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Vector analysis

Count points in polygon


Counts the number of points present in each feature of a polygon layer.


Polygons [vector: polygon]
Polygons layer.
Points [vector: point]
Points layer.
Count field name [string]

The name of the attribute table column containing the points number.


Изходни резултати

Result [vector]
Resulting layer with the attribute table containing the new column of the points count.

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:countpointsinpolygon', polygons, points, field, output)

See also

Count points in polygon (weighted)


Counts the number of points in each feature of a polygon layer and calculates the mean of the selected field for each feature of the polygon layer. These values will be added to the attribute table of the resulting polygon layer.


Polygons [vector: polygon]
Polygons layer.
Points [vector: point]
Points layer.
Weight field [tablefield: any]
Weight field of the points attribute table.
Count field name [string]

Name of the column for the new weighted field.


Изходни резултати

Result [vector]
The resulting polygons layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:countpointsinpolygonweighted', polygons, points, weight, field, output)

See also

Count unique points in polygon


Counts the number of unique values of a points in a polygons layer. Creates a new polygons layer with an extra column in the attribute table containing the count of unique values for each feature.


Polygons [vector: polygon]
Polygons layer.
Points [vector: point]
Points layer.
Class field [tablefield: any]
Points layer column name of the unique value chosen.
Count field name [string]

Column name containing the count of unique values in the resulting polygons layer.


Изходни резултати

Result [vector]
The resulting polygons layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:countuniquepointsinpolygon', polygons, points, classfield, field, output)

See also

Distance matrix


<put algorithm description here>


Input point layer [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>
Input unique ID field [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Target point layer [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>
Target unique ID field [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Output matrix type [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — Linear (N*k x 3) distance matrix
  • 1 — Standard (N x T) distance matrix
  • 2 — Summary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max)

Default: 0

Use only the nearest (k) target points [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 0

Изходни резултати

Distance matrix [table]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:distancematrix', input_layer, input_field, target_layer, target_field, matrix_type, nearest_points, distance_matrix)

See also

Distance to nearest hub


<put algorithm description here>


Source points layer [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Destination hubs layer [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Hub layer name attribute [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Output shape type [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — Point
  • 1 — Line to hub

Default: 0

Measurement unit [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — Meters
  • 1 — Feet
  • 2 — Miles
  • 3 — Kilometers
  • 4 — Layer units

Default: 0

Изходни резултати

Output [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:distancetonearesthub', points, hubs, field, geometry, unit, output)

See also

Generate points (pixel centroids) along line


<put algorithm description here>


Raster layer [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Vector layer [vector: line]
<put parameter description here>

Изходни резултати

Output layer [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:generatepointspixelcentroidsalongline', input_raster, input_vector, output_layer)

See also

Generate points (pixel centroids) inside polygons


<put algorithm description here>


Raster layer [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Vector layer [vector: polygon]
<put parameter description here>

Изходни резултати

Output layer [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:generatepointspixelcentroidsinsidepolygons', input_raster, input_vector, output_layer)

See also

Hub lines


Creates hub and spoke diagrams with lines drawn from points on the Spoke Point layer to matching points in the Hub Point layer. Determination of which hub goes with each point is based on a match between the Hub ID field on the hub points and the Spoke ID field on the spoke points.


Hub point layer [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Hub ID field [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>
Spoke point layer [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Spoke ID field [tablefield: any]
<put parameter description here>

Изходни резултати

Output [vector]
The resulting layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:hublines', hubs, hub_field, spokes, spoke_field, output)

See also

Mean coordinate(s)


Calculates the mean of the coordinates of a layer starting from a field of the attribute table.


Input layer [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Weight field [tablefield: numeric]


Field to use if you want to perform a weighted mean.

Unique ID field [tablefield: numeric]


Unique field on which the calculation of the mean will be made.

Изходни резултати

Result [vector]
The resulting points layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:meancoordinates', points, weight, uid, output)

See also

Анализ - най-близко съседство


<put algorithm description here>


Points [vector: point]
<put parameter description here>

Изходни резултати

Result [html]
<put output description here>
Observed mean distance [number]
<put output description here>
Expected mean distance [number]
<put output description here>
Nearest neighbour index [number]
<put output description here>
Number of points [number]
<put output description here>
Z-Score [number]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:nearestneighbouranalysis', points, output)

See also

Сумиране на дължините на линиите


<put algorithm description here>


Lines [vector: line]
<put parameter description here>
Polygons [vector: polygon]
<put parameter description here>
Lines length field name [string]

<put parameter description here>

Default: LENGTH

Lines count field name [string]

<put parameter description here>

Default: COUNT

Изходни резултати

Result [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:sumlinelengths', lines, polygons, len_field, count_field, output)

See also