: * Save to a Temporary File * Save to File... The file encoding can also be changed here. For ``Save to File``, the output format has to be specified. All GDAL vector formats are supported. For ``Save to a Temporary File`` the default output vector layer format will be used. Outputs ....... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **SQL result** - ``OUTPUT`` - [vector: any] - Vector layer created by the query Python code ........... **Algorithm ID**: ``gdal:executesql`` .. include:: ../qgis/qgis_algs_include.rst :start-after: **algorithm_code_section** :end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section** .. _gdalimportvectorintopostgisdatabaseavailableconnections: Export to PostgreSQL (available connections) -------------------------------------------- Imports vector layers inside a PostgreSqL database on the basis of an available connection. The connection has to :ref:`be defined properly ` beforehand. Be aware that the checkboxes 'Save Username' and 'Save Password' are activated. Then you can use the algorithm. This algorithm is derived from the `GDAL ogr2ogr utility `_. Parameters .......... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 :class: longtable * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Database (connection name)** - ``DATABASE`` - [string] - The PostgreSQL database to connect to * - **Input layer** - ``INPUT`` - [vector: any] - OGR-supported vector layer to export to the database * - **Shape encoding** Optional - ``SHAPE_ENCODING`` - [string] Default: '' - Sets the encoding to apply to the data * - **Output geometry type** - ``GTYPE`` - [enumeration] Default: 0 - Defines the output geometry type. One of: * 0 --- * 1 --- NONE * 2 --- GEOMETRY * 3 --- POINT * 4 --- LINESTRING * 5 --- POLYGON * 6 --- GEOMETRYCOLLECTION * 7 --- MULTIPOINT * 8 --- MULTIPOLYGON * 9 --- MULTILINESTRING * - **Assign an output CRS** Optional - ``A_SRS`` - [crs] Default: None - Defines the output CRS of the database table * - **Reproject to this CRS on output** Optional - ``T_SRS`` - [crs] Default: None - Reprojects/transforms to this CRS on output * - **Override source CRS** Optional - ``S_SRS`` - [crs] Default: None - Overrides the input layer CRS * - **Schema (schema name)** Optional - ``SCHEMA`` - [string] Default: 'public' - Defines the schema for the database table * - **Table to export to (leave blank to use layer name)** Optional - ``TABLE`` - [string] Default: '' - Defines a name for the table that will be imported into the database. By default the table name is the name of the input vector file. * - **Primary Key (new field)** Optional - ``PK`` - [string] Default: 'id' - Defines which attribute field will be the primary key of the database table * - **Primary Key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)** Optional - ``PRIMARY_KEY`` - [tablefield: any] Default: None - Defines which attribute field in the exported layer will be the primary key of the database table * - **Geometry column name** Optional - ``GEOCOLUMN`` - [string] Default: 'geom' - Defines in which attribute field of the database there will be the geometry information * - **Vector dimensions** Optional - ``DIM`` - [enumeration] Default: 0 (2D) - Defines if the vector file to be imported has 2D or 3D data. One of: * 0 --- 2 * 1 --- 3 * - **Distance tolerance for simplification** Optional - ``SIMPLIFY`` - [string] Default: '' - Defines a distance tolerance for the simplification of the vector geometries to be imported. By default there is no simplification. * - **Maximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)** Optional - ``SEGMENTIZE`` - [string] Default: '' - The maximum distance between two nodes. Used to create intermediate points. By default there is no densification. * - **Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)** Optional - ``SPAT`` - [extent] Default: None - You can select features from a given extent that will be in the output table. * - **Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extent** Optional - ``CLIP`` - [boolean] Default: False - The input layer will be clipped by the extent you defined before * - **Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column="value")** Optional - ``WHERE`` - [string] Default: '' - Defines with a SQL "WHERE" statement which features should be selected from the input layer * - **Group N features per transaction (Default: 2000)** Optional - ``GT`` - [string] Default: '' - You can group the input features in transactions where N defines the size. By default N limits the transaction size to 20000 features. * - **Overwrite existing table** Optional - ``OVERWRITE`` - [boolean] Default: True - If there is a table with the same name in the database, and if this option is set to True, the table will be overwritten. * - **Append to existing table** Optional - ``APPEND`` - [boolean] Default: False - If checked / True the vector data will be appended to an existing table. New fields found in the input layer are ignored. By default a new table will be created. * - **Append and add new fields to existing table** Optional - ``ADDFIELDS`` - [boolean] Default: False - If activated the vector data will be appended to an existing table, there won't be a new table created. New fields found in input layer are added to the table. By default a new table will be created. * - **Do not launder columns/table names** Optional - ``LAUNDER`` - [boolean] Default: False - With this option checked you can prevent the default behaviour (converting column names to lowercase, removing spaces and other invalid characters). * - **Do not create Spatial Index** Optional - ``INDEX`` - [boolean] Default: False - Prevents a spatial index for the output table from being created. By default, a spatial index is added. * - **Continue after a failure, skipping the failed feature** Optional - ``SKIPFAILURES`` - [boolean] Default: False - * - **Promote to Multipart** Optional - ``PROMOTETOMULTI`` - [boolean] Default: True - Casts features geometry type to multipart in the output table * - **Keep width and precision of input attributes** Optional - ``PRECISION`` - [boolean] Default: True - Avoids modifying column attributes to comply with input data * - **Additional creation options** (optional) - ``OPTIONS`` - [string] Default: '' (no additional options) - Additional GDAL creation options. Outputs ....... This algorithm has no output. Python code ........... **Algorithm ID**: ``gdal:importvectorintopostgisdatabaseavailableconnections`` .. include:: ../qgis/qgis_algs_include.rst :start-after: **algorithm_code_section** :end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section** .. _gdalimportvectorintopostgisdatabasenewconnection: Export to PostgreSQL (new connection) ------------------------------------- Imports vector layers inside a PostGreSQL database. A new connection to the PostGIS database must be created. This algorithm is derived from the `GDAL ogr2ogr utility `_. Parameters .......... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 :class: longtable * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Input layer** - ``INPUT`` - [vector: any] - OGR-supported vector layer to export to the database * - **Shape encoding** Optional - ``SHAPE_ENCODING`` - [string] Default: '' - Sets the encoding to apply to the data * - **Output geometry type** - ``GTYPE`` - [enumeration] Default: 0 - Defines the output geometry type. One of: * 0 --- * 1 --- NONE * 2 --- GEOMETRY * 3 --- POINT * 4 --- LINESTRING * 5 --- POLYGON * 6 --- GEOMETRYCOLLECTION * 7 --- MULTIPOINT * 8 --- MULTIPOLYGON * 9 --- MULTILINESTRING * - **Assign an output CRS** Optional - ``A_SRS`` - [crs] Default: None - Defines the output CRS of the database table * - **Reproject to this CRS on output** Optional - ``T_SRS`` - [crs] Default: None - Reprojects/transforms to this CRS on output * - **Override source CRS** Optional - ``S_SRS`` - [crs] Default: None - Overrides the input layer CRS * - **Host** Optional - ``HOST`` - [string] Default: 'localhost' - Name of the database host * - **Port** Optional - ``PORT`` - [string] Default: '5432' - Port number the PostgreSQL database server listens on * - **Username** Optional - ``USER`` - [string] Default: '' - User name used to log in to the database * - **Database name** Optional - ``DBNAME`` - [string] Default: '' - Name of the database * - **Password** Optional - ``PASSWORD`` - [string] Default: '' - Password used with Username to connect to the database * - **Schema (schema name)** Optional - ``SCHEMA`` - [string] Default: 'public' - Defines the schema for the database table * - **Table name, leave blank to use input name** Optional - ``TABLE`` - [string] Default: '' - Defines a name for the table that will be imported into the database. By default the table name is the name of the input vector file. * - **Primary Key (new field)** Optional - ``PK`` - [string] Default: 'id' - Defines which attribute field will be the primary key of the database table * - **Primary Key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)** Optional - ``PRIMARY_KEY`` - [tablefield: any] Default: None - Defines which attribute field in the exported layer will be the primary key of the database table * - **Geometry column name** Optional - ``GEOCOLUMN`` - [string] Default: 'geom' - Defines in which attribute field to store the geometry information * - **Vector dimensions** Optional - ``DIM`` - [enumeration] Default: 0 (2D) - Defines if the vector file to be imported has 2D or 3D data. One of: * 0 --- 2D * 1 --- 3D * - **Distance tolerance for simplification** Optional - ``SIMPLIFY`` - [string] Default: '' - Defines a distance tolerance for the simplification of the vector geometries to be imported. By default no simplification there is no