.. index:: Layout; Scale bar, Map scalebar .. _layout_scalebar_item: The Scale Bar Item ================== .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: Scale bars provide a visual indication of the size of features, and distance between features, on the map item. A scale bar item requires a map item. Use the |scaleBar| :guilabel:`Add Scale Bar` tool following :ref:`items creation instructions ` to add a new scale bar item that you can later manipulate the same way as exposed in :ref:`interact_layout_item`. By default, a new scale bar item shows the scale of the map item over which it is drawn. If there is no map item below, the :ref:`reference map ` is used. You can customize it in the :guilabel:`Item Properties` panel. Other than the :ref:`items common properties `, this feature has the following functionalities (see figure_layout_scalebar_): .. _figure_layout_scalebar: .. figure:: img/scalebar_properties.png :align: center Scale Bar Item Properties Panel Main properties --------------- The :guilabel:`Main properties` group of the scale bar :guilabel:`Item Properties` panel provides the following functionalities (see figure_layout_scalebar_ppt_): .. _figure_layout_scalebar_ppt: .. figure:: img/scalebar_mainproperties.png :align: center Scale Bar Main properties group #. First, choose the map the scale bar will be attached to #. Then, choose the style of the scale bar. Six styles are available: * **Single box** and **Double box** styles, which contain one or two lines of boxes alternating colors; * **Middle**, **Up** or **Down** line ticks; * **Numeric**, where the scale ratio is printed (e.g., ``1:50000``). #. Set properties as appropriate Units and Segments ------------------ The :guilabel:`Units` and :guilabel:`Segments` groups of the scale bar :guilabel:`Item Properties` panel (not available for the **Numeric** style) provide the following functionalities (see figure_layout_scalebar_units_): .. _figure_layout_scalebar_units: .. figure:: img/scalebar_units.png :align: center Scale Bar Units and Segments groups In these two groups, you can set how the scale bar will be represented. * Select the units you want to use with :guilabel:`Scalebar units`. There are many possible choices: **Map Units** (the default one), **Meters**, **Feet**, **Miles** or **Nautical Miles**... which may force unit conversions. * The :guilabel:`Label unit multiplier` specifies how many scale bar units per labeled unit. Eg, if your scale bar units are set to "meters", a multiplier of 1000 will result in the scale bar labels in "kilometers". * The :guilabel:`Label for units` field defines the text used to describe the units of the scale bar, eg ``m`` or ``km``. This should be matched to reflect the multiplier above. * You can define how many :guilabel:`Segments` will be drawn on the left and on the right side of the scale bar. * You can set how long each segment will be (:guilabel:`Fixed width`), or limit the scale bar size in ``mm`` with :guilabel:`Fit segment width` option. In the latter case, each time the map scale changes, the scale bar is resized (and its label updated) to fit the range set. * :guilabel:`Height` is used to define the height of the bar. Display -------- The :guilabel:`Display` group of the scale bar :guilabel:`Item Properties` panel provides the following functionalities (see figure_layout_scalebar_display_): .. _figure_layout_scalebar_display: .. figure:: img/scalebar_display.png :align: center Scale Bar Display group You can define how the scale bar will be displayed in its frame. * :guilabel:`Box margin` : space between text and frame borders * :guilabel:`Label margin` : space between text and scale bar drawing * :guilabel:`Vertical label placement`: it can be above or below the scale bar segment * :guilabel:`Horizontal label placement`: which would be centered at the scale bar segment's edge or center * :guilabel:`Line width` : line width of the scale bar drawing * :guilabel:`Join style` : Corners at the end of scale bar in Bevel, Miter or Round style (only available for Scale bar style Single Box & Double Box) * :guilabel:`Cap style` : End of all lines in style Square, Round or Flat (only available for Scale bar style Line Ticks Up, Down and Middle) * :guilabel:`Alignment` : Puts text on the left, center or right side of the frame (works only for Scale bar style Numeric) Fonts and colors ----------------- The :guilabel:`Fonts and colors` group of the scale bar :guilabel:`Item Properties` panel provides the following functionalities (see figure_layout_scalebar_fonts_): .. _figure_layout_scalebar_fonts: .. figure:: img/scalebar_fonts.png :align: center Scale Bar Fonts and colors groups You can define the :ref:`fonts ` and :ref:`colors ` used for the scale bar. These properties are data-definable. * Use the :guilabel:`Font` button to set the :ref:`properties ` (size, font, color, letter spacing, shadow, background...) of the scale bar label. Example: The following code applied to the bold property of the scale labels will display texts in bold when they are a multiple of 500: :: -- returns True (or 1) if the value displayed on the bar -- is a multiple of 500 @scale_value % 500 = 0 * :guilabel:`Fill color`: set the first fill color * :guilabel:`Secondary fill color`: set the second fill color * :guilabel:`Line color`: set the color of the lines of the Scale Bar Fill colors are only used for *Single Box* and *Double Box* styles. .. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE This will be automatically updated by the find_set_subst.py script. If you need to create a new substitution manually, please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the source folder. .. |scaleBar| image:: /static/common/mActionScaleBar.png :width: 1.5em