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` `

Shapes points

Add coordinates to points


Adds the X and Y coordinates of feature in the attribute table of input layer.


Points [vector: point]
Input layer.

Изходни резултати

Output [vector]
Resulting layer with the updated attribute table.

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:addcoordinatestopoints', input, output)

See also

Add polygon attributes to points


Adds the specified field of the polygons layer to the attribute table of the points layer. The new attributes added for each point depend on the value of the background polygon layer.


Points [vector: point]
Points layer.
Polygons [vector: polygon]
Background polygons layer.
Attribute [tablefield: any]
Attribute of the polygons layer that will be added to the points layer.

Изходни резултати

Result [vector]
The resulting layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:addpolygonattributestopoints', input, polygons, field, output)

See also

Aggregate point observations


<put algorithm description here>


Reference Points [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
ID [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Observations [table]
<put parameter description here>
X [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Y [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Track [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Date [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Time [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Parameter [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Maximum Time Span (Seconds) [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 60.0

Maximum Distance [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0.002

Изходни резултати

Aggregated [table]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:aggregatepointobservations', reference, reference_id, observations, x, y, track, date, time, parameter, eps_time, eps_space, aggregated)

See also

Clip points with polygons


<put algorithm description here>


Points [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>
Polygons [vector: polygon]
<put parameter description here>
Add Attribute to Clipped Points [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Clipping Options [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] one layer for all points
  • 1 — [1] separate layer for each polygon

Default: 0

Изходни резултати

Clipped Points [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:clippointswithpolygons', points, polygons, field, method, clips)

See also

Convert lines to points


Converts lines layer into a points.


Lines [vector: line]
Lines layer to convert.
Insert Additional Points [boolean]

Determines whether to add additional nodes or not.

Default: True

Insert Distance [number]

Distance between the additional points.

Default: 1.0

Изходни резултати

Points [vector]
The resulting layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:convertlinestopoints', lines, add, dist, points)

See also

Convert multipoints to points


<put algorithm description here>


Multipoints [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>

Изходни резултати

Points [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:convertmultipointstopoints', multipoints, points)

See also

Изпъкнало оконтуряване


<put algorithm description here>


Points [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>
Hull Construction [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] one hull for all shapes
  • 1 — [1] one hull per shape
  • 2 — [2] one hull per shape part

Default: 0

Изходни резултати

Convex Hull [vector]
<put output description here>
Minimum Bounding Box [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:convexhull', shapes, polypoints, hulls, boxes)

See also

Distance matrix


Generates a distance matrix between each point of the input layer. A unique ID will be created in the first row of the resulting matrix (symmetric matrix), while every other cell reflects the distance between the points.


Points [vector: point]
Input layer.

Изходни резултати

Distance Matrix Table [table]
The resulting table.

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:distancematrix', points, table)

See also

Fit n points to shape


<put algorithm description here>


Shapes [vector: polygon]
<put parameter description here>
Number of points [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 10

Изходни резултати

Points [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:fitnpointstoshape', shapes, numpoints, points)

See also

Points filter


<put algorithm description here>


Points [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>
Attribute [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Radius [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 1

Minimum Number of Points [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0

Maximum Number of Points [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0

Quadrants [boolean]

<put parameter description here>

Default: True

Filter Criterion [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] keep maxima (with tolerance)
  • 1 — [1] keep minima (with tolerance)
  • 2 — [2] remove maxima (with tolerance)
  • 3 — [3] remove minima (with tolerance)
  • 4 — [4] remove below percentile
  • 5 — [5] remove above percentile

Default: 0

Tolerance [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0.0

Percentile [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 50

Изходни резултати

Filtered Points [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:pointsfilter', points, field, radius, minnum, maxnum, quadrants, method, tolerance, percent, filter)

See also

Points thinning


<put algorithm description here>


Points [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>
Attribute [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Resolution [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 1.0

Изходни резултати

Thinned Points [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:pointsthinning', points, field, resolution, thinned)

See also

Remove duplicate points


<put algorithm description here>


Points [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Attribute [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Point to Keep [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] first point
  • 1 — [1] last point
  • 2 — [2] point with minimum attribute value
  • 3 — [3] point with maximum attribute value

Default: 0

Numeric Attribute Values [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] take value from the point to be kept
  • 1 — [1] minimum value of all duplicates
  • 2 — [2] maximum value of all duplicates
  • 3 — [3] mean value of all duplicates

Default: 0

Изходни резултати

Result [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:removeduplicatepoints', points, field, method, numeric, result)

See also

Separate points by direction


<put algorithm description here>


Points [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>
Number of Directions [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 4

Tolerance (Degree) [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 5

Изходни резултати

Output [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:separatepointsbydirection', points, directions, tolerance, output)

See also