` `
Calculates an index of convergence/divergence regarding to overland flow. By its meaning it is similar to plan or horizontal curvature, but gives much smoother results. The calculation uses the aspects of surrounding cells, i.e. it looks to which degree surrounding cells point to the center cell. The result is given as percentages, negative values correspond to convergent, positive to divergent flow conditions. Minus 100 would be like a peak of a cone, plus 100 a pit, and 0 an even slope.
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Gradient Calculation
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Convergence Index
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:convergenceindex', elevation, method, neighbours, result)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Radius [Cells]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 10
Distance Weighting
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Inverse Distance Weighting Power
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Inverse Distance Offset
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Convergence Index
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:convergenceindexsearchradius', elevation, radius, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, slope, difference, convergence)
<put algorithm description here>
Plan Curvature
[raster]Profile Curvature
[raster]Threshold for plane
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.001
Curvature Classification
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:curvatureclassification', cplan, cprof, threshold, class)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Alpha Max (Degree)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 202.5
Diurnal Anisotropic Heating
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:diurnalanisotropicheating', dem, alpha_max, dah)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Vertical Distance
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 10
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
[raster]Gradient Difference
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:downslopedistancegradient', dem, distance, output, gradient, difference)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Wind Direction
<put parameter description here>
Wind Speed
<put parameter description here>
Constant Wind Direction [Degree]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 135
Old Version
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Search Distance [km]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 300
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.5
Use Pyramids with New Version
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Lee Factor
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.5
Luv Factor
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
Wind Direction Units
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Wind Speed Scale Factor
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
Effective Air Flow Heights
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:effectiveairflowheights', dem, dir, len, dir_const, oldver, maxdist, accel, pyramids, leefact, luvfact, dir_units, len_scale, afh)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Number of Classes
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 100.0
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Classification Constant
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Use Z-Range
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Z-Range Min
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
Z-Range Max
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1000.0
[table]processing.runalg('saga:hypsometry', elevation, count, sorting, method, bzrange, zrange_min, zrange_max, table)
<put algorithm description here>
Elevation [m]
[raster]Short Wave Radiation [kW/m2]
[raster]Leaf Area Index
[raster]Elevation at Reference Station [m]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
Temperature at Reference Station [Deg.Celsius]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
Temperature Gradient [Deg.Celsius/km]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 6.5
C Factor
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
Land Surface Temperature [Deg.Celsius]
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:landsurfacetemperature', dem, swr, lai, z_reference, t_reference, t_gradient, c_factor, lst)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Vertical Distance to Channel Network
<put parameter description here>
T Slope
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 15.0
T Curvature
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.01
T Vertical Distance to Channel Network
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 15.0
Mass Balance Index
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:massbalanceindex', dem, hrel, tslope, tcurve, threl, mbi)
<put algorithm description here>
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 2000.0
Protection Index
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:morphometricprotectionindex', dem, radius, protection)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Initial Threshold for Slope
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 16
Threshold for Elevation Percentile (Lowness)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.4
Threshold for Elevation Percentile (Upness)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.35
Shape Parameter for Slope
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 4.0
Shape Parameter for Elevation Percentile
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 3.0
Update Views
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Maximum Resolution (Percentage)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 100
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:multiresolutionindexofvalleybottomflatnessmrvbf', dem, t_slope, t_pctl_v, t_pctl_r, p_slope, p_pctl, update, classify, max_res, mrvbf, mrrtf)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Real Area Grid
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:realareacalculation', dem, area)
<put algorithm description here>
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.5
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 10.0
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 2.0
Slope Height
[raster]Valley Depth
[raster]Normalized Height
[raster]Standardized Height
[raster]Mid-Slope Positon
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:relativeheightsandslopepositions', dem, w, t, e, ho, hu, nh, sh, ms)
<put algorithm description here>
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 5
[raster]Plan Curvature
[raster]Profile Curvature
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:slopeaspectcurvature', elevation, method, slope, aspect, curv, hcurv, vcurv)
<put algorithm description here>
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 2.0
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:surfacespecificpoints', elevation, method, threshold, result)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Radius (Cells)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Distance Weighting
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Inverse Distance Weighting Power
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Inverse Distance Offset
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:terrainruggednessindextri', dem, radius, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, tri)
<put algorithm description here>
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Min Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0.0
Max Radius
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 100.0
Distance Weighting
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Inverse Distance Weighting Power
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Inverse Distance Offset
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 75.0
Topographic Position Index
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:topographicpositionindextpi', dem, standard, radius_min, radius_max, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, tpi)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Min Radius A
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Max Radius A
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 100
Min Radius B
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Max Radius B
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1000
Distance Weighting
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Inverse Distance Weighting Power
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Inverse Distance Offset
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 75.0
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:tpibasedlandformclassification', dem, radius_a_min, radius_a_max, radius_b_min, radius_b_max, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, landforms)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Radius (Cells)
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Distance Weighting
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Inverse Distance Weighting Power
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Inverse Distance Offset
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1
Vector Terrain Ruggedness (VRM)
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:vectorruggednessmeasurevrm', dem, radius, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, vrm)
<put algorithm description here>
[raster]Wind Direction
<put parameter description here>
Wind Speed
<put parameter description here>
Constant Wind Direction [Degree]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 135
Old Version
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Search Distance [km]
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 300.0
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.5
Use Pyramids
[boolean]<put parameter description here>
Default: True
Wind Direction Units
[selection]<put parameter description here>
Default: 0
Wind Speed Scale Factor
[number]<put parameter description here>
Default: 1.0
Wind Effect
[raster]Windward Effect
[raster]Leeward Effect
[raster]processing.runalg('saga:windeffect', dem, dir, len, dir_const, oldver, maxdist, accel, pyramids, dir_units, len_scale, effect, luv, lee)