simplification. * - **Maximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)** Optional - ``SEGMENTIZE`` - [string] Default: '' - The maximum distance between two nodes. Used to create intermediate points. By default there is no densification. * - **Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)** Optional - ``SPAT`` - [extent] Default: None - You can select features from a given extent that will be in the output table. * - **Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extent** Optional - ``CLIP`` - [boolean] Default: False - The input layer will be clipped by the extent you defined before * - **Fields to include (leave empty to use all fields)** Optional - ``FIELDS`` - [string] [list] Default: [] - Defines fields to keep from the imported vector file. If none is selected, all the fields are imported. * - **Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column="value")** Optional - ``WHERE`` - [string] Default: '' - Defines with a SQL "WHERE" statement which features should be selected for the output table * - **Group N features per transaction (Default: 2000)** Optional - ``GT`` - [string] Default: '' - You can group the input features in transactions where N defines the size. By default N limits the transaction size to 20000 features. * - **Overwrite existing table** Optional - ``OVERWRITE`` - [boolean] Default: True - If there is a table with the same name in the database, and if this option is set to True, the table will be overwritten. * - **Append to existing table** Optional - ``APPEND`` - [boolean] Default: False - If checked / True the vector data will be appended to an existing table. New fields found in the input layer are ignored. By default a new table will be created. * - **Append and add new fields to existing table** Optional - ``ADDFIELDS`` - [boolean] Default: False - If activated the vector data will be appended to an existing table, there won't be created a new table. New fields found in input layer are added to the table. By default a new table will be created. * - **Do not launder columns/table names** Optional - ``LAUNDER`` - [boolean] Default: False - With this option checked you can prevent the default behaviour (converting column names to lowercase, removing spaces and other invalid characters). * - **Do not create Spatial Index** Optional - ``INDEX`` - [boolean] Default: False - Prevents a spatial index for the output table from being created. By default, a spatial index is added. * - **Continue after a failure, skipping the failed feature** Optional - ``SKIPFAILURES`` - [boolean] Default: False - * - **Promote to Multipart** Optional - ``PROMOTETOMULTI`` - [boolean] Default: True - Casts features geometry type to multipart in the output table * - **Keep width and precision of input attributes** Optional - ``PRECISION`` - [boolean] Default: True - Avoids modifying column attributes to comply with input data * - **Additional creation options** (optional) - ``OPTIONS`` - [string] Default: '' (no additional options) - Additional GDAL creation options. Outputs ....... This algorithm has no output. Python code ........... **Algorithm ID**: ``gdal:importvectorintopostgisdatabasenewconnection`` .. include:: ../qgis/qgis_algs_include.rst :start-after: **algorithm_code_section** :end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section** .. _gdalogrinfo: Vector Information ------------------ Creates an information file that lists information about an OGR-supported data source. The output will be shown in a 'Result' window and can be written into a HTML-file. The information includes the geometry type, feature count, the spatial extent, the projection information and many more. This algorithm is derived from the `GDAL ogrinfo utility `_. Parameters .......... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 :class: longtable * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Input layer** - ``INPUT`` - [vector: any] - Input vector layer * - **Summary output only** Optional - ``SUMMARY_ONLY`` - [boolean] Default: True - * - **Suppress metadata info** Optional - ``NO_METADATA`` - [boolean] Default: False - * - **Layer information** - ``OUTPUT`` - [html] Default: ``[Save to temporary file]`` - Specify the output HTML file that includes the file information. One of: * Save to a Temporary File * Save to File... The file encoding can also be changed here. If no HTML-file is defined the output will be written to a temporary file Outputs ....... .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 20 40 * - Label - Name - Type - Description * - **Layer information** - ``OUTPUT`` - [html] - The output HTML-file that includes the file information. Python code ........... **Algorithm ID**: ``gdal:ogrinfo`` .. include:: ../qgis/qgis_algs_include.rst :start-after: **algorithm_code_section** :end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section**